Biochemistry and pathobiochemistry for dentists will be concentrated on the fundamentals of metabolism related to the most important and most frequent diseases which may be encountered by the dentist (e.g. hemocoagulation disturbances, diabetes etc.). In detail will be discussed especially the digestion processes, defence against infection (inflammation) and metabolism of connective and hard tissues (bone and tooth). The metabolism of calcium and its disturbances will be especially stressed. The biochemistry and pathobiochemistry of oral cavity (salive, dental plaque) will be stressed too.
Last update: Topičová Vladěna (22.09.2007)
Credit requirements: 1) Satisfactory attendance at the seminars: at most three lessons are allowed to be missed in one term from serious and certifiable reasons. 2) Passing the revision test The credit is a prerequisite for the final oral examination on the subject 'Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry'
Last update: Pláteník Jan, MUDr., Ph.D. (06.10.2021)
H. Stephen Stoker: General, Organic and Biological Chemistry, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston (latest edition).
Last update: Fialová Lenka, MUDr., CSc. (26.09.2019)
First category: Biochemistry and pathobiochemistry 1. Solutions. Solubility of substances and its significance in biology and biochemistry. 2. Important functional groups in structure of biomolecules and their reactivity. 3. Acid-base reactions and their significance in medicine. Most important disorders of body acid-base balance. 4. Regulation of water and mineral metabolism and its most important disorders. 5. Amino acids – overview, properties, and significance in metabolism. 6. Structure of proteins, chemical bonds and interactions that are involved. 7. Enzymes – classification, mechanism of action, regulation of activity. 8. Biologic oxidation, the respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation. 9. The citric acid cycle – key reactions, significance in metabolism. 10. Lipids, their classification, structure and biological significance. Biomembranes. 11. Fatty acids, their classification, and significance. 12. Biosynthesis and degradation of fatty acids and triacylglycerols. 13. Prostaglandins, prostacyclins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes – origin and significance. 14. Cholesterol, its biosynthesis and excretion. 15. Lipoproteins – overview, metabolism, and significance. 16. Disorders of lipid metabolism. Atherosclerosis. 17. Bile acids, their synthesis and role in digestion. 18. Saccharides – structure, classification and biological significance. 19. Digestion of saccharides. Metabolism of glycogen. 20. Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. 21. Relationships of saccharide metabolism to metabolism of lipids and proteins. 22. Pathobiochemical processes in diabetes mellitus. 23. Proteosynthesis and protein degradation. 24. Degradation of amino acids, transamination, deamination, the urea cycle. 25. Conversion of amino acids to biologically active metabolites. 26. Differences between metabolism in fed state and in fasting, production and utilization of ketone bodies. 27. Biochemistry and pathobiochemistry of purines and pyrimidines. 28. Porphyrins and bile pigments. Metabolism of heme. 29. Structure and biosynthesis of nucleic acids. 30. Transcription and translation. 31. Techniques used in molecular biology. 32. Proteohormones and peptidic hormones – major members and significance. 33. Steroid hormones – biosynthesis, major members, biological significance. 34. Hormones of adrenal medulla – structure, synthesis and effects. 35. Mechanism of action of hydrophilic hormones – membrane receptors, second messengers, molecular switches. 36. Mechanism of action of lipophilic hormones. Signaling to the cell nucleus, potential of tissue engineering. 37. Blood plasma proteins – significance, major members, methods of estimation. 38. Characteristics of antigens and antibodies. 39. Immunoglobulins – structure, classification, biological significance. The antibody immune response and its course. Monoclonal antibodies. 40. Immunochemical techniques and their significance in medicine. 41. Jaundice (icterus) and its most common causes. 42. Overview of the main biochemical processes in the liver and their disorders. 43. Biochemical examination of liver. 44. Nutrition and its significance for health. 45. Vitamins, their significance for metabolism and consequences of their deficiencies. 46. Mineral components in the diet and their biological significance. 47. Toxic effects of metals, especially heavy metals, on living organisms. 48. Metabolic alterations caused by ethanol and their consequences. 49. Mechanisms of poison actions. 50. Selected methods used in biochemistry – principle and usage (spectrophotometry, chromatography and electrophoresis). 51. Biochemical features of tumor growth. 52. Chemical structures of basic antimicrobial substances.
