Hygiene and Epidemiology SE - B80125 (General Medicine - English parallel)
Order | Course title |
Topic 1 (TO1) | |
1 | Hygiene, definition, history. Health protection and promotion. |
2 | Epidemiology, definition, practical importance. |
3 | Health risks of exposure to dust and solid aerosols, prevention. |
4 | Health risks of exposure to chemicals, prevention. |
5 | Toxic and allergenic effects of chemicals, prevention. |
6 | Delayed effects of chemicals, prevention. |
7 | Current health aspects of globalization and climate change. |
8 | Health risks of exposure to noise: Specific and systemic effects of noise, prevention and protection. |
9 | Health risks of exposure to vibrations, health effects, prevention. |
10 | Health risks of exposure to abnormal atmospheric pressure, health effects, prevention. |
11 | Microclimatic factors, impact on health. Thermal comfort. |
12 | Health risks of exposure to ionizing radiation, sources, health effects, protection principles. |
13 | Health risks from non-ionizing radiation exposure, health effects, prevention. |
14 | Health risks of laser use, health protection. |
15 | Whole-body physical workload, impact on health, hygienic limits, prevention. |
16 | Local muscular strain, impact on health, hygienic limits, prevention. |
17 | Mental strain, impact on health, prevention. |
18 | Visual strain, natural and artificial lighting, glare, visual stress prevention. |
19 | Monitoring of environmental factors. Biological monitoring. |
20 | Hygiene limits, definition, relevance for medical practice. |
21 | Health significance of air pollutants. Emissions, immissions, smog. |
22 | Health issues related to traffic emissions. |
23 | Work-related health damage, diseases associated with work, prevention. |
24 | Risk analysis in the workplace, principles of risk assessment and management, risk communication and perception. |
25 | Occupational health risk assessment, parameters, prevention. |
26 | Occupational risk factors in healthcare. Prevention options. |
27 | Principles of medical fitness assessment for work. |
28 | Workplace inspections and occupational medical checkups. |
29 | Health issues related to radon and its decay products, prevention. |
30 | Indoor environment of buildings, factors affecting health, prevention. |
31 | Medical waste. Management and risks. |
32 | Water sources, potable water treatment, distribution, health security, emergency situations. |
33 | Water-associated health risks. |
34 | Quality requirements for potable water, hygienic limits. |
35 | Hydration strategies, bottled water, protective drinks. |
36 | Health risks from waste and soil, prevention. |
37 | Hormone-active substances (endocrine-disrupting chemicals), impact on health. |
38 | Proteins, lipids, carbohydrates: Role in nutrition. |
39 | Mineral substances: Importance in nutrition. |
40 | Trace elements: Importance in nutrition. |
41 | Vitamins: Importance in nutrition. |
42 | Main food groups and their role in nutrition. |
43 | Food additives, reasons for use, food safety. |
44 | Food contaminants, entry pathways into the food chain, prevention, regulatory authorities. |
45 | Toxic substances in food, prevention of foodborne intoxications. |
46 | The role of microorganisms in human food. |
47 | Nutritional recommendations for the general population. |
48 | Assessment of nutritional status. |
49 | Nutritional disorders due to nutrient deficiency, prevention. |
50 | Nutritional disorders due to nutrient excess, prevention. |
51 | Hygienic requirements for food services. |
52 | Allergies and allergens: Epidemiological aspects and prevention. |
53 | Hygienic and epidemiological issues in emergencies. Bioterrorism. |
54 | Health of children and adolescents. |
55 | Risk factors and trends in cardiovascular diseases. |
56 | Trends in cancer epidemiology. |
57 | Cancer risk factors, cancer prevention options. |
58 | Epidemiology of tobacco addiction. |
59 | Principles of tobacco control, the role of healthcare professionals in prevention and treatment. |
60 | Epidemiology of alcohol addiction and illicit drug use. |
61 | Evidence-based medicine. Importance for medical practice. |
62 | Epidemiological methods, study types. |
63 | Descriptive studies, types and basic characteristics. |
64 | Analytical studies, types and basic characteristics. |
65 | Intervention studies, types and basic characteristics. |
66 | Errors in epidemiological studies. Accuracy, reliability, study validity. Bias and confounding factors. |
67 | Statistical inference. Population, sample, variables. |
68 | Evaluation of test performance metrics: Sensitivity, specificity, ROC curve. |
69 | Symmetrical and asymmetrical distribution. Gaussian curve. Measures of central tendency and variability. |
70 | Hypothesis testing. Significance level. Test power, errors. |
71 | Measurement of dependency. Correlation. Regression. |
72 | Measurement of frequency of disease, death and related phenomena. Frequency indicators. Confidence interval. |
73 | Measurement of association: Association, causality, relative risk, odds ratio, attributable risk. |
74 | Post-exposure prophylaxis, definition, examples. |
75 | The process of disease transmission and its characteristics. |
76 | Source and susceptible individual in the process of disease transmission. |
77 | Epidemiology of airborne diseases. |
78 | Epidemiology of foodborne diseases. |
79 | Epidemiology of bloodborne infections. |
80 | Epidemiology of skin and mucosal diseases. |
81 | Epidemiology of vector-borne diseases. |
82 | Anti-epidemic preventive and repressive measures. |
83 | Disinfection, methods, effectiveness control. |
84 | Sterilization, methods, effectiveness control. |
85 | Prevention of healthcare-associated infections (use of catheters, surgical procedures, mechanical ventilation). |
86 | Antimicrobial resistance and antibiotic stewardship - principles, prevention, and monitoring. |
87 | Vaccination and immunization. |
88 | Types and kinds of vaccines, vaccination reactions, contraindications. |
89 | Immunization in other countries and in the Czech Republic. |
90 | New vaccination strategies. Global trends. |
State rigorous examination - see subject B80125
Last update: Kolářová Jana (01.03.2022)
Last update: Kolářová Jana (01.03.2022)
The State Examination can be taken only after obtaining the credit and returning all materials borrowed from the Institute. If any of the above is not met, the student cannot take the State Examination. It is prohibited to carry or use any electronic device during the examination or test. The State Examination is oral. It consists of three drawn questions and one model situation. If the student did not pass one of the questions, it is a reason to end the examination and the evaluation of the whole examination is "failed". In case of any issues concerning the preparation for the State Examination students should ask for a consultation with the pertinent lecturer. Last update: Horňáková Anna, Ing., Ph.D. (07.10.2024)