SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Neurosurgery - B80118 (General Medicine - English parallel)
Title: Neurosurgery
Guaranteed by: Department of Neurosurgery and Neurooncology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and Military University Hospital Prague (11-00860)
Faculty: First Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
Points: 3
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/50, C+Ex [HS]
Extent per academic year: 50 [hours]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Explanation: Doc.MUDr.Ing.Jaroslav Plas
Additional information:
Old code: 118
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Vladimír Beneš, DrSc.
Comes under: Compulsory for GM 5.y._24/25
Attributes: Lékařství
Klinický předmět
Pre-requisite : B80632, B83161, B83162
Introduction to contemporary neurosurgery and its limits. Most frequent diagnoses with a special accent to urgent states. Surgical indications in chronic diseases. Diagnostics. Specifics of neurosurgical procedures.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (02.03.2021)


Paperback ISBN: 9780443069574
eBook ISBN: 9780702049170
eBook ISBN: 9780702056208
Paperback ISBN: 9780443069789

2. Kaye, Andrew H.: Essential neurosurgery. 3rd ed. ISBN 1-4051-1641-2. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2005

3. Greenberg Marc S.: Handbook of neurosurgery, 8th edn,Thieme, New York, 2016

Last update: Plas Jaroslav, doc. MUDr. Ing. (28.05.2019)
Teaching methods

Organisation of rotation in Department of Neurosurgery.

Rotation lasts for 2 weeks, daily from 8.15 to 12,30 . The beginning is always in the door No 1.204, building CH 1, 2nd floor, lifts A, Central Military Hospital, Prague 6.


2 hours lecture (see schedule below).

After that are students divided to: OR (6 students), outpatient clinic (2-3), admissions (2-3), ward (3). The rest is divided to 2-3 groups, each group will examine one patient, evcaluate MRIs, CTs etc. All these cases are later discussed under supervision of teacher who is daily signed in the "operation programme" of the department. Students change their positions in this system during rotation "to see everythink".

The 1st WEEK


Introduction. Prof.Beneš

Consciousness and its evaluation. Raised intracranial pressure. Doc.Plas

Case discussion. Teacher according to daily programme.


Craniocerebral injuries. Doc.Plas.

Case discussion. Teacher iaccording to daily programme.


Degeneration of lumbar spine. Surgical approcahes.

Congenital anomalies of CNS and spine. Dr.Hackel, Dr.Vaněk

Discussion of selected cases. Doc.Beneš ( jun.)


Surgical approaches to the intracranial space. Hydrocephalus. Dr.Mohapl/ Dr.Masopust

Case discussion.

Teacher according to daily programme.


Stereotaxy. Gamma knife. Dr.Chytka

Case discussion.

Teacher according to daily programme.

The 2nd WEEK


Tumors of CNS. Doc.Plas/ prof.Netuka

Case discussion.


Vascular deseases of CNS. Dr.Kramář, Doc.Plas/ prof.Netuka

Case discussion.


Degeneration of cervical spine. Injuries of spine and spinal cord. prof.Suchomel

Case discussion.


Surgery of epilepsy.Dr.Nežádal.Peripheral nerves injury. Dr.Kaiser/doc.Plas

Case discussion.


Interventional neuroradiology. Doc.Charvát

End of rotation. Credits, first term exam. Doc.Plas et al

Case teachers:

Dr.Vaněk, Dr.Masopust, Dr.Mohapl, Dr.Netuka, Dr.Ostrý,Doc.Bradáč, Dr.Kaiser

White coat is mandatory during stay in the ward.

Last update: Kolářová Jana (02.03.2021)
Requirements to the exam


To obtain credit requires :
A. Minimally 80% of presence during rotation in neurosurgery
B. Min. 70% of correct answers in credit test (30 questions, multiple choice).

The credit test is filled immediatelly before the exam.

