Biology of procaryotic and eucaryotic cell. Mitosis, meiosis, regulation. Mendelian inheritance. Multifactorial inheritance. Genetic analysis. Gene linkage. Genealogy. Chromosomes and chromosomal aberrations.
Last update: Kohútová Vladislava, Ing. (17.05.2018)
http://ublg.lf1.cuni.cz/en/recommended-literature Last update: Kohútová Vladislava, Ing. (17.05.2018)
Introduction, Genetics and Genomics in Medicine Genetic aspects of mitosis, meiosis, regulation, disturbances Structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes, human karyotype, cytogenetic techniques Numerical and structural chromosomal aberrations, etiology and phenotyped Cell cycle regulation Genealogy, traits with Mendelian mode of inheritance in pedigrees Nonmendelian phenomena in medical genetics Genetic linkage, its evaluation, importance in medicine Gene interactions - changes in segregation ratios Multifactorial inheritance, heritability Biology and genetics of viruses, prokaryotes and eukaryotes Ecogenetics, Pharmacogenetics, Nutrigenetics Practical exercises Genetics in medicine Mitosis Meiosis Numerical chromosomal aberrations Structural chromosomal aberrations Clinical cytogenetics Monohybridism, dihybridism Types of inheritance in the pedigree, examples of monogenic traits in human Genetic linkage and its assessment in experiment and genealogy Polygenic and multifactorial inheritance, risk assessment, trait examples Genetic interactions Formal genetics and cytogenetics in practice Last update: Kolářová Jana (07.02.2020)
Last update: Šeda Ondřej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (07.03.2023)