The goal of the internship is to inform the student about the operation of the hospital's internal ward and the duties
of a secondary practitioner in this departments.
Another mission of practice is to give students the opportunity to deepen or acquire some clinical skills while doing
all the tasks under the supervision of a doctor.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (02.03.2021)
Lukáš a kol.: Diferenciální diagnostika symptomatologie nemocí trávicího traktu. Triton, Praha 2003 Češka: Interna - 2. vyd., Praha, Triton 2015 Bureš: Vnitřní lékařství - 2. přepr. vyd., Praha, Galén 2014 Souček: Vnitřní lékařství - 1. vyd., Praha, Grada 2011 Lata: Gastroenterologie - 1. vyd., Praha, Galén 2010 Hůlek, Urbánek: Hepatologie - 3. vyd., Praha, Grada 2018 Žák, Lukáš: Základy vnitřního lékařství - 1. vyd., Praha, Galén 2011 Last update: Švestka Tomislav, MUDr., CSc. (24.05.2019)
At the patient's bed, students will be led to a separate approach to the patient (history, physical examination, investigative process and treatment).
Students should be familiar with indications and with their own blood transfusion and be personally present when:
They must acquire, administer and manage documentation in order of blood transfusions. Students are expected to be familiar with the nasogastric probe introduction, gastric lavage and puncture techniques. Students are involved in daily and night-time reception services under the guidance of a secondary doctor. If possible, take part in the X-ray department of the description of X-rays and visit the X-ray department. During the course, they will learn about the administration of the patient's admission and discharge, as well as with the determination and assessment of incapacity for work in common illnesses.
It is recommended that, in the case of a given medical facility, the patient should be involved in the care of patients in coma (diagnostics, treatment of poisoning and differential diagnosis).
The procedures done by the student during the placement will be confirmed by the respective health care institution in THE LIST OF PRACTICAL PROCEDURES.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (21.06.2021)