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Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Pathology - B83149 (Dentistry)
Title: Pathology
Guaranteed by: Institute of Pathology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague (11-00310)
Faculty: First Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
Points: 8
E-Credits: 8
Examination process: winter s.:
summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:4/4, C [HT]
summer s.:4/4, C+Ex [HT]
Extent per academic year: 240 [hours]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Explanation: prof. MUDr. Pavel Dundr, Ph.D.
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Pavel Dundr, Ph.D.
Comes under: Compulsory for Dentistry 3.y._24/25
Attributes: Teoretický předmět
Zubní lékařství
Pre-requisite : B81138, B83113
Interchangeability : B81163
Is pre-requisite for: B81169, B83384, B81185, B83382, B81189, B81191, B82403, B81188
Files Comments Added by
download 19_Mesenchymal tumours_2024.pdf Mesenchymal tumours prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc.

Dear colleagues,

Based on the current measures put in place by the Faculty, the organization of the winter semester teaching will be as follows: Pathology practical classes (microscope practices, seminars) will be taught IN PERSON. The lectures will begin in person as well, they will take place in the lecture hall of the Institute of pathology, on the 2nd floor.

If there any any changes to the organization of your classes you will all be informed immediately through MS Teams and also on the website of our Institute.

Last update: Kendall Bártů Michaela, MUDr., Ph.D. (01.03.2022)
Literature - Czech


  • Kumar, Vinay, Abbas, Abul, Aster, Jon. Robbins Basic Pathology. : Elsevier. 10th Edition, 2017, 952 s. ISBN 9780323353175.


  • Kumar, Vinay, Abbas, Abul K. Aster, Jon C. (eds.). Robbins and Cotran Pathologic basis of disease. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2015, 1391 s. ISBN 978-0-323-26616-1.
  • Kumar, Vinay, Abbas, Abul, Aster, Jon. Robbins Basic Pathology. : Elsevier, Ninth Edition, 2012, 928 s. ISBN 9781455753512.
  • Sapp, J. Philip, Eversole, Lewis, Wysocki, George. Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. United States: Mosby, 2003, 464 s. ISBN 9780323017237.
  • Soames, JV, Southam, JC. Oral Pathology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, s. ISBN 978-0-19-852794-7.

Last update: Kolářová Jana (28.01.2020)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

 The credit will be awarded to students after fulfilling the following conditions:

1. During the course of the semester, each student must take all of the Organ (Special) pathology tests available on Moodle. More information about the tests is available here. In order to obtain the credit it is necessary to succesfully pass test (the result itself does not matter, the point threshold is set automatically in the system). There is no time limit to how long you can take to fill out the test. The students can take these tests in any order they wish to and at any time, provided that they have taken all of the tests by the end of summer semester.

2. Meeting the attendance requirements. During the time when in presence teaching of the practical lessons is allowed, attendance of these classes continues to be mandatory. The students are allowed to have a total of 3 "excused" (i.e. justifiably substantiated by a reason they provide their teacher with) absences for the entire semester.

The traditional slide exam will not be held this semester and as such the slide exam is NOT one of the requirements for obtaining the credit.



1. General mechanisms of cell damage
2. Cell death
3. Adaptation mechanisms of tissues and organs – definitions, examples
4. Hyperplasia and hypertrophy
5. Atrophy
6. Metaplasia
7. Thrombosis
8. Embolism
9. Hyperemia and haemorrhage
10. Ischemia
11. Infarction
12. Disorders of liquid metabolism: edema and dehydration
13. Causes of circulatory failure
14. Cardiac manifestations of circulatory failure
15. Extra-cardiac (systemic) manifestations of circulatory failure
16. Shock
17. Pathogenesis of human diseases on the level of organelles (endoplasmic reticulum,
Golgi complex, lysosomal system, mitochondria, peroxisomes)
18. Intracellular accumulation of lipids – steatosis, lipidoses
19. Intracellular accumulation of proteins
20. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism (glycogenoses, diabetes mellitus)
21. Disorders of extracellular matrix composition
22. Pathologic calcification
23. Amyloidosis
24. Endogenous pigments
25. Exogenous pigments
26. Crystals and concretions
27. Definition of inflammation, causes of inflammation
28. Pathogenesis/phases of inflammation
29. Main microscopic signs of inflammation
30. Macroscopic signs of inflammation, systemic manifestation of inflammatory reaction
31. Types of exudative non-specific inflammation
32. Development of acute inflammation
33. Chronic inflammation
34. Superficial and interstitial inflammations and their healing
35. Specific (granulomatous) inflammation
36. Tuberculosis – types and manifestations
37. Primary tuberculosis
38. Post-primary tuberculosis
39. Sarcoidosis

