The lectures in the winter semester include physiology of the cell, general neurophysiology including physiology of
muscles, blood, circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems. In the summer semester, regulation in which
kidneys, the endocrine system and central nervous system take part are dealt with.
Practical labs is aimed at verification of theoretical knowledge and at training certain skills through investigation of
some functions of the human organism and their regulatory mechanisms as well as through experiments on
animals. Computer models and patient simulators complement the labs.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (10.02.2020)
The requirements to receive the credit from the winter semester: Obligatory collection of 16 or more (max. 19) points received during the semester by: 1. Active attendance in the labs – attending each lab with appropriate knowledge covering the particular lab topic; active completion of practical tasks; the protocol including the results and interpretation. 2. Successful passing of the revision tests from 8 lab topics = max. 8 points (obtained during three revision weeks). Points can only be obtained by attending “in-person” labs and “in-person ”revision tests.
The requirements to receive the credit from the summer semester: Obligatory collection of 17 or more (max. 20) points received during the semester by: 1. Active attendance in the labs – attending each lab with appropriate knowledge covering the particular lab topic; active completion of practical tasks; the protocol including the results and interpretation. 2. Successful passing of the revision tests from 9 lab topics = max. 9 points (obtained during three revision weeks). Points can only be obtained by attending “in-person” labs and “in-person ”revision tests. Last update: Kuriščák Eduard, MUDr., Ph.D. (23.09.2022)
Textbook of Medical Physiology, Edited by Arthur C. Guyton W.B. Saunders Company, 8th edition or later Principles of Physiology, Edited by Robert M. Berne and Matthew N. Levy Medical Physiology principles for clinical medicine, Rodney A. Rhoades, David R. Bell Review of Medical Physiology, William F. Ganong Czech: Lékařská fyziologie - Otomar Kittnar a kolektiv (Grada 2011) Last update: Kohútová Vladislava, Ing. (07.01.2019)
Lectures are held in-person at the Institute of Physiology Practical labs are taking place in-person at the Institute of Physiology – more information at https://fyziologie.lf1.cuni.cz/en/students , where you also find the Physlab syllabus for the winter semester
Winter semester:
Summer semester:
Last update: Kuriščák Eduard, MUDr., Ph.D. (25.09.2023)
The final exam consist of four parts: 1. Written test (entrance test), containing 20 questions; questions are either multiple choice, single correct or fill-in ones. Time limit 20 min. 2. ECG test, routine part of exam, students are required to describe one ECG curve. Time limit 10 min. 3. Lab examination. One question from the lab practicals. Time limit for preparation 15 min. 4. Theory examination. Three questions (triplet), one of them is from neurophysiology. Time limit for preparation 20 min.
Evaluation of exam: The final exam takes part during the summer semester exam period. Exam is successfully passed upon successful passing of all four parts of exam. Successful passing of the third term exam (second correction term) does not require successful passing of the written test. Each exam term consists of all four parts.
Examination requires: 1. Valid SIS exam registration for particular term detailed dates for examination terms in SS (summer semester) will be announced on SIS and on our webpage: one preterm during the 15. week four terms in regular exam period one term during vacations two term in September, the last one not later than September 9 2. Physiology credits signed for winter and summer semesters 3. Student ID card
Excuse from the exam: Students are obliged to claim the exam excuse ahead of the particular exam term, otherwise you exam term is spent (lost). Receiving your apology after the respective exam term requires reasonable and documented justification in order to not lose the term.
