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Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Clinical orofacial anatomy - B81158 (Dentistry)
Title: Clinical orofacial anatomy
Guaranteed by: Institute of Anatomy First Faculty of Medicine Charles University (11-00110)
Faculty: First Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2023
Semester: summer
Points: 3
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/2, C+Ex [HT]
Extent per academic year: 30 [hours]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Explanation: Andrej Shbat
Additional information:
Guarantor: doc. MUDr. Ondřej Naňka, Ph.D.
Comes under: Compulsory for Dentistry 3.y._24/25
Attributes: Předmět pro elearning
Teoretický předmět
Zubní lékařství
Pre-requisite : {splněna jedna z anatomií}, B81128
Is pre-requisite for: B81192, B81167, B83156
Content of Clinical Anatomy for study of Dentistry: gross and clinical anatomy of the head and neck. Knowledge and skills to be acquired: detailed anatomical knowledge of masticatory apparatus as anatomical backround for surgical performances protecting life; knowledge of face and neck dysplasias and anesthesia approaches.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (04.02.2020)
Literature -

Recommended textbooks:

Berkowitz et al.: Oral Anatomy, Histology and Embryology. 3rd Edition, Mosby 2002

Woelfel, Scheid: Dental Anatomy, 6th ed. Williams & Wilkins, 2002

Schuenke, M, Schulte, E., Schumacher, U.: Atlas of Anatomy, Vol.: I., II., Thieme, 2006

Complementary textbooks and Atlases:

Dauber, Feneis: Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy, Thieme 2007

Snell: Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students, Williams and Wilkins 2004

Moore, Agur: Essential Clinical Anatomy, Williams and Wilkins 2002

Seichert V: Little Anatomical Atlas. Praha 1995

Lang J: Clinical Anatomy of the Masticatory Apparatus and Peripharyngeal Spaces. Stuttgart, Thieme, 1995

C. S. White, J.M. Pharoah: Oral Radiology: Principles and Interpretation (5th ed.) 2003, Mosby

M. Bath-Balogh: Workbook for Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy Revised Reprint, (2nd ed.) 2005, Saunders

E. Whaites: Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology (4th ed.) 2006 Churchill Livingstone.

Ch M. Dofka: Dental Terminology, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2000

Last update: SNA05954 (05.11.2010)
Teaching methods

Total number of teaching hours: 30

Curricular timing and duration: The course is taught during the summer semester of the third study year of dentistry and contains the following parts: lectures (15 hours) and one dissection block (15 hours). Attendance at dissection block is obligatory, attendance at lectures is recommended.

Last update: Kolářová Jana (04.02.2020)
Requirements to the exam

Clinical Orofacial Anatomy (B01158)

List of questions:

Follows present accreditation this year;  focused on repetition of the morphologic knowledges

Practical part of exam - determination of anatomical structures on X-rays (OPG, CT), models and specimens taken from the areas listed below:

Regio temporalis, frontalis, orbitalis
Parotidomasseteric (parotid)  and buccal region
Deep facial landscapes - fossa retromandibularis, fossa infratemporalis
Nose, nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses
The oral cavity


Anterior cervical region: tracheotomy, tracheostomy and coniotomy
Trig. submandibulare and trig. caroticum
Trig. scalenovertebrale; fissura scalenorum; relation to cupula pleurae
Lateral cervical region
Parapharyngeal space
Larynx and trachea
Thyroid and parathyroid glands

Last update: Kvasilová Alena, Mgr. (11.05.2023)

Skull formation; postnatal skull growth. Jaws. Thin and thin skull structures. prenatal growth of jaws. Selected surgical procedures within orthognathic surgery. Fractures of the facial skeleton.

Muscles around oral cavity; modioles and structures attaching on that; subcutaneous structure of the face. Overview. Fat bodies in face, their clinical importance.

Topographic regions of head. Anatomical basis for spreading of some pathologic processes in these regions. The lymph nodes in the head and neck. Lymph drainage in relation to the spreading of some pathologic processes.

Topographic regions of neck. Anatomical basis for spreading of some pathologic processes in these regions. Vessels and nerves in the head. Overview. Main vascular and nervous bundles in the neck. Palpation and compression points.

The main craniometric, cephalometric and gnathometric points. Face profile. Main planes and lines of the head. Skeletal analysis of the skull profile; clinical view.

Spread of inflammation from teeth; anatomical overview. Muscles participating in chewing. Temporomandibular (TMJ) joint (structure and biomechanics).

Cavum oris (periodontium, teeth arches, hard and soft palate, tongue; surrounding spaces. Waldeyer circle. Anatomical basis for the urgent surgical performances saving life during suffocation; local and regional anaesthesia in orofacial region.

Dissection course:

Topographic regions of the head and neck - dissection and presentation. Jaw morphology; structures of the palate, tongue and larynx. Extraoral X-rays projections.

Last update: Kolářová Jana (02.10.2020)
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