An overview of the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases, targeted information on
acute conditions of the most common diseases such as benign prostatic hyperplasia or urolithiasis. Basics of
urooncology and pediatric urology, evaluation of laboratory findings, X-ray documentation, ultrasonographic
findings. Indications for conservative and surgical treatment in urology.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (05.03.2021)
Literature -
. . In McAninch, Jack W. Lue, Tom F. (eds.). Smith & Tanagho's general urology . New York: McGraw-Hill, 2020, s. -. ISBN 978-1-259-83433-2..
. . In Kawaciuk, Ivan. Urologie . Jinočany: H & H, 2000, s. -. ISBN ..
. . In Tanagho, Emil A., McAninch, Jack W. (eds.). Smith's general urology . New York: McGraw-Hill medical, 2008, s. -. ISBN ..
Last update: Sedlická Petra (27.11.2023)
Hanuš, Tomáš, Macek, Petr. Urologie pro mediky. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, nakladatelství Karolinum, 2015, 305 s. ISBN 978-80-246-3008-3.
Hanuš, Tomáš. Urologie. V Praze: Triton, 2011, 207 s. ISBN 978-80-7387-387-5.
Macek, Petr, Hanuš, Tomáš, Herle, Petr. Urologie pro všeobecné praktické lékaře. Praha: Raabe, 2011, 138 s. ISBN 978-80-86307-85-5.
McAninch, Jack W. Lue, Tom F. (eds.). Smith & Tanagho's general urology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2020, 820 s. ISBN 978-1-259-83433-2.
Last update: Sedlická Petra (27.11.2023)
Teaching methods
Dear students,
Urology is one of the first clinical subjects in the 4th grade at The First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague. It is a 2-week clinical rotation (2 × 25 hrs). In the first week, there are daily on-site theoretical seminars including illustrative case reports on particular topics. The theoretical week ends up on Friday with a practical training of urinary bladder catheterisation and a hands-on training in urological ultrasonography. The second week is dedicated to the practical training (see below).
Schedule of topics in the first week:
Monday: Introduction, characteristics of urology; Urological examination; Microbiology; Haematuria; Upper and lower urinary tract infections; Case reports
Tuesday: Acute scrotum; Imaging methods in urology; Urinary stone disease; Obstructions; Case reports
Wednesday: Urothelial cancer; Renal cancer; Testicular cancer; Case reports
Thursday: BPH, Prostate cancer; Voiding disorders; Case reports
Friday: Practical training of urinary bladder catheterisation using medical phantoms; Hands-on training in urological ultrasonography
The second week:
The second week of the subject is dedicated to the practical training, which takes place at various urological departments in following hospitals:
Department of Urology, General University Hospital and First Faculty of Medicine (Urologická klinika VFN a 1. LF UK),
Department of Urology, Central Military Hospital and First Faculty of Medicine, Prague – Střešovice (Urologická klinika ÚVN a 1.LF UK v Praze – Střešovice),
Department of Urology, University Hospital Bulovka, Prague (Urologické oddělení Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka),
· Department of Urology, Hospital Na Homolce (Urologické oddělení Nemocnice Na Homolce),
Department of Urology, Regional Hospital Kladno (Urologické oddělení Oblastní nemocnice Kladno).
The student will only have practice in one of the hospitals listed above.
Conditions at the Department of Urology, General University Hospital and First Faculty of Medicine (Urologická klinika VFN a 1. LF UK) to pass the subject and get the credit are following. The credits will be given after reaching certain minimal amount of credit points. These credit points will be given after participation in listed activities. The choice of the activities is based on the students’ preference and is thus to a certain extent optional.
The training objectives don’t differ among particular departments – the students participate in the operation of both OPDs and ORs. The educational quality of all urological departments is comparable. Regarding credit criteria and minimal required attendance, same rules apply at all departments. In previous years, we included the so-called “shadowing” in the list of optional activities, i.e. the student has got the opportunity to attend ward round, morning meeting and subsequently all the morning programme (ORs or OPDs) with an individual physician. This step is our reaction to the students’ logical request to spend their clinical rotation as efficiently as possible. An individual approach, which is absolutely essential for the practical training, is provided by allocating students to several urological departments.
