Issues concerning the hygiene of work environment with the emphasis on dental practices - ergonomics, hazards, prevention. Toxicological issues in the dentistry. Nutrition basics and nutrition as a factor influencing mouth diseases and pathologic processes in mouth, recommendations, prevention. Physical factors occurring in a dental surgery (light, noise, vibrations, ionising radiation, microclimatic factors), hazards, possibilities of prevention. Methodology of epidemiology, general epidemiology, epidemiology of tumours, epidemiology of infectious diseases, nosocomial infections, immunization related to stomatology. Life-style risk factors. Capability to diagnose selected avitaminoses, poisonings etc. manifested in the mouth, basic preventive nutrition recommendations according to found deficiencies. Capability to assess one's own work related hazards. Mastering of basic epidemiologic methods indispensable for hygienically safe operation of a stomatologic surgery and for solving occurring epidemiological situations.
Last update: Kudlová Eva, MUDr., CSc. (03.10.2018)
Bencko, V. et al: Hygiene and epidemiology. Selected Chapters. Charles University, Prague 2004, 270 p.
Last update: Slámová Alena, MUDr., Ph.D. (14.02.2019)
Requirements to the exam
The attendance of all sessions is compulsory. Students are expected to participate actively in the sessions.
The full content of examination questions is not presented during the seminars; part of the topics can be found in recommended literature (see section Literature).
The prerequisites for obtaining thecredit are: a fullattendance of all sessions, preparing and presenting a presentation on assigned topic and passing a writtentest(in the credit week). Time allocated for the test is one hour. In case of failure, the test may be repeated twice (three times in total) at the dates & times of exams as shown in the SIS.
The examination is oral. It consists of two questions. If the student did not pass the partial question, it is a reason to end the examination and the evaluation of the whole examination is "failed". On the next attempt, the student again answers two questions.
Examination questions for ERASMUS students are below those for Dentistry.
Examination questions for DENTISTRY
1. Air pollution and human health. Health implications of human exposure to major harmful substances in the environment. 2. Water and health. Drinking water - quality requirements. Water borne health hazards. 3. Lifestyle; risk factors of civilization diseases. 4. Tobacco dependence: epidemiology, health impact, prevention 5. Tobacco dependence as a disease, treatment; role of health professionals. 6. Oral hygiene in caries prevention. 7. Role of various food groups in human nutrition. 8. Nutrition recommendations. 9. Minerals and trace elements in food and their importance. 10. Vitamins in food and their importance. 11. Nutritional disorders related to deficiency or excess of nutrients. 12. Importance of nutrition in diseases of oral cavity. 13. Toxic substances in food. 14. Hygienic issues of childhood and adolescence from stomatologist’s point of view. 15. Allergens in environmental and occupational settings. Health hazards, prevention options. 16. Stomatological workplace and occupational hazards in stomatology. 17. Occupational diseases of health care providers, principles of their health protection. 18. Physical factors of environment (microclimate and lighting). 19. Physical factors of environment (noise and vibrations): evaluation methods, protection against adverse effects. 20. Ionizing radiation. Medical application of ionizing radiation; protection principles. 21. Physical factors of environment (UV radiation and electromagnetic field): evaluation methods, protection against adverse effects. 22. Chemical harmful substances in working environment: effects, principles of health protection during work at stomatological workplaces. 23. Toxicity of mercury 24. Late effects of xenobiotics.
25. Solid and liquid wastes issues; wastes from health facilities and their specific features.
26. Basic health indicators (morbidity, incidence, prevalence, mortality, fatality rate). 27. Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. 28. Descriptive epidemiological methods and studies. 29. Analytic and experimental epidemiological methods and studies. 30. Measures of central tendency and variability Normal (Gaussian) distribution. 31. Process of infection propagation - source of infection. 32. Transmission of infection etiologic agents. 33. Susceptible organism in the process of infection transmission. 34. Preventive anti-epidemic measures. 35. Implications of vaccination, type of vaccines, vaccination in the Czech Republic. 36. Repressive antiepidemic measures. 37. Airborne infections. 38. Foodborne infections. 39. Infections of skin and superficial mucosa. 40. Vector-borne infections. 41. Blood transmitted infections. 42. Oral cavity infections. 43. Nosocomial infections: sources, ways of transmission, most common etiological agents. 44. Nosocomial infections: incidence, risk factors, prevention. 45. Principle of safety measures of work with biological material. 46. Sterilization - importance, methods. 47. Disinfection - importance, methods. 48. Chronic diseases occurring at a mass scale - the term "civilization disease" 49. Epidemiology of cancer. 50. Epidemiology of diseases of the oral cavity.
