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Courses overview, academic year 2024/2025
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterMax. number of students:Min. number of students:Taught:Language of instruction:Students can enroll repeatedly:Only for PhD students:Subtitle:Guarantor(s) + Teacher(s)Hours per week, examinationClasses per academic year (extra):E-CreditsDepartmentFacultyEnrollment outside of the study plan possibleEnabled for web enrollmentVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail B00036 Summer Clerkship - Patient Care summer taught Czech no no doc. MUDr. Lukáš Zlatohlávek, Ph.D. summer s.:0/120, C [HS] 120 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B80036 Summer Clerkship - Patient Care summer taught English no no doc. MUDr. Lukáš Zlatohlávek, Ph.D. summer s.:0/120, C [HS] 120 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B01151 Summer clerkship - Patient Care summer taught Czech no no Mgr. Lucie Brázdová, DiS. summer s.:0/80, C [HS] 80 [H] 1 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B81151 Summer clerkship - Nursing summer taught English no no Mgr. Lucie Brázdová, DiS. summer s.:0/80, C [HS] 80 [T] 1 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03107 Psychology and Communication winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Dita Svobodová, MHA, Ph.D. + Mgr. Miluše Kulhavá winter s.:5/5, C+Ex [HS] 10 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B01695 Psychology and Communication summer taught Czech no no Mgr. Dita Svobodová, MHA, Ph.D. + Mgr. Miluše Kulhavá summer s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT] 30 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B02301 Principles of Management winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Lenka Jeřábková, MBA, MHA winter s.:8/0, C+Ex [HS] 8 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03442 Primary and Community Care summer taught Czech no no Mgr. Dita Svobodová, MHA, Ph.D. + Mgr. Lenka Jeřábková, MBA, MHA summer s.:0/4, C+Ex [HT] 60 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B83624 Patient Care Skills Refresh summer taught English no no Mgr. Lucie Brázdová, DiS. summer s.:0/15, C [HT] 15 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03623 Patient Care Skills Refresh summer taught Czech no no Mgr. Kateřina Chvojková summer s.:0/15, C [HS] 15 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03388 Patient Care in Simualtion for Practice both taught Czech no no doc. MUDr. Mikuláš Mlček, Ph.D. 0/15, C+Ex [HS] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03585 Patient care in experience both taught Czech no no Mgr. Kateřina Jankovcová 10/10, C [HS] 20 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03440 Patient Care winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Beáta Švárová, Mgr. Dita Svobodová, MHA, Ph.D. + PhDr. Jana Hocková, MPH, Ph.D. winter s.:0/6, C [HT]
summer s.:0/6, C+Ex [HT]
180 [H] 3 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03376 Patient Care winter taught Czech no no doc. MUDr. Lukáš Zlatohlávek, Ph.D. + Mgr. Jana Bauerová winter s.:0/2, C [HT]
summer s.:0/3, C+Ex [HT]
75 [H] 3 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B83376 Patient Care winter taught English no no doc. MUDr. Lukáš Zlatohlávek, Ph.D. + Mgr. Lucie Brázdová, DiS. winter s.:0/2, C [HT]
summer s.:0/3, C+Ex [HT]
75 [H] 3 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03627 Nursing Repetition winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Miluše Kulhavá winter s.:0/20, C [HS] 20 [H] 3 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03441 Nursing Procedures winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Kateřina Chvojková winter s.:0/6, C [HT]
summer s.:0/6, C [HT]
180 [H] 3 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03082 Nursing for Addictologists winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Jana Bauerová winter s.:0/8, C [HS] 8 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03068 Nursing for Addictologists winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Jana Bauerová winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 30 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03443 Nursing Clerkship winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Beáta Švárová, Mgr. Dita Svobodová, MHA, Ph.D. winter s.:0/200, C [HS]
summer s.:0/200, C [HS]
400 [H] 5 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03390 Nursing - bedside work both taught Czech no no Mgr. Kateřina Chvojková 0/150, C [HS] 150 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03445 Medical Psychology and Communication winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Miluše Kulhavá winter s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] 60 [H] 3 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03328 Medical Psychology summer taught Czech no no Mgr. Dita Svobodová, MHA, Ph.D. + Mgr. Miluše Kulhavá summer s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 45 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B02298 Healthcare Organisation and Social Care winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Lenka Jeřábková, MBA, MHA winter s.:8/0, C+Ex [HS] 8 [H] 4 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B01734 Healthcare Organisation and Social Care summer taught Czech no no Mgr. Lenka Jeřábková, MBA, MHA summer s.:2/0, C+Ex [HT] 30 [H] 4 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03010 First Aid, Meeting with the Clinicians winter taught Czech no no doc. MUDr. Lukáš Zlatohlávek, Ph.D. + Mgr. Petra Vilímová winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 30 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B83010 First Aid, Meeting with the Clinicians winter taught English no no doc. MUDr. Lukáš Zlatohlávek, Ph.D. + Mgr. Kateřina Jankovcová winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 30 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03543 First Aid in practice both taught Czech no no Mgr. Petra Vilímová 12/8, C [HS] 20 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03579 First aid in experience both taught Czech no no Mgr. Kateřina Jankovcová 10/10, C [HS] 20 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B81137 First Aid and Patient Care summer taught English no no Mgr. Kateřina Jankovcová summer s.:0/1, C [HT] 15 [H] 1 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B01137 First Aid and Patient Care summer taught Czech no no Mgr. Petra Vilímová summer s.:0/1, C [HT] 15 [H] 1 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03095 First Aid and Patient Care winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Kateřina Jankovcová winter s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT] 30 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03144 First Aid winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Kateřina Jankovcová winter s.:5/5, C+Ex [HS] 10 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03447 EBP and Introduction to Nursing Research winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Jana Bauerová winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 45 [H] 3 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03457 Continuous Individual Clerkship 2 summer taught Czech no no Mgr. Beáta Švárová summer s.:0/240, C [HS] 240 [H] 4 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03444 Continuous Individual Clerkship 1 summer taught Czech no no Mgr. Beáta Švárová summer s.:0/240, C [HS] 240 [H] 4 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03472 Clerkship 3 winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Beáta Švárová, Mgr. Dita Svobodová, MHA, Ph.D. winter s.:0/120, C [HS]
summer s.:0/600, C+Ex [HS]
720 [H] 14 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03456 Clerkship 2 winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Beáta Švárová, Mgr. Dita Svobodová, MHA, Ph.D. winter s.:0/240, C [HS]
summer s.:0/480, C [HS]
720 [H] 10 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B01737 Basics of Management winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Lenka Jeřábková, MBA, MHA winter s.:2/0, C+Ex [HT] 30 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03446 Basic Pedagogy and Education of Clients winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Miluše Kulhavá winter s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT] 30 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03589 Basic patient care in intensive care in practice both taught Czech no no Mgr. Petra Vilímová 12/24, C [HS] 36 [H] 3 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03590 Basic patient care in intensive care in practice both taught Czech no no Mgr. Petra Vilímová 12/24, C [HS] 36 [H] 3 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03449 Basic Management and Economics winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Lenka Jeřábková, MBA, MHA winter s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT] 30 [H] 2 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03361 Applied Pedagogical Psychology winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Miluše Kulhavá winter s.:1/2, C+Ex [HT] 45 [H] 3 11-00250 11110 no no no no
detail B03363 Applied Educational Psychology winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Miluše Kulhavá winter s.:4/4, C+Ex [HS] 8 [H] 3 11-00250 11110 no no no no
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