SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Interdisciplinary Principles of Infectious diseases - B83535 (elective subject)
Title: Interdisciplinary Principles of Infectious diseases
Guaranteed by: Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and Bulovka University Hospital (11-00850)
Faculty: First Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2022
Semester: summer
Points: 2
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/20, MC [HS]
Capacity: 5
Min. number of students: 1
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Explanation: MUDr. Dan Veselý;
Note: course for students of another faculty
course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: doc. MUDr. Hanuš Rozsypal, CSc.
Attributes: Lékařství
Klinický předmět
Pre-requisite : B83162
Annotation -
Due to foreign students being quite often interested in more profound knowledge in the field of infectious diseases which is regularly demanded in healthcare systems abroad, we aim to formalize otherwise frequently demanded individual training by introducig the course of „Interdsisciplinary Principles of Infectious Diseses“. The small number of participants is intended to enable highly individualised teaching.
Last update: Holanová Marcela (24.06.2022)
Aim of the course - Czech

získané vědomosti a dovednosti budou praktickým základem pro implementaci infekčních nemocí do interdisciplinární diferenciální diagnostiky a léčebné péče bez ohledu na konkrétní systém zdravotní péče, ve kterém bude student v budoucnu pracovně zařazen

Last update: Holanová Marcela (24.06.2022)
Teaching methods - Czech

praktická výuka využívající hospitalizované a ambulantní pacienty na našem pracovišti doplněná semináři pokrývajícími sylabus výuky

Last update: Holanová Marcela (24.06.2022)
Syllabus - Czech

Interdisciplinární přístup k infekčnímu pacientovi, infekční choroby v diferenciální diagnostice a konzultacích, HIV medicína.

Last update: Holanová Marcela (24.06.2022)
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