New this year, an MCQ test will be included for credit, which students will write on the day of the exam.
Conditions at the Department of Urology, General University Hospital and First Faculty of Medicine to pass the subject and get the credit are following:
1.) Attending 100 % of theoretical lectures (first week)
2.) Collecting defined amount of credit points, which will be given after participation in listed activities during clinical practise (second week). The choice of the activities is based on the students’ preference and is thus to a certain extent optional. Or completing a set number of days in one of the friendly hospitals.
3.) Passing multiple choice test at the day of exam. Student who will not pass the MCQ test will not be able to continue with oral exam, but he will not lose his exam atempt. Student who will not pass the second MCQ test atempt, will be able to continue with oral exam, but the result of the test will be not taken into acount.
EXAMINATION: The exams start on Friday of the second week of the clinical rotation. Additional exams take place the week following the clinical rotation – these spots are reserved only for the students who already finished their clinical rotation. The exams take place on the 5th floor of the Department of Urology, General University Hospital and First Faculty of Medicine. The exam dates will be published in advance. The application for exams via SIS only.
CONTACT: Organization of the clinical rotation – Ms Petra Sedlická, phone: +420 224 967 050.
prof. MUDr. Viktor Soukup, Ph.D. MUDr. Vojtěch Fiala
Head of the Department of Urology Deputy Head for Education
Last update: Sedlická Petra (26.09.2024)
Requirements to the exam
Examination assessment rules:
The student draws a total of two questions. There are two envelopes and he draws one question from each envelope. Each question is graded (1,2,3,4).
If the student does not pass the first question (he is graded 4), this constitutes a reason for the termination of the exam. In the case of a 4 grade for any of the questions, the grade of the entire exam is,, failed,,
Urology exam questions
1st basket:
1. Lower urinary tract infections, male sexual organs infections
9. Congenital anomalies of lower urinary tract, vesicoureteral reflux
10. Congenital obstructive uropathies
11. Acquired upper urinary tract obstructions
12. Acute conditions in urology except for acute scrotum(urinary retention, urinary bladder tamponade, priapism)
13. Urological complications of gynaecological diseases
14. Hydronephrosis. Congenital anomalies of kidneys and ureters
15. Erectile dysfunction
16. Male infertility
Last update: Sedlická Petra (23.08.2024)
First week: theoretical lectures
Introduction to urology and its content; basic genitourinary anatomy; basic examination techniques in urology, urine examination, ultrasound in urology, X-ray investigations, urologic endoscopy; basic instruments and types of catheters in urology; benign prostatic hyperplasia - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Urologic endoscopy.
Urinary stone disease - etiology, diagnosis and management (ESWL, endoscopy, open procedures), metaphylaxis, renal colic; laparoscopy in urology; urethral strictures - etiology, diagnosis, management; basic andrology and sexology.
Urinary tract infections - etiology, diagnosis and treatment; urologic complications of gynecologic diseases; adrenal tumors - the role of urologist, symptoms, diagnosis, management; trauma and emergencies in urology. Intensive and postoperative care in urological patients.
Urologic oncology - symptoms, diagnosis and management (bladder, kidney, prostate, testicular and penile cancer); urinary diversion after cystectomy. Taking history and clinical examination.
Second week:
practical - attending inpatients, outpatients, operating rooms, lithotripsy suite, X-ray department (including ultrasound), prostate biopsies and urodynamics.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (05.03.2021)
Education plan -
Schedule by date
08:30 a.m.-12:30 INTRODUCTION to urology + SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
Come on time, thank you// note: seminars (1st week) and practice (2nd week) are mandatory.