Hygiene and epidemiology – examination questions for ERASMUS students
Air pollution and human health
Health implications of human exposure to major harmful substances in the environment.
Water and health. Drinking water - quality requirements. Water borne health hazards.
Lifestyle; risk factors of “civilization diseases”.
Tobacco dependence: epidemiology, health impact, prevention
Tobacco dependence as a disease, treatment; role of health professionals.
Role of various food groups in human nutrition.
Dietary guidelines for the population.
Infant and young child feeding.
Role of proteins, lipids & carbohydrates in human nutrition (sources, excess, deficiency).
Role of minerals in human nutrition and their importance (Ca, P, Mg, Na, K -sources, deficiency, excess).
Role of trace elements in human nutrition and their importance (Fe, I, Cu, Cr, F, Se, Zn -sources, deficiency, excess).
Role of vitamins in human nutrition (source, deficiency, excess).
Nutritional disorders related to deficiency or excess of nutrients.
Toxic substances in foods.
Development of children and adolescents; main issues in each age category.
Allergens in environmental and occupational settings. Health hazards, prevention options.
Occupational diseases of health care providers, principles of their health protection.
Physical factors of environment (microclimate and lighting).
Physical factors of environment (noise and vibrations) – evaluation methods, protection against adverse effects.
Ionizing radiation. Medical applications of ionizing radiation; protection principles.
Physical factors of environment (UV radiation and electromagnetic field) – evaluation methods, protection against adverse effects.
Chemical harmful substances in working environment – effects, principles of health protection during work.
Late effects of xenobiotics.
Solid and liquid wastes issues; wastes from health facilities and their specific features.
Basic health indicators (morbidity, incidence, prevalence, mortality, fatality rate).
Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.
Descriptive epidemiological methods and studies.
Analytic and experimental epidemiological methods and studies.
Measures of central tendency and variability Normal (Gaussian/Bell) distribution.
Process of infection propagation - source of infection.
Transmission of infection etiologic agents.
Susceptible organism in the process of infection transmission.
Preventive anti-epidemic measures.
Implications of vaccination, type of vaccines, vaccination in the Czech Republic.
Repressive antiepidemic measures.
Airborne infections.
Foodborne infections.
Infections of skin and superficial mucosa.
Vector borne infections
Blood transmitted infections.
Alimentary infections.
Nosocomial infections: sources, ways of transmission, most common etiological agents.
Principle of safety measures of work with biological material.
Sterilization - importance, methods.
Disinfection - importance, methods.
Chronic chronic diseases occurring at a mass scale – term “civilization disease”
Epidemiology of cancer.
Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases.
Last update: Kudlová Eva, MUDr., CSc. (26.11.2020)
Course Syllabus HYGIENE Hygienic issues in health services Occupational hygiene and occupational health (OH): focus, history and legislation. Basic definitions -exposure, hazard, risk, risk assessment. Exposure assessment - principle of occupational risk assessment. Risk analysis at work. Hazard identification. Occupational risk assessment and management, practical examples (dentistry). Principles of medical fitness assessment.
Health and environment Basic terms and definitions of hygiene and epidemiology; notes on history, primary prevention, adaptation, acclimatization, induction of tolerance, vaccination, health promotion. Secondary and tertiary prevention - forms, objectives, practice. Men and environment versus importance of lifestyle for human health. Local & global problems caused by persistent xenobiotics like toxic metals, polyhaloganated hydrocarbons and ionizing radiation. Energy production and traffic emissions. Biological monitoring, biological exposure test, biological limit.
Water Water and health: physiological importance, water metabolism, requirements on the quality of drinking water and related health hazards. Drinking water treatment, fluoridation, disinfection, ozone, UV radiation, filters. Preparation of drinking water in emergency situations. Self-cleaning capability of surface water, recreational waters and related health risks. Water-born infections. Waste water treatment - principles. Health risks of waste water improper treatment.
