Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy - B83160 (General Medicine - English parallel)
Title: Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Guaranteed by: Institute for Medical Humanities First Faculty of Medicine Charles University (11-00240)
Faculty: First Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
Points: 5
E-Credits: 5
Examination process: winter s.:
summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/2, C [HT]
summer s.:2/3, MC [HT]
Extent per academic year: 120 [hours]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: Mgr. Vladimír Vavrda, Ph.D.
Comes under: Compulsory for GM 3.y._24/25
Attributes: Lékařství
Teoretický předmět
Interchangeability : B80471
Is pre-requisite for: B80629, B80760
Opinion survey results   Examination dates   WS schedule   Noticeboard   
The subject makes students familiar with the way human psyche functions and principles of doctor-patient communication. It pays attention to the doctor-patient relationship and various ways we can deal with it. Methods how to identify psychologically endangered individuals are introduced as well as principles of intervention. Psychosomatic problematics in discussed thoroughly.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (12.02.2020)
Literature - Czech


  • Beran, Jiří. Doctor-patient communication. Praha: Karolinum, 1999, 100 s. ISBN 80-7184-846-8.

Last update: Kolářová Jana (12.02.2020)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

For achieving the credit, the active presence in the seminar is needed and passing the examination (in writing or orally form).

 Questions for the examination:




1. a / Ontogenesis of the human psyche

    b / Placebo effect


2. a / Peculiarities and specifics of work with a child patient

    b / Psychogenic iatropatogenesis


3. a / Human motivation

    b / Burnout syndrome


4. a / Family and its importance

    b / Man endangered of suicide


5. a / Patient-doctor relationship and their mutual communication

    b / Mental crisis and its types


6. a / Psychological approach to the patient and important persons of his life

    b / Alexithymia


7. a / Physician's communication with the patient

    b / Psychohygiene


8. a / Principles of communicating bad information to patients and their families

    b / Salutogenesis and resistance


9. a / First meeting with a patient in outpatient practice

    b / Coping with difficult life situations (coping)


10. a / Psychosomatics

      b / Bio-eco-psycho-social paradigm of medicine


11. a / Pain and its alleviation by psychological means

      b / Psychological first aid and crisis intervention


12. a / Anxiety and fear and their influence on the course of the disease and experiencing of it

      b / Therapeutic contract


13. a / Response to loss

      b / Anger and aggression of the doctor and the patient


14. a / Psychological reaction to the fact of dying and death

      b / Cooperation of the patient with the doctor


15. a / Response to stress

      b / Serious and critical life events






1. a / Definition of the field of psychotherapy and its goals

    b / Conditioning in psychotherapy


2 a / Specifics of psychotherapy with children and adolescents

   b / Relaxation methods


3. a / Indications of psychotherapy

    b / Authenticity (authenticity, congruence)


4. a / Traumatic memory, dissociation and psychotherapy

    b / Exposure therapy


5. a / Main forms of psychotherapy

    b / Transfer and counter-transfer


6. a / Main means (methods) of psychotherapy

    b / Neuroendocrine response to traumatic stress


7. a / Psychotherapeutic relationship

    b / Empathy


8. a / Psychotherapeutic process

    b / Cognitive techniques


9. a / General and specific effective factors of psychotherapy

    b / Consolidation of memory, traumatic memory and its neurobiological manifestations


l0. a / Behavioral therapy

     b / Acceptance (unconditional acceptance)


11. a / Non-verbal psychotherapeutic procedures

      b / Systemic family therapy


12. a / Conducting a psychotherapeutic interview

      b / Spontaneous remission


13. a / Psychotherapeutic contract

      b / Effective factors of group psychotherapy


14. a / Rogers´ psychotherapy

      b / Suggestive psychotherapeutic methods


15. a / Psychoanalytic psychotherapy

      b / Interpretation in psychotherapy


Last update: Hanušová Ingrid, PhDr. Ing., Ph.D. (01.04.2022)
Lecture topics:

What is it medical psychology (biopsychosocial paradigm)

Individual as a system, consequences of therapy and therapeutic recommendations for patients life and patients compliance

