| | |  |
|  Code |  Title |  Semester | Hours per week, examination | Department | Faculty | Virtual mobility | Capacity | 4EU+ |
NUFY120 |
Bachelor's Seminar on Physics |
summer |
summer s.:0/2, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NFUF815 |
Bachelor's Seminar on Physics |
summer |
summer s.:0/2, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NDFY043 |
Didactics of Physics I |
winter |
winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NUFY080 |
Physics I (Mechanics) |
winter |
winter s.:4/2, C+Ex [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NUFY088 |
Panorama of Physics I |
winter |
winter s.:0/2, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NFUF812 |
Mathematical Methods in Physics II |
winter |
winter s.:0/2, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NUFY085 |
Mathematical Methods in Physics II |
winter |
winter s.:0/2, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NFUF101 |
Mechanics |
winter |
winter s.:4/2, C+Ex [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NUFY119 |
Kinetic theory of matter (molecular physics) |
summer |
summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NUFY115 |
Physics Teaching Propedeutics I |
winter |
winter s.:0/2, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NUFY082 |
Practical Introduction to Electronics |
winter |
winter s.:0/2, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NFUF303 |
Practical Introduction to Electronics |
winter |
winter s.:0/2, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NFUF305 |
Proseminar of Physics Teaching I |
winter |
winter s.:0/2, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NPED042 |
Rhetoric and effective communication with people II |
summer |
summer s.:0/2, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NUFY105 |
Social Skills and Work I |
winter |
winter s.:0/2, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NPEP602 |
Social Skills and Work I |
winter |
winter s.:0/2, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NPEP604 |
Social Skills and Work II |
summer |
summer s.:0/2, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NUFY106 |
Social Skills and Work II |
summer |
summer s.:0/2, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NUFY081 |
Introduction to Mathematical Methods of Physics |
winter |
winter s.:0/3, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NFUF804 |
Introduction to Mathematical Methods of Physics |
winter |
winter s.:0/3, C [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |
NPRF026 |
Introduction to Programming and Working with Personal Computer |
winter |
winter s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] |
32-KDF |
11320 |
no |
no |