Introduction to contemporary neurosurgery and its limits. Most frequent diagnoses with a special accent to urgent
states. Surgical indications in chronic diseases. Diagnostics. Specifics of neurosurgical procedures.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (02.03.2021)
1. Symon L., Bone I.: NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY ILLUSTRATED. 5th edition, Paperback ISBN: 9780443069574
eBook ISBN: 9780702049170
eBook ISBN: 9780702056208
Paperback ISBN: 9780443069789
Last update: Plas Jaroslav, doc. MUDr. Ing. (28.05.2019)
Organisation of rotation in Department of Neurosurgery.
Rotation lasts for 2 weeks, daily from 8.15 to 12,30 . The beginning is always in the door No 1.204, building CH 1, 2nd floor, lifts A, Central Military Hospital, Prague 6.
DAILY PROGRAMME: 2 hours lecture (see schedule below). After that are students divided to: OR (6 students), outpatient clinic (2-3), admissions (2-3), ward (3). The rest is divided to 2-3 groups, each group will examine one patient, evcaluate MRIs, CTs etc. All these cases are later discussed under supervision of teacher who is daily signed in the "operation programme" of the department. Students change their positions in this system during rotation "to see everythink".
Introduction. Prof.Beneš
Consciousness and its evaluation. Raised intracranial pressure. Doc.Plas Case discussion. Teacher according to daily programme.
Craniocerebral injuries. Doc.Plas. Case discussion. Teacher iaccording to daily programme.
WEDNESDAY Degeneration of lumbar spine. Surgical approcahes. Congenital anomalies of CNS and spine. Dr.Hackel, Dr.Vaněk
Discussion of selected cases. Doc.Beneš ( jun.)
THURSDAY Surgical approaches to the intracranial space. Hydrocephalus. Dr.Mohapl/ Dr.Masopust Case discussion. Teacher according to daily programme.
FRIDAY Stereotaxy. Gamma knife. Dr.Chytka Case discussion. Teacher according to daily programme.
Tumors of CNS. Doc.Plas/ prof.Netuka Case discussion.
Vascular deseases of CNS. Dr.Kramář, Doc.Plas/ prof.Netuka Case discussion.
Degeneration of cervical spine. Injuries of spine and spinal cord. prof.Suchomel Case discussion.
Surgery of epilepsy.Dr.Nežádal.Peripheral nerves injury. Dr.Kaiser/doc.Plas Case discussion.
Interventional neuroradiology. Doc.Charvát
End of rotation. Credits, first term exam. Doc.Plas et al
Case teachers:
Dr.Vaněk, Dr.Masopust, Dr.Mohapl, Dr.Netuka, Dr.Ostrý,Doc.Bradáč, Dr.Kaiser
White coat is mandatory during stay in the ward. Last update: Kolářová Jana (02.03.2021)
NEUROSURGERY. CREDIT and EXAMINATION. Examination questiones Examination questiones
Last update: Plas Jaroslav, doc. MUDr. Ing. (16.12.2024)
Consciousness and evaluation of its disturbances Raised intracranial pressure syndrome. Craniocerebral injuries. Spine and spinal cord injuries. Neurooncology. Vascular diseases of the brain. Hydrocephalus. Spine degeneration. Surgery of pain Peripheral nerves surgery. Intracranial inflammatory diseases. Surgery od epilepsy. Gamma knife. Last update: Kolářová Jana (02.03.2021)