Pathophysiology is a bridge between theoretical medical subjects and clinical studies. Pathophysiology studies
changes in the human body as influenced by various diseases. It collects data regarding the causes of various
diseases and data regarding the functional changes occurring in various organs systems, organs, tissues and
Last update: Špácová Marika, DiS. (13.01.2025)
The course of the pathological physiology consists from lectures and seminars. Students are motivated to actively participate in the teaching during seminars and some home work with the aim to prepare them for continuous studies of pathophysiology during their clinical studies and as a part of the continuous medical education. The two semester course deals with pathophysiology of different organ systems of the body, roughly corresponding to clinical specialization, particularly in the internal medicine. General mechanism causing and underlying diseases are included into the teaching curriculum. Last update: Špácová Marika, DiS. (13.01.2025)
The required extent of knowledge for the final exam is determined by the textbook, the content of lectures and seminars, and the list of exam questions. For further informations you may contact: radmila.korhonova@lf1.cuni.cz Last update: Feberová Jitka, MUDr., Ph.D. (19.09.2021)
Lectures - winter semester
Pathophysiology. Historical perspective. Definition of health and disease. Understanding of disease etiology and pathogenesis at organ, cellular and molecular level. Stress reactions and inflammation Pathophysiology of development, growth, and aging Pathogenetic mechanisms in development of genetic disorders. (Functionsal consequences of pathologic gene variants) Disorders of immunity Pathophysiology of tumorgenesis Pathophysiology of blood disorders. Hematopoietic stem cell. Bone marrow failure. Clonal hematopoiesis - development of pathologic clone Myeloproliferative diseases: CML, AML, MDS Immunohematology. Pathophysiology of posttransfusion reactions. Bone marrow transplantation and pathophysiology of posttransplantation reactions. Anemia and polycythemia Lymphoproliferative disease: lymphomas, CLL, myeloma and amyloidoses Pathophysiology of hemostasis disorders. Hemorrhagic diathesis. Trombophilia. Tissue hypoxia. Pathophysiological basis of oxygenotherapy. Pathophysiology of cardiovascular system.Blood pressure. Arterial hypertension. Heart insufficiency and heart failure. Congenital heart disease. Valvular diseases. Heart insufficiency and heart failure. Coronary heart disease. Myocardial infarction. Etiology and pathogenesis of arrhythmia Pathophysiology in clinical cardiology Pathophysiology of respiratory system. Respiratory insuficiency. Disorders of ventilation perfusion matching Pathogenesis of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Disturbances of ventilation mechanics - obstruction and restriction lung disease. Lung fibrosis. Pathophysiology of renal disorders. Disturbances of glomerulal and tubular functions Pathophysiology of acute renal failure Pathophysiology of chronic renal insufficiency and failure. Chronic kidney disease. Disorders of the acid-base chemistry, influence of respiration, lungs and altered metabolism Pathophysiology in the clinical nephrology Disturbances of water and mineral balance. Edemas. Seminars - winter semester:Introduction, General pathophysiology Interactive seminars - general pathophysiology Diagnostic approaches in hematology - pathophysiological aspects I. Diagnostic approaches in hematology - pathophysiological aspects II. Examination of blood clotting - pathophysiological aspects Diagnostic approaches in cardiology I - haemodynamics Diagnostic approaches in cardiology II - myocardial ischemia / arrhythmias TEST - General pathophysiology, Hematology Interactive seminars - ECG analysis / Cardiology case report Diagnostic approaches in respiratory disease Mineral Metabolism Acid-base balance Diagnostic approaches in renal disease - pathophysiological aspects TEST - Cardiology, Respiration, Interactive seminars - kidney, respiration, internal environment
Special seminars - winter semester: Block seminars I: Iron, sideropenic anemia, iron overload Patophysiology of shock Patophysiology of acute hemostatic disturbances (DIC, DVT, PE) Block seminars II:Cardiological Case Reports Pathophysiology of intoxication (poisoning) Pathogenesis of diseases with bronchial obstruction Pathophysiology of respiration and hemodynamics using simulation models Lectures - summer semester: Pathophysiology of the gastrointestinal system. Pathophysiology of oral cavity and oesophagus. Dysphagias. Gastroesophageal reflux Gastric pathophysiology. Peptic ulcer disease. Gastritis. Liver and bile duct disease. Disorders of exocrine pancreas. Disorders of small and large intestines, malabsorption syndromes. Disorders of exocrine pancreas. Obesity Pathophysiology of the endocrine system. Disturbances of endocrine regulations. Disorders of hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands Disorders of endocrine pancreas. Diabetes mellitus. Disorders of thyroid gland and parathyroid bodies Disorders of reproduction Pathophysiology of the neurolgical and musuloskeletal disorders. Patophysiology of Consciousness Stroke Common Syndromes in Neurosciences Neurological case reports Pathophysiology of musculoskeletal system, bone and muscle disease Seminars - summer semester: Assessment of GIT function - esophageal, stomach, and intestinal diseses
Assessment of GIT functions - pancreas and liver diseases Interactive seminar - GIT Student presentation I - molecular mechanisms of diseases Test - GIT, Internal environment, Kidney Special seminars (block IV. - K,L,M) see topic Special seminars (block IV. - K,L,M) see topic Special seminars (block IV. - K,L,M) see topic Student presentation II - molecular mechanisms of diseases Assessment of endocrine diseases Acute complications of DM - Case reports Student presentation III - molecular mechanisms of diseases / Case reports Assessment of neurological disease Test - Endocrinology, neurology; Credit
Special seminars - summer semester: Block seminars III: Interactive seminar: Spirometry (practical approach and case reports) Neurology I: pathophysiology of pain / epilepsy Animal models of diseases Block seminars IV:Interactive seminar (SIM) - acute medicine - Fyziologický ústav 1. LF, Albertov 5, Praha 2 Neurology II: Pathophysiology of senses / diagnostics Failure of immune tolerance - pathophysiology and case report Block seminars V: Case Reports Interactive seminars (ICU) - Interactive pathophysiology (computer simulation) Systhemic imflammatory response syndrome and multiorgan dysfunction syndrome Biochemistry and pathophysiology of bone and osteporosis
Last update: Špácová Marika, DiS. (13.01.2025)