The main objective is knowledge of the basics of internal medicine, especially with respects to the dental practice.
Internal Clinic 1 is focused on taking a history, carrying out a physical examination, and establishing a diagnostic
and treatment plan for internal patients.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (28.01.2020)
Last update: Kolářová Jana (30.01.2020)
Bedside practise Last update: Kolářová Jana (28.01.2020)
First contact with the patient - history and its structure - personal history - present illness - basic vital functions and their deviations - basics of communication with the patient.
History specific for different systems, organs (with special focus on the head and neck)
Examination of the head. (view, percussion), examination of the eyes, nose, lips and mouth, ears)
Examination of the neck. Examination of arteries, veins, lymph nodes, thyroid glands
Examination of chest by view (chest shape, breathing type, breast examination) - by the palpation (chest vibration, pleural friction) - by percussion (comparative percussion, percussion changes) - by auscultation (physiological breathing and pathological deviations, respiratory phenomena). Basic pulmonary syndromes (pneumonia, pulmonary infarction, atelectasis, fluidothorax, pneumothorax) Examination of the heart by view (changes in the configuration of the cardiac region, pulsation). Examination by palpation (heart apex).
Examination by percussion. Examination by auscultation (valve points, murmur). main symptoms of heart disease (pain, dyspnoea, palpitation,syncope, cyanosis, swelling). Principles of heart rate and blood pressure measurement.
Examination of the abdomen by view, palpation, percussion, auscultation. Examination of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, duodenum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen). Renal examination, examination per rectum.
Basics of electrocardiography Last update: Kolářová Jana (28.01.2020)