40. Syphilis
41. Granulomatous-suppurative inflammation, leprosy and infectious scleroma
42. Regeneration and reparation
43. Healing of wounds
44. Healing of thrombi, hematomas, necroses and fractures
45. Mechanisms of tissue damage caused by immunological processes
46. Pathology of transplantation
47. Autoimmune diseases
48. Immunodeficiencies
49. Genetic causes of diseases
50. Nutritional causes of pathological states
51. Chemical causes of pathological states
52. Physical causes of pathological states
53. Transmission, entry and spread of infection in an organism
54. Mechanisms of damage to the organism caused by viral and bacterial infections
55. Developmental causes of diseases – malformations
56. Definitions and classification of tumors
57. Characteristics and clinical signs of benign, borderline and malignant tumors
58. Local growth attributes of tumors. Spread of malignant tumors.
59. Typing, grading and staging of tumors
60. Causes of tumor development
61. Molecular basis of tumor development
62. Congenital and acquired predispositions towards tumor development. Precanceroses
63. Pseudotumors
64. Epithelial tumors
65. Mesenchymal tumors
66. Tumors of hematopoietic and lymphatic tissues
67. Neuroectodermal tumors
68. Germ cell tumors
69. Mixed tumors



70. Systemic and pulmonary hypertension
71. Degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the arteries
72. Diseases of veins and lymphatic vessels
73. Congenital heart malformations
74. Diseases of heart valves
75. Ischemic heart disease
76. Diseases of myocardium and pericardium
77. Tumors of the heart and vessels

78. Anemias, bone marrow supression
79. Myeloproliferative neoplasias and myelodysplastic syndromes
80. Acute and chronic leukemias
81. Bleeding disorders
82. Lymphadenopathies
83. General characteristics of lymphoid cell tumors
84. Non-Hodgkin lymphomas
85. Hodgkin lymphomas, plasmocytic tumors
86. Non-neoplastic diseases and tumors of the spleen

87. Non-neoplastic diseases and tumors of the nose, paranasal sinuses, and pharynx
88. Inflammations and tumors of the larynx, trachea, and middle ear
89. Changes of the airiness of lung parenchyma (atelectasis, collapse, emphysema)
90. Disorders of pulmonary circulation, pulmonary embolism
91. Pulmonary edema and diffuse alveolar damage
92. Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, chronic bronchitis
93. Chronic interstitial (restrictive) pulmonary disorders, pneumoconioses
94. Granulomatous inflammations of the lungs
95. Infectious inflammations of the lungs (bacterial, viral, fungal)
96. Tumors of the bronchi and lungs
97. Pathological content of pleural cavity, inflammations and tumors of pleura
98. Pathology of the mediastinum

99. Non-neoplastic diseases of the esophagus

100. Tumors of the esophagus
101. Gastritides and gastropathy
102. Gastroduodenal ulcer disease
103. Tumors of the stomach
104. Vascular disorders, changes in the position and lumen of the intestine, ileus
105. Infectious inflammations of the intestine
106. Non-infectious inflammations of the intestine, malabsorption syndrome
107. Appendicitis
108. Intestinal polyps and polyposes, tumors of the intestine
109. Pathological content of peritoneal cavity, inflammations and tumors of the peritoneum

110. Icterus, cholestasis, and liver failure
111. Main mechanisms of liver damage (accumulation of substances, necrosis, apoptosis, icterus...)
112. Liver cirrhosis, circulatory liver disorders
113. Hepatitides
114. Tumors and pseudotumors of the liver
115. Non-neoplastic disorders and tumors of the gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary tree
116. Non-neoplastic disorders and tumors of the pancreas

