The main objective is knowledge of the basics of internal medicine, especially with respects to the dental practice.
Internal Clinic 3 is focused both on acute situations and differential diagnosis in internal medicine, especially with
respects to the dental practice.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (21.02.2022)
Last update: Kolářová Jana (21.02.2022)
Seminars on special topics of internal medicine Last update: Kohútová Vladislava, Ing. (17.02.2022)
Questions from internal medicine for 5th schoolyear stomatology (September 2023) 1. Cerebrovascular event (stroke) - clinical manifestation and basic treatment measures. 2. Emergencies - Bleeding (Epistaxis, Haemoptysis, Hematemesis, Enterorrhagia, Melena). 3. Emergencies in Cardiology - Syncope, Cardiac Arrest, Sudden Cardiac Death. 4. Shock. 5. Mucosal manifestations of internal diseases. 6. Principal symptoms of heart diseases. 7. Polycythaemia Vera, Myelofibrosis, Leukopenia, Agranulocytosis - Relevance for dental practice. 8. Acute Myocardial Infarction. 9. Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet therapy and its significance in Dentistry. 10. Acute cor pulmonale. Pulmonary embolism. 11. Arrhythmias - Classification, significance. Syncope. 12. Cardioversion, defibrillation, cardiac stimulation. 13. Gastroduodenal ulcer disease. 14. Left and right heart failure. 15. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 16. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer. 17. Acute dyspnea (pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema, pneumothorax, respiratory arrest). 18. Gallbladder and biliary tract diseases. 19. Acute and chronic leukaemia and their significance for dental patients. 20. Viral hepatitis and their significance for dental patients. 21. Obesity. 22. Nausea and vomiting. 23. Headache (causes, diagnostic procedures). 24. Jaundice. 25. Emergencies - allergy (anaphylactic shock). 26. Emergencies - Asthma, status asthmaticus, foreign body aspiration. 27. Chest pain (differential diagnosis).
Last update: Švestka Tomislav, MUDr., CSc. (04.09.2023)