Bioethics withing the course of stomatology provides students explanationa of basic principles and ther conflicts in
the form of dillemas in clinical practice with their solutions. Emphasis i sput only on sume topics of the broad array
of bioethical field, that is relevant for needs of the future stomatologists and dentists.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (31.01.2020)
Last update: Kolářová Jana (31.01.2020)
COMMON RULES FOR PERFORMANCE OF EXAMINATION The reason for failing the evaluation is ignorance of important concepts or misunderstanding of their meaning and mutual relations. Ignorance of procedures and reactions in model situations and principles governing human behavior.
Questions: 1. What is philosophy? Philosophical ethics 2. Good and evil, norm and normality, conscience and responsibility, freedom 3. Conflict of interpretations, application in medicine, hermeneutics 4. Justice, duties and righits, guilt, meaning of life 5. Democracy and its structure with the relevance for ethics 6. Ethics of erotic relations, sexual deviations 7. Ethics of interpersonal relations in general, family and friendship 8. Relevance of religious science and theology for ethics 9. Neuroethics, intentionality and the human free will 10. Human dignity and its foundation, beginning and end of life 11. Moral principles in bioethics and ethical codes 12. Basic terms in scarce resources allocation 13. Construction of just models in health care 14. Definition and determination of death 15. Deep coma and its pathogenesis 16. Forgoing of treatment, suicide and euthanasia 17. Thanatology and philosophy face to face death 18. Moral status of embryo and fetus, contraception and abortion 19. Fertilization in vivo and in vitro, experimentation and cloning 20. Human map of genes, gene counseling and engineering 21. Moral status of human organs and organism in the whole 22. Organ and tissues transplantation 23. Disease, illness and health, the definition of WHO and its critique 24. Frontal lobes syndrom and its relevance for ethics, moral competence 25. Doctor patient relationship - informed consent 26. Ethics of crisis, chronic disease and handicap 27. Basic principles of research and alternative medicine 28. Ethics committees and experimentation on the human being 29. Suffering and pain, torture 30. Process of decision making in clinical practice Last update: Hanušová Ingrid, PhDr. Ing., Ph.D. (31.01.2022)
1/ bioethics withing ethics, ethics and philosophy, conflict of interpretations 2/ human dignity, codes in medicine, patient and doctor 3/ normality, quality of life, health 4/ pain and suffering in medicině and in the human life in general 5/ evidence based medicine, experiments on human beings, ethics committee 6/ scarce resources allocation and health systems 7/ goals of medicině and enhancement Last update: Kolářová Jana (31.01.2020)
In the case of distance learning via MS Teams. Last update: Hanušová Ingrid, PhDr. Ing., Ph.D. (04.02.2021)