Emergency medicine: theoretical and practical training is focused on the principles of basic and extended
resuscitation in adults and children, the basics of perioperative and intensive care, monitoring, teaching techniques
of general and regional anesthesia, and management of acute and chronic pain.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (02.03.2021)
Last update: Kolářová Jana (02.03.2021)
Information concerning organisation of the subject can be found on: We are ready for a distant lecturing using MS Teams
Last update: Kunstýř Jan, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (23.11.2020)
1. Resuscitation - management of airway patency, drugs and resuscitation equipment, algorithms, defibrillation.
2. Perioperative, emergency and intensive care - respiratory insufficiency, circulatory failure, acid-base balance disorders, elimination methods, polytrauma, oxygen therapy, artificial pulmonary ventilation, infusion treatment, blood loss management, vital signs monitoring, acute intoxication, burns, neurological disorders and their differential diagnosis
3. Basics of anesthesia - premedication, risks associated with anesthesia, general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, perioperative monitoring, treatment of acute and chronic pain.
Main focus is put on the development of practical skills - teaching in the small groups in the theatres and Intensive Care settings, case-based discussions, direct observation of basic procedural skills and training of the ALS and airway management on the manikins. Last update: Kolářová Jana (02.03.2021)