Structure of the immune system, its regulation and cooperation between separate components in physiologic and pathologic situations. Antigen presentation
Last update: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (07.02.2019)
Give basic information about the function of the immune system. Last update: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (07.02.2019)
credit - complete the credit test (75% in min., questions based on lecture topics) - terms for credit test are in SIS. Last update: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (23.05.2019)
Kuby Immunology (7th, Seventh Edition) - By Owen, Punt, & Stranford Textbook Binding - January 1, 2013 and new editions Playfair, Chain: Immunology at a Glance. Blackwell Publ., 2005
E library (1st faculty of Medicine), http://elsevierelibrary.co.uk/bookshelf -selected immunological chapters from
Last update: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (07.02.2019)
lectures Last update: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (07.02.2019)
Credit granted on the basis of a written test (Three attempts: The first two attempts will be a form of test, the third form of oral examination). The test dates will be released after the situation of COVID-19 will be resolved and the preventive measures will be cancelled. Please check updates on SIS. More information: Michaela Nováková, mnovak@lf1.cuni.cz
Dates of the tests: The dates are now listed in SIS. The number of dates (both dates and places) is constant. When enrolling, read the information on the test time carefully, see the detail of the date! All dates of examination period and pre-dates (from 1.6.2020 to 31.7.2020) will be open for student enrollment from 18.5.2020 from 20: 00, while September dates will be open from 31.7.2020. Tests in attendance form are the preferred form of knowledge verification, therefore a sufficient number of dates are still listed in September 2020 for students who do not have the opportunity to attend the test in the proper examination period. The distancing form of the test will only be allowed with the agreement of the predecessor of the UIM for serious reasons. Special dates: 2.9. - online version 10.9., 14.9., 17.9. - oral examination, 3rd attempt only
Last update: Nováková Michaela, Mgr. (11.05.2020)
Immunologic terminology. The structure of immune system: cells, tissue, organs. Innate and specific immunity. Phagocytosis, nature killer cells, complement system. Antigens, HLA systems, antigen presentation. Adhesion molecules, cytokines. T and B lymphocytes, immunoglobulins. Mucosal immunity. Anti-tumor immunity. Transplantations. Inflammation and inflammatory response. Immunopathologic reactions, imunopathologic states in clinical practice. Last update: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (07.02.2019)
prerequisities Last update: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (23.05.2019)
prerequisities Last update: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (23.05.2019)