AP 4053+4054, MO 13.1. seminars
08:30 a.m.-12:30 SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
AP 4053+4054, TU 14.1. seminars
08:30 a.m.-12:30 SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
AP 4053+4054, WE 15.1. seminars
08:30 a.m.-12:30 SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
AP 4053+4054, THU 16.1. seminars
09:00 a.m.-11:00 practical training of urinary bladder catheterisation + hands-on training in urological ultrasonography (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor, catheterisation (classroom), USG studyroom; Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
You will be divided into two parallel groups (in half according to the alphabet).// 1st group:09:00-10:00 catheterisation (classroom) and 10:00-11:00 USG (studyroom), 2nd group: 09:00-10:00 USG (studyroom) and 10:00-11:00 catheterisation (classroom)
AP 4053+4054, FRI 17.1. catheterisation + ultrasonography
PRACTICAL INTERNSHIP at the Urology Clinic VFN/ MO 20.1-Fri 24.1./a minimum of 14 credits-Program depending on where you register for positions./ You will learn more on Monday during the introduction to urology ( info in Files-Where to register for practical training + orientation plans, Distribution of students to hospitals..)/
where: Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/ Bring a white coat + slippers + ISIC card./
Come on time, thank you//Students who will not have practice in friendly hospitals will have practice with us at VFN.
AP 4053+4054, MO 20.1.-Fri 24.1. practical training at VFN
PRACTICAL INTERNSHIP in the orher hospitals/ MO 20.1-Fri 24.1./meet 2 days/ You will learn more on Monday during the introduction to urology ( info in Files-Where to register for practical training + orientation plans, Distribution of students to hospitals)/
where: Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka (in Prague), Nemocnice Na Homolce (in Prague), Oblastní nemocnice Kladno (in Kladno), Ústřední vojenská nemocnice(in Prague)/
Come on time, thank you//The student will have practice in only one hospital./ Bring a white coat + slippers + ISIC card.
AP 4053+4054, MO 20.1.-Fri 24.1. practical training in the other hospitals
ERASMUS (7777) winter semester: PRACTICAL INTERNSHIP at the Urology Clinic VFN/ MO 3.2.-FRI 7.2./a minimum of 14 credits-Program depending on where you register for positions(see file Distribution of students to hospitals-table Practical training VFN; file Where to register for practical training)/ We will send you more information about practice by email at the beginning of the academic year. We will also send information about Moodle, where the study materials will be./
where: Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
Come on time, thank you/ Bring a white coat + slippers + ISIC card./
!!! note:You are only concerned with information about practice at VFN. You will not have experience in other hospitals!
Information about the first week of block teaching (face-to-face seminars) does not apply to you!
7777 Erasmus-winter semester, MO 3.2.-FRI 7.2. practical training at VFN
08:30 a.m.-12:30 INTRODUCTION to urology + SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
Come on time, thank you// note: seminars (1st week) and practice (2nd week) are mandatory.
AP 4051+4052, MO 3.3. seminars
08:30 a.m.-12:30 SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
AP 4051+4052, TU 4.3. seminars
08:30 a.m.-12:30 SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
AP 4051+4052, WE 5.3. seminars
08:30 a.m.-12:30 SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
AP 4051+4052, THU 6.3. seminars
09:00 a.m.-11:00 practical training of urinary bladder catheterisation + hands-on training in urological ultrasonography (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor, catheterisation (classroom), USG studyroom; Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
You will be divided into two parallel groups (in half according to the alphabet).// 1st group:09:00-10:00 catheterisation (classroom) and 10:00-11:00 USG (studyroom), 2nd group: 09:00-10:00 USG (studyroom) and 10:00-11:00 catheterisation (classroom)
AP 4051+4052, FRI 7.3. catheterisation + ultrasonography
PRACTICAL INTERNSHIP in the orher hospitals/ MO 10.3.-FRI 14.3./meet 2 days/ You will learn more on Monday during the introduction to urology ( info in Files-Where to register for practical training + orientation plans, Distribution of students to hospitals)/
where: Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka (in Prague), Nemocnice Na Homolce (in Prague), Oblastní nemocnice Kladno (in Kladno), Ústřední vojenská nemocnice(in Prague)/
Come on time, thank you//The student will have practice in only one hospital./ Bring a white coat + slippers + ISIC card.