117. Glomerulopathies
118. Vascular disorders of the kidneys, diabethic nephropathy
119. Diseases of renal tubules and interstitium
120. Malformations of the urogenital system
121. Tumors of the kidneys
122. Non-neoplastic diseases and tumors of the lower urinary tract
123. Non-neoplastic diseases and tumors of the penis
124. Non-neoplastic diseases and tumors of the testicles
125. Non-neoplastic diseases and tumors of the prostate

126. Non-neoplastic diseases and tumors of the vulva and vagina
127. Non-neoplastic diseases and tumors of the uterine cervix
128. Non-neoplastic diseases of the uterine body
129. Precanceroses and tumors of the uterine body
130. Diseases of the fallopian tubes, extrauterine pregnancy
131. Cysts and tumors of the ovary
132. Diseases of the placenta, umbilical cord, and fetal membranes (abnormalities of the placenta
and umbilical cord, inflammations)
133. Pathology of the pregnancy ((pre)eclampsia, acute complications of the pregnancy and labour
affecting the mother)

134. Non-neoplastic diseases of the breast
135. Tumors of the breast

136. Traumatic injuries to the CNS, brain edema, intracranial hypertension
137. Cerebrovascular disorders (vascular malformations, ischemia, hemorrhage)
138. Neuroinfections, prionoses
139. Demyelinating and neurodegenerative disorders
140. Tumors of the CNS
141. Peripheral neuropathy, disorders of the neuromuscular junction, myopathies

142. Malformations of bones
143. Osteoporosis, bone fractures and their healing, osteonecrosis
144. Metabolic diseases of the bones, renal osteodystrophy
145. Inflammations of the bones
146. Pseudotumors, cysts and tumors of the bones
147. Non-neoplastic diseases and tumors of the joints

148. Non-neoplastic diseases and tumors of the pituitary gland, pituitary syndromes
149. Disorders of the function an tumors of the adrenal glands
150. Non-neoplastic diseases and tumors of the thyroid gland, thyroid syndromes
151. Diseases of the parathyroid glands

152. Diabetes mellitus

153. Non-infectious dermatitides
154. Infectious dermatitides and inflammatory diseases of the dermis and hypodermis
155. Tumors and pseudotumors of the epidermis
156. Melanocytic lesions

157. Immaturity and prenatal pathology of the newborn
158. Perinatal disorders of the newborn and disorders of postnatal adaptation

159. Infections caused by herpetic viruses, viral exanthemas
160. Infections caused by gram-positive bacteria
161. Infections caused by gram-negative bacteria

162. Mycoses
163. Protozoal infections (toxoplasmosis, malaria, amoebic diseases, giardiasis, trichomoniasis,
leischmaniosis, trypanozomiasis) and helmintoses (nematodoses, infections caused by trematodes
and taenias)

1. Necrosis, atrophy, metabolic changes, and pigmentations of the oral cavity
2. Acute inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (review, classification)
3. Infectious vesiculous orofacial inflammatory diseases
4. Recurrent aphtous stomatitis
5. Purulent inflammatory orofacial diseases
6. Orofacial findings in acute systemic infections
7. Chronic inflammatory diseases of oral cavity
8. Orofacial syphilis
9. Orofacial tuberculosis
10. Orofacial granulomas without specific infectious etiology (foreign body granuloma,
granulomatous cheilitis, granulomatosis with polyangiitis, Crohn’s disease)
11. Chronic lesions with granuloma-like macroscopy (periapical granuloma, pyogenic
granuloma, granuloma fissuratum, eosinophilic granuloma)
12. Orofacial candidiasis
13. Non-infectious (immune-mediated) orofacial inflammatory diseases
14. Gingivitides
15. Pathological changes of the tongue
16. Fibrous hyperplasias and fibromatoses of the oral cavity
17. Epulides
18. Oral soft tissue tumors and pseudotumors
19. Orofacial epithelial pseudotumors and benign tumors
20. Orofacial precanceroses and malignant epithelial tumors
21. Tumors and pseudotumors of jaws
22. Developmental disorders of teeth
23. Abrasion, erosion, resorption of tooth tissues
24. Dental caries
25. Pulpitis and periapical periodontitis
26. Chronic periodontal diseases
27. Odontogenic cysts
28. Non-odontogenic cysts of the oral cavity
29. Epithelial odontogenic tumors
30. Mesenchymal and mixed odontogenic tumors
31. Non-neoplastic diseases of salivary glands
32. Tumors of salivary glands
33. Cysts of the neck


Last update: Kendall Bártů Michaela, MUDr., Ph.D. (01.03.2022)
Winter Semester:

1. Introduction; Role and methods in pathology; Health, illness, causes of diseases, classification of diseases;

Cell damage; Necrosis, apoptosis; Fate of the damaged tissue.

