SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Primary Care 1 - B80791 (General Medicine - English parallel)
Title: Primary Care 1
Guaranteed by: Institute of General Practice First Faculty of Medicine Charles University (11-00260)
Faculty: First Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
Points: 2
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/25, C [HS]
Extent per academic year: 25 [hours]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Explanation: Doc. MUDr. Bohumil Seifert, Ph.D. bohumil.seifert@lf1.cuni.czexamination devices, professional dress for practice visitPlease follow the information on the website of our institute.
Additional information:
Old code: 791
Guarantor: MUDr. Norbert Král, Ph.D.
Comes under: Compulsory for GM 4.y._24/25
Attributes: Lékařství
Klinický předmět
Pre-requisite : B83161, B83162
Is pre-requisite for: B80402
The aim of the course is to describe the content and characteristics of primary care. To present the students how the care in general practice is delivered and give them possibility to practice basic clinical skills.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (08.03.2021)
Course completion requirements

To obtain credit student has to participate at courses and respond to questions at final seminars.  

Last update: Seifert Bohumil, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (25.09.2019)


  • . . In Katić, Milica Švab, Igor. Family medicine . Záhřeb: Medicinska naklada, 2013, s. -. ISBN 978-953-176-758-3..
  • . . In Seifert, Bohumil, Býma, Svatopluk. Všeobecné praktické lékařství . Praha: Galén, 2024, s. -. ISBN 978-80-7492-713-3 ..
  • . . In Seifert, Bohumil, Býma, Svatopluk, Seifert, Martin. Primární péče : všeobecné praktické lékařství : výukový text pro studenty magisterského studia lékařství . Praha: Karolinum, 2023, s. -. ISBN 978-80-246-5478-2..
  • . . In Collins, R. Douglas. Diferenciální diagnostika prvního kontaktu : překlad 3., zcela přepracovaného a doplněného vydání . Praha: Grada, 2007, s. -. ISBN 978-80-247-0897-3..
  • . . In Jones, Roger (ed.). Oxford textbook of primary medical care . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004, s. -. ISBN 0-19-856580-1..

Last update: Král Norbert, MUDr., Ph.D. (26.06.2024)
Teaching methods

Lectures, workshops, audiovizual programs, practical traning sessions, practice attachement, visit to patient at his home.

Last update: SEI07710 (08.11.2010)

Primary care in the health system

Concept and content of general practice medicine

Practitioner status and its cooperation with other bodies

Special features of providing care

Basic medical and diagnostic procedures

Home care system

Last update: Kolářová Jana (08.03.2021)
Entry requirements

Professional dress and stethoscope for practice visit.

Last update: Seifert Bohumil, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (25.09.2019)
Education plan -
Schedule block
Week of the block Day From - To Education type Theme Teacher Files Note Hodnocení
1Monday09:00 - 10:30seminarIntroduction to primary care and general practicedoc. MUDr. Bohumil Seifert, Ph.D.Department of General Practice, Albertov 7, Praha 2, 2nd floor (entrance at Studnickova street)
11:00 - 12:30seminarGoals of modern Primary Care.MUDr. Markéta Pfeiferová 
Tuesday09:00 - 10:15seminarPrimary care for childrendoc. MUDr. Bohumil Seifert, Ph.D. 
10:30 - 12:30internshipPractice management Investigation and diagnostic techniques in general practiceMUDr. Jáchym Bednář 
Wednesday09:00 - 10:30seminarDifferential diagnosis in primary careMUDr. Vojtěch Mucha 
11:00 - 12:30seminarDifferential diagnosis in primary care - interactive seminar.MUDr. Norbert Král, Ph.D. 
Thursday09:00 - 12:30internshipVisit to traning practices 
Friday09:00 - 10:30seminarFeedback on practice visits. Closing remarksMUDr. Jáchym Bednář 
11:00 - 12:30seminarCommon symptoms in Primary care.doc. MUDr. Bohumil Seifert, Ph.D. 
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