AP 4051+4052, MO 10.3.-Fri 14.3. practical training in the other hospitals
PRACTICAL INTERNSHIP at the Urology Clinic VFN/ MO 10.3.-FRI 14.3./a minimum of 14 credits-Program depending on where you register for positions./ You will learn more on Monday during the introduction to urology ( info in Files-Where to register for practical training + orientation plans, Distribution of students to hospitals..)/
where: Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/ Bring a white coat + slippers + ISIC card/
Come on time, thank you//Students who will not have practice in friendly hospitals will have practice with us at VFN.
AP 4051+4052, MO 10.3.-FRI 14.3. practical training at VFN
ERASMUS (7777) summer semester: PRACTICAL INTERNSHIP at the Urology Clinic VFN/ MO 31.3.-FRI 4.4./a minimum of 14 credits-Program depending on where you register for positions(see file Distribution of students to hospitals-table Practical training VFN; file Where to register for practical training)/ We will send you more detailed information about the practice by email when we know all the names of the students who are to come to us. (When they send them to us from the foreign department of the 1.LF). We will also send information about Moodle, where the study materials will be./
where: Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
Come on time, thank you/ Bring a white coat + slippers + ISIC card./
!!! note:You are only concerned with information about practice at VFN. You will not have experience in other hospitals!
Information about the first week of block teaching (face-to-face seminars) does not apply to you!
7777 Erasmus-summer semester, MO 31.3.-FRI 4.4. practical training at VFN
Rozpis datumový
08:30 a.m.-12:30 INTRODUCTION to urology + SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
Come on time, thank you// note: seminars (1st week) and practice (2nd week) are mandatory.
AP 4053+4054, MO 13.1. seminars
08:30 a.m.-12:30 SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
AP 4053+4054, TU 14.1. seminars
08:30 a.m.-12:30 SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
AP 4053+4054, WE 15.1. seminars
08:30 a.m.-12:30 SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
AP 4053+4054, THU 16.1. seminars
09:00 a.m.-11:00 practical training of urinary bladder catheterisation + hands-on training in urological ultrasonography (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor, catheterisation (classroom), USG studyroom; Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
You will be divided into two parallel groups (in half according to the alphabet).// 1st group:09:00-10:00 catheterisation (classroom) and 10:00-11:00 USG (studyroom), 2nd group: 09:00-10:00 USG (studyroom) and 10:00-11:00 catheterisation (classroom)
AP 4053+4054, FRI 17.1. catheterisation + ultrasonography
PRACTICAL INTERNSHIP at the Urology Clinic VFN/ MO 20.1-Fri 24.1./a minimum of 14 credits-Program depending on where you register for positions./ You will learn more on Monday during the introduction to urology ( info in Files-Where to register for practical training + orientation plans, Distribution of students to hospitals..)/
where: Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/ Bring a white coat + slippers + ISIC card./
Come on time, thank you//Students who will not have practice in friendly hospitals will have practice with us at VFN.
AP 4053+4054, MO 20.1.-Fri 24.1. practical training at VFN
PRACTICAL INTERNSHIP in the orher hospitals/ MO 20.1-Fri 24.1./meet 2 days/ You will learn more on Monday during the introduction to urology ( info in Files-Where to register for practical training + orientation plans, Distribution of students to hospitals)/
where: Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka (in Prague), Nemocnice Na Homolce (in Prague), Oblastní nemocnice Kladno (in Kladno), Ústřední vojenská nemocnice(in Prague)/
Come on time, thank you//The student will have practice in only one hospital./ Bring a white coat + slippers + ISIC card.