2. Pathology of organelles; Secretion process and its disorders; Amyloidosis.

3. Steatosis, basic principles of cellular and organ pathology - mitochondrial and peroxisomal disorders; Cellular and organ pathology of disorders of glycogen degradation, calcification.

4. Autogenous pigments; Haematogenous pigments; Icterus.

5. Exogenous pigments; Manifestations of circulatory insufficienc.

6. Local circulatory disorders; Inflammation I.

7. Inflammation II; Inflammation III

8. Inflammation IV; Infectious diseases I.

9. Infectious diseases II; General onkology

10. Infectious block

11. Biology of growth of tumours; Praecanceroses; Fundamentals od molecular pathology of tumor disease; Use of molecular biologicalmethods in molecular pathology.

12. Mesenchymal tumours; Epithelial tumours.

13. Lymphomas and leukamias.

14. Neuroectodermal tumours; Cardiovascular malformations; Pathology of the endocardium.

15. Pathology of the myocardium; Pathology of vessels.

Summer Semester:

Pathology of the respiratory system I, II

Haematopathology I, II, III

Orofacial pathology

Pathology of the digestive system I, II

Pathology of the liver

Pathology of the biliary tract and pankrea

Pathology of the urinary system I, II

Pathology of the female genital system I, II

Pathology of the male genital system

Pathology of the pregnancy and newborn

Pathology of the CNS I, II, III

Pathology of the locomotory system I, II, III

Pathology of endocrine glands I, II, III

Pathology of the skin I, II; Diagnostic cytopathology.

Significance of the biopsy diagnostics.

Case reports.

