Pathophysiology is a bridge between theoretical medical subjects and clinical studies. Pathophysiology studies changes in the human body as influenced by various diseases. It collects data regarding the causes of various diseases and data regarding the functional changes occurring in various organs systems, organs, tissues and cells. The course of the pathological physiology consists from lectures and seminars. Students are motivated to actively participate in the teaching during seminars and some home work with the aim to prepare them for continuous studies of pathophysiology during their clinical studies and as a part of the continuous medical education. The two semester course deals with pathophysiology of different organ systems of the body, roughly corresponding to clinical specialization, particularly in the internal medicine. General mechanism causing and underlying diseases are included into the teaching curriculum.
Last update: Nečas Emanuel, prof. MUDr., DrSc. (01.12.2010)
For on-line examination, the student must have the necessary equipment (internet connection, functional webcam, microphone and installed web browser).
The expected length of the distance exam corresponds to the length of the full-time exam.
No preparation time for preparation to exam. Last update: Nečas Emanuel, prof. MUDr., DrSc. (22.05.2020)
Kaufman Ch. E., McKee P. A.: Essentials of Pathophysiology, Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1996 McPhee et al: Pathophysiology of Disease, Prentice-Hall Int. Kuba, Kubová: Pathophysiology. Univerzita Karlova, 2006 Silbernagl, Lang: Color Atlas of Pathophysiology, Thieme Last update: Korhoňová Radmila (02.12.2010)
Detail information about seminars, lectures, credit requirments, and exam are on the webside: https://patofyziologie.lf1.cuni.cz/en/information-of-general-medicime The required extent of knowledge for the final exam is determined by the textbook, the content of lectures and seminars, and the list of exam questions. Exam information and questions are at: https://patofyziologie.lf1.cuni.cz/en/information-of-exam For further informations you may contact: radmila.korhonova@lf1.cuni.cz
Last update: Živný Jan, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (24.05.2019)
Special seminar: Last update: Korhoňová Radmila (02.12.2010)