AP 4053+4054, MO 20.1.-Fri 24.1. practical training in the other hospitals
ERASMUS (7777) winter semester: PRACTICAL INTERNSHIP at the Urology Clinic VFN/ MO 3.2.-FRI 7.2./a minimum of 14 credits-Program depending on where you register for positions(see file Distribution of students to hospitals-table Practical training VFN; file Where to register for practical training)/ We will send you more information about practice by email at the beginning of the academic year. We will also send information about Moodle, where the study materials will be./
where: Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
Come on time, thank you/ Bring a white coat + slippers + ISIC card./
!!! note:You are only concerned with information about practice at VFN. You will not have experience in other hospitals!
Information about the first week of block teaching (face-to-face seminars) does not apply to you!
7777 Erasmus-winter semester, MO 3.2.-FRI 7.2. practical training at VFN
08:30 a.m.-12:30 INTRODUCTION to urology + SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
Come on time, thank you// note: seminars (1st week) and practice (2nd week) are mandatory.
AP 4051+4052, MO 3.3. seminars
08:30 a.m.-12:30 SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
AP 4051+4052, TU 4.3. seminars
08:30 a.m.-12:30 SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
AP 4051+4052, WE 5.3. seminars
08:30 a.m.-12:30 SEMINARS (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor auditorium, Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
AP 4051+4052, THU 6.3. seminars
09:00 a.m.-11:00 practical training of urinary bladder catheterisation + hands-on training in urological ultrasonography (see Files-Schedule of topics)/
where: 5th floor, catheterisation (classroom), USG studyroom; Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
You will be divided into two parallel groups (in half according to the alphabet).// 1st group:09:00-10:00 catheterisation (classroom) and 10:00-11:00 USG (studyroom), 2nd group: 09:00-10:00 USG (studyroom) and 10:00-11:00 catheterisation (classroom)
AP 4051+4052, FRI 7.3. catheterisation + ultrasonography
PRACTICAL INTERNSHIP in the orher hospitals/ MO 10.3.-FRI 14.3./meet 2 days/ You will learn more on Monday during the introduction to urology ( info in Files-Where to register for practical training + orientation plans, Distribution of students to hospitals)/
where: Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka (in Prague), Nemocnice Na Homolce (in Prague), Oblastní nemocnice Kladno (in Kladno), Ústřední vojenská nemocnice(in Prague)/
Come on time, thank you//The student will have practice in only one hospital./ Bring a white coat + slippers + ISIC card.
AP 4051+4052, MO 10.3.-Fri 14.3. practical training in the other hospitals
PRACTICAL INTERNSHIP at the Urology Clinic VFN/ MO 10.3.-FRI 14.3./a minimum of 14 credits-Program depending on where you register for positions./ You will learn more on Monday during the introduction to urology ( info in Files-Where to register for practical training + orientation plans, Distribution of students to hospitals..)/
where: Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/ Bring a white coat + slippers + ISIC card/
Come on time, thank you//Students who will not have practice in friendly hospitals will have practice with us at VFN.
AP 4051+4052, MO 10.3.-FRI 14.3. practical training at VFN
ERASMUS (7777) summer semester: PRACTICAL INTERNSHIP at the Urology Clinic VFN/ MO 31.3.-FRI 4.4./a minimum of 14 credits-Program depending on where you register for positions(see file Distribution of students to hospitals-table Practical training VFN; file Where to register for practical training)/ We will send you more detailed information about the practice by email when we know all the names of the students who are to come to us. (When they send them to us from the foreign department of the 1.LF). We will also send information about Moodle, where the study materials will be./
where: Department of Urology, General University Hospital in Prague (Urologická klinika VFN), Ke Karlovu 6, Prague 2/
Come on time, thank you/ Bring a white coat + slippers + ISIC card./
!!! note:You are only concerned with information about practice at VFN. You will not have experience in other hospitals!
Information about the first week of block teaching (face-to-face seminars) does not apply to you!
7777 Erasmus-summer semester, MO 31.3.-FRI 4.4. practical training at VFN