Diseases of the hard dental tissue

Diseases of dental pulp

Parodontal diseases

Cyst of jaws and facial cysts

Inflammatory granulomas and epulides

Infectious diseases in the oral cavity

Autoimmune oral disease

Case reports, repeating

Lymphadenopathies and neoplasms

Breast pathology of the head and neck lymphnoes

Pathology of the tongue

Precanceroses and carcinomas of the oral cavity

Salivary gland diseases

Odontogenic neoplasms

Other tumoriform and neoplastic diseases


Last update: Kolářová Jana (27.01.2020)
Education plan -
Schedule by date
Day Date Description Teacher Files Note Hodnocení
Monday30.09.2024Introduction. Role and methods in pathology. Health, illness, causes of diseases, classification of diseases. prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Thursday03.10.2024Cell damage. Necrosis, apoptosis. Fate of the damaged tissue MUDr. Jan Stříteský, CSc. 
Monday07.10.2024Pathology of organelles. Secretion process and its disorders. Lysosomes, peroxisomes, Mitochondria. prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Thursday10.10.2024Amyloidosis prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Monday14.10.2024Steatosis. Glycogen disorders. Calcification. prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Thursday17.10.2024Autogenous pigments prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Monday21.10.2024Haematogenous pigments. Icterus prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Thursday24.10.2024Exogenous pigments prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Thursday31.10.2024Manifestations of circulatory insufficiency prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Monday04.11.2024Local circulatory disorders prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Thursday07.11.2024Inflammation I. Definition of inflammation, causes of inflammation. Pathomorphology of the acute phase of inflammation. Inflammatory exudate. Functions of individual cells, the role of mediators. Phagocytosis and its disorders. Healing of acute inflammation, resolution, organization, regeneration, wound healing, reparative processes. prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Monday11.11.2024Inflammation II. Systematics of exudative inflammation of the skin, serous membranes, mucous membranes and interstitial inflammation. prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Thursday14.11.2024Inflammation III. Chronic inflammation. Granulomatous inflammatory processes. Fibroplastic processes. Immune disorders and inflammation. prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Monday18.11.2024Infectious diseases I prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Thursday21.11.2024Infectious diseases II prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Monday25.11.2024General oncology I prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Thursday28.11.2024General oncology II prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Monday02.12.2024Fundamentals od molecular pathology of tumor disease. Use of molecular biological methods in molecular pathology.  
Thursday05.12.2024Mesenchymal tumours prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Monday09.12.20249.12.- 13.12. 2024 Integrated course ( microbiology, pathology, infectious diseases). During this week no other pathology teaching takes place.  
Monday16.12.2024Lymphomas and leukemias MUDr. Jan Stříteský, CSc. 
Thursday19.12.2024Epithelial tumours prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Monday06.01.2025Neuroectodermal tumours prof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Thursday09.01.2025Pathology of vessels doc. MUDr. Eva Honsová, Ph.D. 
Monday13.01.2025Cardiovascular malformations. Pathology of the endocardium doc. MUDr. Kristýna Němejcová, Ph.D. 
Thursday16.01.2025Pathology of the myocardium doc. MUDr. Kristýna Němejcová, Ph.D. 
Monday20.01.2025Pathology of the respiratory system I prof. MUDr. Ctibor Povýšil, DrSc. 
Thursday23.01.2025Pathology of the respiratory system II prof. MUDr. Ctibor Povýšil, DrSc. 
Schedule by date
Day Date Description Teacher Files Note Hodnocení
Tuesday25.02.2025Haematopathology IMUDr. Jan Stříteský, CSc. 
Thursday27.02.2025Haematopathology IIMUDr. Jan Stříteský, CSc. 
Tuesday04.03.2025Haematopathology IIIMUDr. Jan Stříteský, CSc. 
Thursday06.03.2025Orofacial pathologyMUDr. Jan Stříteský, CSc. 
Tuesday11.03.2025Pathology of the digestive system IMUDr. Jan Stříteský, CSc. 
Thursday13.03.2025Pathology of the digestive system IIMUDr. Helena Skálová, Ph.D. 
Tuesday18.03.2025Pathology of the liverMUDr. Jan Stříteský, CSc. 
Thursday20.03.2025Pathology of the biliary tract and pancreasMUDr. Jan Stříteský, CSc. 
Tuesday25.03.2025Breast pathology. Gynecologic pathology MUDr. Pavel Dundr, Ph.D. 
Thursday27.03.2025Gynecologic pathology MUDr. Pavel Dundr, Ph.D. 
Tuesday01.04.2025Gynecologic pathology MUDr. Pavel Dundr, Ph.D. 
Thursday03.04.2025Pathology of the urinary system Idoc. MUDr. Eva Honsová, Ph.D. 
Tuesday08.04.2025Pathology of the urinary system IIprof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Thursday10.04.2025Pathology of the male genital systemprof. MUDr. Ctibor Povýšil, DrSc. 
Tuesday15.04.2025Pathology of the pregnancydoc. MUDr. Kristýna Němejcová, Ph.D. 
Thursday17.04.2025Dean's Day 
Tuesday22.04.2025Pathology of the CNS Iprof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Thursday24.04.2025Pathology of the newbornMUDr. Helena Skálová, Ph.D. 
Tuesday29.04.2025Pathology of the CNS IIprof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Thursday01.05.2025Public Holiday 
Tuesday06.05.2025Pathology of the CNS IIIprof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Thursday08.05.2025Public Holiday 
Tuesday13.05.2025Rector's Day 
Thursday15.05.2025Pathology of the locomotory system Iprof. MUDr. Ctibor Povýšil, DrSc. 
Tuesday20.05.2025Pathology of the locomotory system IIprof. MUDr. Ctibor Povýšil, DrSc. 
Thursday22.05.2025Pathology of endocrine glands Iprof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Tuesday27.05.2025Pathology of endocrine glands IIprof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Thursday29.05.2025Pathology of endocrine glands IIIprof. MUDr. Jaroslava Dušková, CSc. 
Tuesday03.06.2025Pathology of the skin Iprof. MUDr. Ctibor Povýšil, DrSc. 
Thursday05.06.2025Pathology of the skin IIprof. MUDr. Ctibor Povýšil, DrSc. 
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