Personality, subjective nature of experience

Psychological first aid

Doctor - patient - family relationship

Communication with the patient, how to deliver bad news

Psychological care for out-patients and their families

Psychological care for in-patients and their families

Psychosomatics and behavioral medicine, forms of psycho-somatic interactions

Disease-illness model, Calgary-Cambridge framework for medical interview

Illness and its development as a form of adaptation, manipulation with illness

Pain and how to deal with it using psychological means

Aggression, fear and anxiety and how to deal with them using psychological means

Psychology of death and dying

How to affect mind, behavior and health state using psychological means

Topics for seminars - winter:

Introduction to communication, nature of language

Phylogeny vs. ontogenesis, anchoring effect, conservatism, cognitive biases

Verbal communication, questioning

Empathy, authenticity, how to develop empathetic skills

Communication training - developing rapport

Communication training - getting information

Communication training - explanation, planning

Communication training - contract setting

Communication training - building relationship

Active listening training

Non-verbal communication

First contact with the patient

Communication with disabled patients

Topics for seminars - summer:

Observation, difference between observed and deduced

Observation training

Borders in doctor-patient relationship, patients transgressing borders

Dealing with psychologically difficult patients, aggressive a dangerous patient

Delivering serious news

Death and dying Risk of harming patient - iatropathogenesis

Psychological ways of dealing with pain

Burn-out syndrome, diagnostics, prevention

Suicide, identifying endangered people

Stress coping techniques

Evaluation of conducted supportive interview



Dealing with medical errors

Last update: Kolářová Jana (12.02.2020)
Education plan -
Schedule study visit
Week of the block Summary of the study visit Files Note Hodnocení
1The role of psychology in medicineLocation: Lectures: STOMP1 (Kateřinská 32, 2. patro, posluchárna) Kateřinská 32, Praha 2.
Time:lectures: winter semester, Mondays at 11am - 12:30am. First lecture 30th September 2024, summer semester Tuesdays at 9:00 – 10:30, First lecture 2530th September 2024th February 2025 Summer semester Tuesdays at 9:00 – 10:30. First lecture 25th February 2025
Seminars: - summer semester:
group 1,2, - Thursdays at 2:30pm to 4:00pm(first meeting 27th February 2025),
group 3,4,5 - Wednesdays at 2:45pm to 4:15pm (first meeting 26th February 2025),
group 6 - Tuesdays at 4:00pm to 5:30pm (first meeting 25th February 2025)
průměr: 3, hodnoceno: 2x
2Problems of helping professions 
3Developmental specifics of child as a patient 
4Role and importance of a family in the treatment of the patient 
5Principles of comunication with the patient I. 
6Principles of comunication with the patient II.  
7Psychological work with pain and anxiety 
8Psychological aspects of counselling 
9Basics of psychosomatics I.  
10Basics of psychosomatics II. 
11Introduction to psychopathology 
12Basics of psychodiagnostics 
13Psychic crisis and psychological first aid 
14Issue of suicidality 
15The nature, limits and potential of psychotherapy 
Schedule study visit
Week of the block Summary of the study visit Files Note Hodnocení
1The role of psychology in medicineLectures: U nemocnice 4, no.1.26 (DEKP2), winter semester, on Mondays at 11am - 12:30am. First lecture - 2nd October 2023.
Seminars: Faustus house, no. 15 (group 1,2) and no. 11 (group 3,4,5), Fridays 2:30-4:00pm, First seminar - 6th October 2023.
First lesson takes place at Institut of Anatomy, small lecture hall, all study groups together.
2Problems of helping professions 
3Developmental specifics of child as a patient 
4Role and importance of a family in the treatment of the patient 
5Principles of comunication with the patient I. 
6Principles of comunication with the patient II.  
7Psychological work with pain and anxiety 
8Psychological aspects of counselling 
9Basics of psychosomatics I.  
10Basics of psychosomatics II. 
11Introduction to psychopathology 
12Basics of psychodiagnostics 
13Psychic crisis and psychological first aid 
14Issue of suicidality 
15The nature, limits and potential of psychotherapy