EXAMINATION is oral. Pre-prepared couples of questions, draw lots

Examination questiones

Examination questiones

  1. Clinical anatomy of the skull and brain,  surgical approaches to the intracranial space.
  2. Disturbance of consciousness (causes, classification, diffuse axonal injury).
  3. Subarachnoid hemorrhage from an aneurysm (clinical symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and complications of bleeding).
  4. Epidural hematoma (pathophysiology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options).
  5. Acute subdural hematoma (pathophysiology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options).
  6. Chronic subdural hematoma (pathophysiology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options).
  7. Skull fractures and their complications (CSF leakage, meningitis).
  8. Intracranial hypertension syndrome, brain edema, and brain herniations (symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Therapeutic approaches for acute decompensation).
  9. Ischemic stroke due to carotid stenosis (sources of embolism, stenoses of large arteries, surgical and conservative treatment options).
  10. Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in hypertensive patients (symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options).
  11. Vascular diseases of the brain (aneurysm, cavernoma, AVM).
  12. Gliomas (symptoms, genetics, diagnosis, and treatment).
  13. Meningiomas (symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment).
  14. Intracranial metastases (etiology, symptoms, treatment options).
  15. Posterior cranial fossa tumors (etiology, symptoms, treatment).
  16. Pituitary adenomas – non-functioning, pituitary apoplexy (symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment).
  17. Pituitary adenomas – functioning (syndromes, diagnosis, and treatment).
  18. Intracranial inflammatory diseases (meningitis, brain abscess).
  19. Pediatric neurosurgery (brain tumors in childhood, hydrocephalus in childhood)
  20. Diffuse brain injuries (concussion, diffuse axonal injury)
  21. Focal brain injuries (contussion, cortex laceraion, indications fo surgery)
  22. Clinical anatomy of the spine and spinal cord, surgical approaches to the spine.
  23. Traumatic spinal cord injuries (spinal syndromes, diagnosis, and treatment).
  24. Degenerative cervical spine disease – radiculopathy (symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options).
  25. Degenerative cervical spine disease – myelopathy (symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options).
  26. Acute lumbar discopathy with neurological deficit (symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options, time factor).
  27. Cauda equina syndrome (symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options, time factor).
  28. Degenerative lumbar spine disease – disc herniation (symptoms, diagnosis,  treatment options).
  29. Degenerative lumbar spine disease – spinal canal stenosis (symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options).
  30. Degenerative lumbar spine disease – spondylolisthesis (symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options).
  31. Failed back surgery syndrome (definition, symptoms, treatment).
  32. Tumors of the spine and spinal cord (vertebral tumors, intradural tumors).
  33. Inflammatory diseases of the spine (spondylodiscitis, empyema).
  34. Stereotaxy (functional and non-functional procedures, porinciples, indications)
  35. Normal pressure hydrocephalus (symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options).
  36. Hydrocephalus (etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options).
  37. Surgical treatment options for epilepsy (stimulation methods, resection methods).
  38. Acute peripheral nerve lesions (symptoms, treatment options).
  39. Nerve entrapemnt syndromes (Carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar nerve sulcus sy - diagnosis, and treatment options).
  40. Surgical treatment of pain (trigeminal neuralgia, neuromodulation).
  41. Classification of brain injuries (closed/open, primary-secondary, diffuse/focal)
  42. Stereo - Radiosurgery (principles of  gama knife, cyber knife -  indications).
  43. Blood supply of the brain (anatomy of brain vessels)
  44. Brain edema (classification, therapy)



Last update: Plas Jaroslav, doc. MUDr. Ing. (16.12.2024)

Consciousness and evaluation of its disturbances

Raised intracranial pressure syndrome.

Craniocerebral injuries.

Spine and spinal cord injuries.


Vascular diseases of the brain.


Spine degeneration.

Surgery of pain

Peripheral nerves surgery.

Intracranial inflammatory diseases.

Surgery od epilepsy.

Gamma knife.

Last update: Kolářová Jana (02.03.2021)
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