The course, geared towards a general introduction to the specialty as a whole, is divided into seminars and
practicals. The seminars cover the main topics of the speciality and emphasizes the dermatoses with lesion of oral
mucosa, head, neck and hands, which can have importance for diagnosis of skin and internal diseases or can
bear a risk for health care personnel. The practices enhance clinical skills in history taking, in dermatological
patient examination, in recognition of skin lesions (primary, secondary), in description of skin and mucosal clinical
findings, in assessment of clinical picture in context of general health condition of the patient and in methods of
topical and systemic dermatological treatment. Clinical practice take place in inpatient and outpatient care settings.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (08.02.2021)
Textbooks Last update: STO03636 (22.09.2016)
Credit is awarded for meeting attendance at lectures and practical teaching at the clinic. 2 absences are possible, without the need for an excuse. The exam is conducted for the 1st and 2nd term in the form of a test. The multiple choice test (A, B, C, D - several options are correct, no answer is possible - no) has 20 questions that are based on the individual above-mentioned areas. To successfully pass the test (examination), you must have a min. 14 correct answers (i.e. max. 6 mistakes = 70%), The test result is rated - excellent 20-18, very good 17-16, good 15-14 - correct answers. Only a complete answer is evaluated as a correctly answered question. E.g. if ABC is correct, answer AB cannot be accepted, if A is correct, answer AB cannot be accepted, etc. The maximum interval to complete the test is 30 min. The 3rd term is an oral exam - 2 questions from dermatology, 1 question from venereology, 1 clinical picture of the basic diagnosis - clinical description. The list of topics for dermatology and venereology examination Last update: Kodet Ondřej, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (20.09.2024)
Principles of Examination and Therapy in Dermatology
Cutaneous Tumours
Psoriasis, Pityriasis rosea
Fungal Skin Infections
Bacterial Skin Infections
Pigmented Naevi and Pigmentary Skin Changes
Bullous Dermatoses
Autoimmuno Connective Tissue Disorders
Basics of Dermatologic Therapy
Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions
Histopathology of the Skin
Lichen Planus
Malignant Melanoma
Diseases of the Skin Adnexa
Diseases of the Veins and Lymphoedema
Viral Diseases
Parasites Last update: Kolářová Jana (08.02.2021)