Optional subject is focused on acquiring of practical knowledge in ENT. It consists of operating theatre attendance
and shadowing on specialized out-patient wards (oncology, otology, rhinology, sialology, laryngology, vestibular).
After sign up through SIS the student is supposed to contact ENT department secretary: tel.: +420 2 2443 4301 or
e-mail: renata.kodetova@fnmotol.cz to arrange the first visit. For next visits the student arranges the form of
clerkship with the teacher(s) according to the interest in different topics and availability of the desired positions.
Ones agreed the student has to present himself / herself on the noted location and time (particularly operating
theatre). After passing he /she asks for certification of the credit points. Usually 2 hours of presence represent 1
point. In case of interest he / she can get more credit points for one topic. After getting 10 points student obtains
credit at the secretariat.