Biochemistry and pathobiochemistry for dentists will be concentrated on the fundamentals of metabolism related to the most important and most frequent diseases which may be encountered by the dentist (e.g. hemocoagulation disturbances, diabetes etc.). In detail will be discussed especially the digestion processes, defence against infection (inflammation) and metabolism of connective and hard tissues (bone and tooth). The metabolism of calcium and its disturbances will be especially stressed. The biochemistry and pathobiochemistry of oral cavity (salive, dental plaque) will be stressed too.
Last update: Topičová Vladěna (22.09.2007)
Obsahem biochemie a patobiochemie stomatologického směru budou základní poznatky o přeměně látek v organismu ve vztahu k nejdůležitějším a nejčastějším nemocem se kterými se stomatolog při své praxi může setkat (diabetes, poruchy hemokoagulace). Podrobně budou probrány zejména trávicí procesy, obrana organismu proti infekci (zánět) a metabolismus pojiva a tvrdých tkání (zuby, kosti ). Zvláštní pozornost bude věnována metabolismu vápníku a jeho poruchám a dále biochemii a patobiochemii ústní dutiny (sliny, zubní plak).
Last update: Topičová Vladěna (22.09.2007)
Course completion requirements
Credit requirements:
Sufficient attendance to the seminars and practical lessons. At most three seminars or practical lessons (altogether) are allowed to be missed in one term from serious and certifiable reasons.
Passing the Revision test on the core metabolic pathways (announced separately). Two more chances to retake the test can be provided.
Completed, handed in, marked and approved reports from the practical lessons.
Passing the Practical Credit Examination (announced separately). Two more chances to retake the practical examination can be provided.
Good knowledge of the subject matters covered by the course.
Last update: Fialová Lenka, MUDr., CSc. (16.05.2019)
Literature - Czech
P.C. Champe, R.A. Harvey, and D.R. Ferrier: Lippincott s Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (latest edition)
B. Alberts et al.: Essential Cell Biology. Garland Science Publishing, New York (latest edition)
R.K. Murray et al.: Harper?s Illustrated Biochemistry. McGraw-Hill, Inc., USA (latest edition)
Last update: Fialová Lenka, MUDr., CSc. (26.09.2019)
General features of metabolism. Bioenergetics.
Digestion, absorption, storage and transport of saccharides.
The citric acid cycle.
Regulation of metabolism of saccharides.
Biomembranes. Composed lipids.
Lipoproteins: Classification, properties and metabolism.
Steroids: Synthesis and metabolism. Steroid hormones. Bile acids.
Conversion of amino acids to biologically active derivatives.
The connective tissue, bone and cartilage. Proteoglycans, collagen and elastin - metabolism.
Biologic oxidation, mitochondrial respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation
Stereochemistry of saccharides
Metabolism of saccharides.
Overview of basic methods used in biochemical lab: photometry, chromatography, electrophoresis, blotting.
Lipids: Biosynthesis and degradation of fatty acids
Relationships between metabolism of lipids and saccharides. Starvation
Metabolism of amino acids: Transamination, deamination, synthesis of urea.
Porphyrins and bile pigments
Metabolism of calcium, phosphate, and other elements and vitamins necessary for mineralisation of bone and teeth.
Tooth: Chemical composition and structure
Practical lessons
Saccharides I: Colored reactions of saccharides. Analysis of unknown saccharide.
Saccharides II: Acidic hydrolysis of starch. Substrate specificity of amylase and sucrase. Polarimetry of glucose and fructose.
Introduction to spectrophotometry: Absorption spectra of colored solutions. Calibration curve, factor calculation.
Saccharides III: Estimation of glycemia. Glucose in urine.
Saliva: Demonstration of selected components
Lipids: Estimation of total cholesterol and triacylglycerols. Demonstration of double bonds in fatty acids. Test for malondialdehyde. Ketone bodies in urine.
Liver tests: Direct and indirect bilirubin. Estimation of aminotransferases.
Bone and teeth: Estimation of calcium and phosphate in serum and urine. Isoenzymes of alkaline phosphatase. Properties of dental hydroxyapatite.