Topics for the Final Exam in Physiology Exam Questions:
The cell The cell (cell membrane, nucleus, organelles, function) Cell membrane Transport across cell membranes Ion channels The ionic basis of the resting potential Ionic currents underlying the action potential Neuromuscular transmission Excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle Contraction in skeletal muscle Contraction in smooth muscle Cytoskeleton Sensory transduction Tissue maintenance Body fluids Body fluids Homeostasis Composition and functions of blood Blood plasma Organic and inorganic components of blood plasma Plasmatic proteins White blood cells Granulocytes Lymphocytes, lymphatic tissue Monocyte-macrophage system Thrombocytes Red blood cells Blood cell formation Hemoglobin Hemostasis Hemocoagulation Coagulation factors; fibrinolysis Blood groups Buffer systems in blood Mechanisms of innate immunity Systems of acquired immunity The cell mediated immunity Defensive properties of neutrophils and monocyte-macrophages Formation and function of antibodies Blood circulation Electrical activity of the heart Conducting myocardial system The ionic basis of the resting potential in the heart Ionic currents underlying the cardiac action potential and pacemaker potential The role of calcium in the cardiac muscle Sequence of depolarization and repolarization of atria and ventricles Origin of the electrocardiogram Electrocardiographic recording The normal electrocardiogram Excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle Mechanical properties of the cardiac muscle Events of the cardiac cycle Myocardial work Function of cardiac valves, heart sounds Pressure, volume, and flow during the cardiac cycle Cardiac output, regulation Blood pressure in the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins Blood pressure in the right heart and in pulmonary circulation Arterial pressure pulse Determinants of the arterial blood pressure Control of vascular resistance Arteriolar tone and range of vascular control Function of the microvascular network Exchange of materials in capillaries Interstitial fluid and lymph Venous return and its relation to cardiac output Receptors in cardiovascular system The baroreceptor regulation of the cardiovascular system Cardiopulmonary receptors Neural control of the cardiovascular functions Control of the cardiac output Control of the blood pressure Control of the blood volume Control of the regional blood flow Intrinsic regulation of the cardiovascular system Stroke volume - the length-tension relationship Arterial pressure and stroke volume Heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output Hormonal regulation of the cardiovascular system Fetal and neonatal circulation The coronary circulation The circulation of the lungs Cerebral circulation Splanchnic circulation The Respiratory System Movements of the thoracic cage Ventilation Airways, the anatomical dead space, airway resistance Lung volumes and capacities Pleural and alveolar pressures Lung compliance and elastance, surface tension Work of breathing Alveolar ventilation Ventilation and perfusion in lungs Alveolar and atmospheric air - composition Exchange of gases in lungs and tissues Diffusion and transport of respiratory gases Transport of oxygen in blood Transport of carbon dioxide in blood Respiratory rhythmogenesis Chemoreceptor control of respiration Respiration in high altitudes Respiratory reflexes pH regulation in body fluids The Digestive System Motility of the gastrointestinal system Chewing and swallowing, esophageal motility Gastric motility Intestinal motility, defecation Cellular mechanism of secretion Function of salivary glands Gastric secretion Pancreatic secretion Secretory function of the liver Intestinal secretion Gastric digestion Digestion in the small intestine Digestion in the colon Digestion and absorption of proteins Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates Digestion and absorption of lipids Basic mechanisms of the intestinal transport Water and electrolyte absorption Absorption of vitamins Functions of the liver Metabolism of carbohydrates Metabolism of proteins Metabolism of lipids Dietary balance Temperature regulation The excretory system The physiology of the skin Functional morphology of the kidney Blood flow in the kidney, its regulation Nephron, structure and function of its individual parts Glomerular filtration, its regulation Processing of the filtrate in the proximal and distal tubules Renal mechanisms of the ion transport Renal transport mechanisms of the organic compounds Examinations of the renal function, clearance Control of the renal functions Control of extracellular fluid osmolality Control of extracellular fluid volume, sodium and potassium balance Body acid-base state and its regulation Renal regulation of the acid-base balance Micturition The endocrine system Mechanisms of cell signaling Synthesis, release, disposal, and regulation of hormone secretion Hormone action The adrenocortical hormones Growth hormone, growth factors, and control of the body growth Regulation of the carbohydrate metabolism Insulin secretion, action, and regulation Hypothalamo-hypophyseal relations The thyroid hormones secretion and its regulation Thyroid hormones action The adrenal medulla Stress and emergency reaction Glucocorticoids Mineralocorticoids Control of the calcium and phosphate balance Hormones of the anterior pituitary Secretion and physiological effects of catecholamines Neurohypophyseal hormones Biogenic peptides, neuropeptides, local chemical mediators Endocrine and biological rhythms Sexual differentiation Reproductive and hormonal functions of the male Reproductive and hormonal functions of the female