Structure of the immune system, its regulation and cooperation between separate components in physiologic and
pathologic situations. Antigen presentation.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (10.02.2020)
Struktura a základními mechanismy imunitního systému, s regulacemi a kooperací jednotlivých složek obranných
mechanismů za fyziologických podmínek i patologických stavů.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (10.03.2021)
Aim of the course
Gives basic information about the function of the immune system.
Last update: Kohútová Vladislava, Ing. (07.01.2019)
Literature -
Kuby Immunology (7th, Seventh Edition) - By Owen, Punt, & Stranford Textbook Binding - January 1, 2013
Playfair, Chain: Immunology at a Glance. Blackwell Publ., 2005
Nairn, Roderick, Helbert, Matthew: Immunology for Medical Students. ELSEVIER HEALTH SCIENCES, 2007.
Stites, D.P. Basic and clinical immunology
Paul, W.E. Fundamental immunology
Janeway, Ch.A. Immunobiology
Abbas AK: Basic Immunology: The Function of the Immune System, Saunders, 2001
Last update: Kohútová Vladislava, Ing. (07.01.2019)
Teaching methods
Lectures will be held in person according to the schedule
Communication with teachers via MS TEAMS (questions, possibility of consultations, information on the organization of teaching, informing about possible changes in the form of teaching)
PowerPoint presentation of lectures in SIS
Last update: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (12.02.2024)
Requirements to the exam
Credit awarded on the basis of a written test (Three attempts: the first two attempts will be in the form of a test, the third in the form of an oral exam).
Exam dates will be listed in the middle of the semester. Please check the SIS for updates.
More information: Michaela Nováková,
Exam dates:
Dates will be listed in the SIS during April. Data counts (dates and locations) are finite. When enrolling, carefully read the information about the test time, look at the detail of the date!
All dates of the examination period and pre-terms (from 2.6.2025 to 4.7.2025) will be open for student enrollment in May 2025, later dates will be open from July 2025.
Special dates:
September - oral exam = only 3rd attempt
Classification scale:
67% and less - insufficiently
68% - 77% - good
78% - 84% - very good
85% and more - excellent
Last update: Nováková Michaela, Mgr. (23.01.2025)
Syllabus -
Immunologic terminology.
The structure of immune system: cells, tissue, organs. Innate and specific immunity.