Indoor/outdoor pollution, sick building syndrome. Pollution of indoor environment: Building - related difficulties and their causes, especially allergies and asthma and risk factors for them indoors; Non-specific disorders like humidifier fever, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, sick building syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome, electrical sensitivity syndrome; Toxic reaction (moulds) Infectious diseases - viral, bacterial, fungal [real building-related illnesses], Cancer - especially problems with radon in buildings. Known risk factors of these problems, how to prevent disorders cause by the pollution of indoor environment and how to treat either a building (elimination of some equipment), or the patient. Outdoor factors and pollution: Chemical factors - inorganic compounds (NOx, SO2, CO, CO2) ozone; organic compounds (VOCs, formaldehyde, PAHs); outdoor pollution in students’countries - health hazards and possible ways, how to solve these problems.
Lifestyle - nutrition Dietary guidelines for population. Food composition, significance of specific nutrients and food groups. Infant & young child nutrition. Food safety. Malnutrition.
Lifestyle - tobacco dependence The tobacco epidemic; tobacco related morbidity and mortality, health impact of tobacco use, different forms of tobacco use, tobacco smoke composition, passive smoking. Effecetive prevention measures, basics of tobacco dependence (psychobehavioural and physical/drug dependence), basic treatment recommendations for any health professionals, possibilities in the Czech Republic and worldwide, international recommendations.
EPIDEMIOLOGY Epidemiological method of work Descriptive studies; the basic characteristics of person, place and time. Analytical studies - cohort studies, case-control studies. Advantages and disadvantages, examples. Experimental studies - ethical problems of experiment. Clinical control study, field control study. Method of blind experiment. Natural experiments. Risk, incidence density, population time (person-years). Associations in analytical studies: risk difference, risk ratio, rate ratio, odds ratio.
Statistics Introduction of statistical methodology. Descriptive and inductive statistics, statistical induction. Types of random samples. Quantitative and qualitative variables. Measures of location and variability. Gaussian distribution. Planning of epidemiological studies. Principles of statistical hypotheses testing. Evaluation of epidemiological studies. Tests of hypotheses in four-fold table. Contingency table and Chi-square distribution. General principles of measuring statistical dependence.
Process of infection spreading Characteristics. Elimination, eradication. Etiological agents - pathogenicity, virulence, toxicity, invasiveness, resistance, infectious dose. Links of the process of infection spreading: source of infection, transmission, susceptible individual.
Epidemiology of infectious diseases. Importance of infectious disease in history and now. Global incidence. Food-borne infection; Air-borne infection; Contact infections of the skin and mucous membranes. Vector-born infection; Diseases transmitted by blood. Occurrence, etiology, sources, ways of spreading. Prevention and repression. Nosocomial infections - Specific & non-specific; exogenous and endogenous Risk factors. Occurrence, etiology, sources, ways of spreading. Prevention and repression.
Anti-epidemic measures; immunization Preventive and repressive anti-epidemic measures. Disinfection, sterilization. (Sterilization - physical, chemical methods and control. Disinfection - physical, chemical methods. Immunization: importance, Herd immunity. Immunization programmes. Types of vaccines, requirement, contraindications. Organization of vaccination.
Epidemiology of malignant tumours Incidence & mortality of cancer in different part of the world, special sites of cancer important in different parts of the world; potential risk factors - non-susceptible/susceptible: chronic infections, smoking, diet; IARC classification of carcinogens, some examples of classified carcinogens.
Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Epidemiology, comparison with other countries, trends, different kinds of CVD. Atherosclerosis and its genesis, different stages, clinical manifestation. Risk factors of CVD - controllable (life-style factors - alcohol and tobacco consumption, diet, physical activity etc.), uncontrollable (age, gender, family history etc.). Basic information about metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity and hyperlipidaemia. SCORE chart for evaluation of CVD risk - hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, age and tobacco consumption. Stress and its sense - acute, chronic, chronic fatigue syndrome, burn-out syndrome.
Last update: Kudlová Eva, MUDr., CSc. (03.10.2018)