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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterHours per week, examinationDepartmentFacultyVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail CHSCH1 . winter winter s.:20/0, C [HS]
summer s.:20/0, C+Ex [HS]
12-UBCH 11120 no no
detail CMCP123BP Locomotion Disorders (IIC) - Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry summer summer s.:0/1, other [HS] 12-UBCH 11120 no no
detail CMCPO23PA Pain (IIC) - Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry summer summer s.:0/2, other [HS] 12-UBCH 11120 no no
detail CMCP064BP GIT a břišní potíže (IIC) - biochemie a patobiochemie winter winter s.:0/0, other [HS] 12-UBCH 11120 no no
detail CMCP113BP Endokrinní a metabolická onemocnění (IIC)- biochem. a patobiochem. summer summer s.:0/2, other [HS] 12-UBCH 11120 no no