Lectures and seminars introduce students in foundations of anaesthesiology, perioperative and intensive care.
They focus at vital functions management, highlighting head and neck issues. Techniques of sedation,
analgosedation, and general anaesthesia in stomatology and stomatosurgery are emphasized. Content of the
subject also cope with practical situations which general dentist may face in his/her daily practice. Practical part of
the subject includes training of cardiopulmonary resuscitation on manequins, airway management with both
laryngeal mask and andotracheal intubation, and periferal vein cannulation.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (08.02.2021)
Semináře seznamují posluchače s absolutním minimem rozsahu intenzivní péče, jsou orientovány na problematiku zajišttění základních vitálních funkcí a specielně na problematiku hlavy a krku.
Akutní medicína řeší stavy při kterých hrozí selhání či už selhaly některé
vitální funkce a je bezprostředně ohrožen život a nebo jeho kvalita po
obnově spontnního krevního oběhu a dýchání. Obsah předmětu je přizpůsoben
situacím, se kterými se může setkat zubní lékař v ambulantní praxi.
Nácvik KPR na fantomu, zajištění DC bez pomůcek, endotracheální intubace.
Kanylace periferního žilního vstupu, vybavení zubní ordinace -
léky, pomůcky.
Last update: Topičová Vladěna (15.10.2007)
Literature - Czech
Málek, Jiří. Praktická anesteziologie. Praha: Grada, 2016, 208 s. ISBN 978-80-247-5632-5.
Jindrová, Barbora Stříteský, Martin Kunstýř, Jan. Praktické postupy v anestezii. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2016, 200 s. ISBN 978-80-247-5612-7.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (08.02.2021)
Teaching methods
Information concerning organisation of the subject can be found on: https://karim.lf1.cuni.cz
We are ready for a distant lecturing using MS Teams.
Last update: Kunstýř Jan, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (23.11.2020)
Requirements to the exam
Exam topics – Intensive Care
Part A – Resuscitation 1. Basic CPR 2. Advanced CPR 3. Equipment for CPR 4. Post resuscitation care 5. CPR in children 6. Pharmacotherapy in CPR 7. Airway management in CPR 8. Electrotherapy in CPR 9. Principles of beginning and terminating of CPR 10. Mass disasters, medicine of catastrophes
Part B – Anaesthesia 1. General anaesthesia 2. Head and neck regional and local anaesthesia 3. Airway management in routine anaesthesia – endotracheal intubation, laryngeal mask 4. Difficult airway management 5. Patient monitoring during anaesthesia 6. IV and other invasive accesses; complications 7. Risks and complications of anaesthesia 8. Premedication, sedation and analgosedation in stomatology 9. Acute and chronic pain management in stomatology and stomatosurgery 10. Blood loss; it’s replacement 11. Regurgitation, aspiration, crush induction in anaesthesia 12. Diabetes mellitus – perioperative care 13. Ambulatory and one-day surgery – anaesthesia and perioperative care 14. Preparation of a polymorbid patient for a stomatological/stomatosurgical procedure
Part C – Emergency medicine 1. Shock – patophysiology and therapy 2. Artificial ventilation 3. Care of a patient with craniocerebral injury 4. Allergy, anaphylaxis 5. Coniopunction, coniotomy – urgent airway management in suffocation 6. Tracheostomy 7. Foreign body aspiration 8. Laryngospasm, bronchospasm 9. Diff.diagnosis of unconsciousness 10. Convulsions 11. Acute myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock 12. Hypertensive crisis 13. Nosocomial infections in stomatology/stomatosurgery 14. Diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias 15. Differential diagnosis of a collapse
Each student chooses 1 question from the each part.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (08.02.2021)
Basic and advanced life support difficult airway management.
Analgosedation, analgesia and anaesthesia in stomatology.
Perioperative monitoring
Preparation for a surgical procedure
Life threatening complications during stomatology procedure