The ovarial cycle Physiology of pregnancy Functions of the placenta Lactation Fetal and neonatal physiology Principles of neurophysiology Structure and function of nerve cells Membrane potentials Transformation of a synaptic input into action potential Action potentials and its propagation Structure and function of axons, dendrites and dendritic spines Structure and function of synapses Synaptic transmission Postsynaptic potentials Transmitters in the nervous system Integration activity of neurons Functions of the neuronal circuits Reflex arc, classification of reflexes Organization of inhibitory circuits Milieu of the central nervous system Glial cells, brain barrier systems The motor system Excitation-contraction coupling in the skeletal muscle Neuromuscular junction and ion changes during the muscle contraction Physiology of the muscle contraction, energy requirements The neural control of movements The peripheral motor control Spinal reflexes Muscle tone and its control Motor functions of the spinal cord Motor functions of the brain stem Motor functions of the basal ganglia Function of the cerebellum Cortical control of motor functions The autonomic nervous system Physiology of the smooth muscle contraction Control of the smooth muscle contraction Characteristics of sympathetic and parasympathetic action Autonomic innervation of various structures The hypothalamic functions Control of the food intake The sensory physiology Classification of receptors Signal transformation in receptor cells Signal coding Somatic sensations Cutaneous receptors Perception of pain Function of the external and middle ear Function of the cochlea Processing of the auditory signal The vestibular apparatus The optics of the eye The accessory eye organs Function of the retina Transmission and processing of the visual signal The sense of taste The sense of smell Integrative function of the CNS Function of the spinal cord Thalamic functions Function of the reticular system Function of the limbic system Function of the cerebral cortex The association areas of the cerebral cortex The dominance and specialization of the cerebral hemispheres Intellectual functions of the brain, language Mechanisms of the control of behavior Mechanism of learning and memory Waking and sleeping Bioelectrical activity of the CNS Practicals Membrane Potential, Model Tests for Hemosthasis Blood Groups Evaluation Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Estimation Sedimentation of Erythrocytes Blood Pressure Measurement ECG Spirometry Autonomic system Metabolic Rate Measurement Polyuria Glycaemia Evaluation Evaluation of Reflexes Evaluation of Vision Hearing Tests Physiology of exercise Last update: Jandová Kateřina, MUDr., Ph.D. (18.02.2020)
Winter semestr
Medical Physiology, History of the Subject Cellular Physiology, Cell Organelles Cell Membranes Membrane Transport Ion Channels, Membrane Potentials and their Propagation Signal Transduction Receptors and Information Molecules Cytoskeleton, Cell Junctions, Extracellular Matrix Cell Cycle, Tussie Maintenance Principles of Homeostasis, Blood, Plasma Blood Cells, Hemopoiesis Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation Body Defence System Respiration. Pulmonary Ventilation Diffusion, Perfusion, Pulmonary Circulation Gas Transport and Exchange Regulation of Respiration, Respiration in Hypobaric and Hyperbaric Conditions Circulation, Heart, Electrical Activity in the Heart Cardiac Mechanics Electrocardiogram Events of the Cardiac Cycle Arterial System Microcirculation and Exchange, Veins and Venous Return Cardiovascular Control Special Circulations Principles of Biological Regulation Physiology of the Digestive System, Motility Secretory Functions Digestion, Absorption Metabolism, Minerals and Vitamins Splanchnic Circulation, Functions of the Liver Regulation of Food Intake Function of the Skin Temperature Regulation
Summer semestr Kidney and Body Fluids, Fundamentals of Renal Physiology, Glomerular Filtration Epithelial Transport, Filtrate Processing in the Tubules, Clearance Mechanisms for Controlling Extracellular Fluid Osmolality Excretion and Regulation of the Sodium, Potassium, and Urea, Micturition Body Acid-Base State and Its Regulation Endocrinology, The Cellular Biology of Endocrine System Neurohypophyseal Hormones, Neuropeptides, Growth Factors Control of the Calcium and Phosphate Balance Adrenocortical and Thyroideal Hormones Adrenal Medulla, Endocrine Rhythms Pancreas and Regulation of Carbohydrate Metabolism, Adipocytal hormones Reproductive and Hormonal Functions of the Male, Sexual Differentiation Reproductive and Hormonal Functions of the Female Anterior Pituitary Pregnancy and Lactation Fetal and Neonatal Physiology General Prionciples of Neuronal Functions Synaptic Transmission, Neurotransmitters Membrane Potentials, Role of Dendrites, Integrative Function of Neuronal Circuits Sensory Processes Somatic Sensations, Pain Auditory System Gustation and Olfaction Visual System Sensory Processing Control of Movements, The Spinal Motor Control, Reflex Arc Striated muscle Control of the Posture, Eye Position, Locomotion, Chewing Voluntary Movements, Motor Functions of Cerebral Cortex Motor Functions of Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia Autonomic Nervous System Hypothalamus, Smooth muscle Limbic system, Reward system Integrative Functions of the Central Nervous System Integrative Functions of Cerebral Cortex in Humans Learning and Memory Association Functions of the Cerebral Cortex Development of neuronal circuits, Neuroplasticity Milleu of the CNS, Blood Brain Barrier Body Rhythms Waking and Sleeping Optimality in Physiological Mechanisms Last update: Kolářová Jana (19.09.2019)