Second category: Biochemistry and pathobiochemistry in dentistry 1. Composition of saliva. Protective function of saliva in mouth cavity. 2. Buffers in saliva, their composition and significance. 3. Proteins in saliva. 4. Main components of connective tissue. 5. Collagen and elastin – structure, synthesis and degradation. 6. Chemical composition of tooth and bones. 7. Calcium, its metabolism and biological significance. 8. Hormones that regulate metabolism of calcium. 9. Mineralization of hard tissues, conditions necessary for its development. 10. Osteoporosis and other metabolic bone diseases. Biochemical markers of bone remodeling. 11. Biochemistry of blood coagulation. 12. Disorders of blood coagulation. Substances with anticoagulant effects. 13. Inflammatory reaction and associated biochemical processes, significance in dentistry. 14. Acute phase reaction and acute phase proteins, significance in dentistry. Complement, its activation and significance. 15. Pathobiochemistry of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Phagocyte weapons. 16. Dental plaque – characteristics, structure, formation, and consequences of its presence. 17. Biochemical conditions for formation of tooth decay. 18. Biochemical conditions for formation of dental erosion. 19. Role of saccharides in origin of tooth decay. Metabolism of sucrose by oral bacteria. 20. Artificial sweeteners and their significance in dentistry. 21. Significance of fluoride in prevention of tooth decay. 22. Plant substances used in dentistry. Alkaloids. 23. Chemical nature and mechanism of action of the active components in dentifrices. 24. Chemical nature and mechanism of action of the inactive components in dentifrices.
Third category: Dental materials in oral cavity 1. Ageing of alloys used in prosthetics. 2. Behavior of ceramic materials in oral cavity. 3. Behavior of materials for dental implants in oral cavity. 4. Changes of dental amalgams in oral cavity. 5. Mechanisms of degradation of resin composites. 6. Ageing of glass-ionomer cements in oral cavity.
At the exam a student draws four questions. Two questions will be from the category Biochemistry and pathobiochemistry; whereas the categories Biochemistry and pathobiochemistry in dentistry and Dental materials in oral cavity will be represented by one question each. Last update: Fialová Lenka, MUDr., CSc. (18.09.2024)
Structure of nucleic acids. Biosynthesis of nucleic acids. Transcription and translation. Blood plasma proteins and their significance. The acute phase proteins. Immunoglobulins. Immunochemical techniques and their usage in clinical chemistry. Biochemistry of inflammation. Methods of molecular biology. Essentials of cell signaling and its disorders. Molecular biology and pathobiochemistry of tumor growth. Saliva: origin, composition, function. Pathobiochemistry of bones and connective tissues. Pathobiochemistry of oral cavity. Dental plaque and dental decay. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Phagocyte weapons. Antioxidant defence. Dietary antioxidants. Disorders of porphyrin metabolism. Icterus. Biochemistry and pathobiochemistry of the liver. Significance of liver in metabolism. Disorders of hemocoagulation and techniques used in their laboratory investigation. Influence of the oral cavity environment on various dental materials. Methods of biochemical investigation of diabetes mellitus. Disorders of lipid metabolism. Atherosclerosis. Methods of biochemical investigation of disorders of lipid metabolism. Laboratory examination of liver function. Markers of liver damage. Disorders of nutrition. Obesity, starvation, malnutrition, deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Importance of correct nutrition for prevention of tooth decay. Composition of body fluids and its most common disorders. Disorders of acid-base balance. Biochemistry and pathobiochemistry of neurotransmitters. Last update: Kolářová Jana (31.01.2020)