SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Courses overview, academic year 2024/2025
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterMax. number of students:Min. number of students:Taught:Language of instruction:Students can enroll repeatedly:Only for PhD students:Subtitle:Guarantor(s) + Teacher(s)Hours per week, examinationClasses per academic year (extra):E-CreditsDepartmentFacultyEnrollment outside of the study plan possibleEnabled for web enrollmentVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail B90286 Bioethics and spirituality winter taught Czech no no ThLic. Ing. René Milfait, Ph.D. winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 40 0 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B90285 Bioethics and law winter taught Czech no no doc. JUDr. Tomáš Doležal, Ph.D., JUDr. Adam Doležal, LL.M., Ph.D. winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 40 0 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B90284 Bioethics and Sociology winter taught Czech no no doc. PhDr. Dino Numerato, Ph.D. winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 40 0 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B90282 Bioethics from the perspective of psychology and psychoanalysis winter taught Czech no no MUDr. David Holub, Ph.D. winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 40 0 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B90234 Ethics in Neurology and Neuropsychology winter taught Czech no no doc. RNDr. Petr Bob, Ph.D. winter s.:0/0, colloquium [HT] 40 [H] 0 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B90233 Ethics of Genomics and of Beginning of Life winter taught Czech no no prof. MUDr. Pavel Martásek, DrSc. winter s.:0/0, colloquium [HT] 40 [H] 0 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B90232 Reading of Philosophical Texts winter taught Czech no no doc. PhDr. MUDr. Jan Payne, Ph.D. winter s.:0/0, --- [HS]
summer s.:0/0, C [HS]
60 [H] 0 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B90231 Basic neuropsychology winter taught Czech no no doc. PhDr. MUDr. Jan Payne, Ph.D. winter s.:0/0, colloquium [HT] 0 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B90230 Bioethics and philosophical ethics both taught Czech no no doc. PhDr. MUDr. Jan Payne, Ph.D. 0/0, C [HT] 0 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B90032 Basics of Genomics summer taught Czech no no doc. PhDr. MUDr. Jan Payne, Ph.D. summer s.:0/0, colloquium [HT] 0 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B90030 History of Philosophy winter taught Czech no no prof. Dr. Josef Dolista, Ph.D., dr. h. c. winter s.:0/0, colloquium [HT] 80 [H] 0 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B90029 Methods of Philosophy winter taught Czech no no doc. PhDr. MUDr. Jan Payne, Ph.D. winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, colloquium [HT]
60 [H] 0 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B83160 Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy winter taught English no no Mgr. Vladimír Vavrda, Ph.D. + doc. ThDr. Václav Ventura, Th.D. winter s.:2/2, C [HT]
summer s.:2/3, MC [HT]
120 [H] 5 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B83116 Bioethics summer taught English no no doc. PhDr. MUDr. Jan Payne, Ph.D. summer s.:1/0, C+Ex [HT] 15 [H] 3 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B81147 Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy winter taught English no no doc. RNDr. Petr Bob, Ph.D. + doc. ThDr. Václav Ventura, Th.D. winter s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT] 30 [H] 3 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B81100 Bioethics 1 winter taught English no no doc. PhDr. MUDr. Jan Payne, Ph.D. + doc. ThDr. Václav Ventura, Th.D. winter s.:0/1, C [HT] 15 [H] 1 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B80629 Bioethics 2 winter taught English no no doc. PhDr. MUDr. Jan Payne, Ph.D. winter s.:0/25, MC [HS] 25 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03632 Basic Tools for Resolving of Ethical Problems in Clinical Practice winter taught Czech no no doc. MUDr. Jaromír Matějek, Th.D., Ph.D. winter s.:0/20, --- [HS]
summer s.:0/40, C [HS]
60 [H] 3 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03618 Crisis Intervention in Clinical Praxis both taught Czech no no doc. MUDr. Jaromír Matějek, Th.D., Ph.D., Mgr. Jakub Formánek, Ph.D. 0/20, C [HS] 20 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03614 Smooth Comunication in Practice both taught Czech no no Mgr. Jakub Formánek, Ph.D. 0/20, C [HS] 20 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03612 Economics of Health Care winter taught Czech no no doc. MUDr. Jaromír Matějek, Th.D., Ph.D. winter s.:0/20, C [HS] 20 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03611 Economics – behavior and decision-making of subjects of health and social systems winter taught Czech no no doc. MUDr. Jaromír Matějek, Th.D., Ph.D. winter s.:0/20, C [HS] 20 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03598 Man between birth and death, accompanied by philosophy winter taught Czech no no doc. MUDr. Jaromír Matějek, Th.D., Ph.D. winter s.:0/30, C [HS] 30 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03597 Non-medical minimum for every-day medical praxis: psycho-socio-spiritual aspects of health-care providence both taught Czech no no doc. MUDr. Jaromír Matějek, Th.D., Ph.D. 0/30, C [HS] 30 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03596 Suffering, meaning and hope both taught Czech no no doc. MUDr. Jaromír Matějek, Th.D., Ph.D. 0/30, C [HS] 30 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03595 Understanding and communicating in family and group systems both taught Czech no no doc. MUDr. Jaromír Matějek, Th.D., Ph.D. 0/30, C [HS] 30 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03594 About death and dying: child, adult and parent both taught Czech no no doc. MUDr. Jaromír Matějek, Th.D., Ph.D. 0/30, C [HS] 30 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03593 Clinical psychotherapy and spiritual care both taught Czech no no doc. MUDr. Jaromír Matějek, Th.D., Ph.D. 0/30, C [HS] 30 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03592 Communication for practice both taught Czech no no doc. MUDr. Jaromír Matějek, Th.D., Ph.D. 0/30, C [HS] 30 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03549 Bioethics winter taught Czech no no prof. Dr. Josef Dolista, Ph.D., dr. h. c. winter s.:1/0, C [HT] 15 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03533 Balint groups - a reflection of their own practice on professionalism both taught Czech no no MUDr. David Holub, Ph.D. 0/2, C [HT] 20 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03160 Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Vladimír Vavrda, Ph.D. + doc. ThDr. Václav Ventura, Th.D. winter s.:2/2, C [HT]
summer s.:2/3, MC [HT]
120 [H] 5 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03116 Bioethics summer taught Czech no no doc. PhDr. MUDr. Jan Payne, Ph.D. + doc. ThDr. Václav Ventura, Th.D. summer s.:1/0, C+Ex [HT] 15 [H] 3 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03069 Psychology and Communication winter taught Czech no no Mgr. Vladimír Vavrda, Ph.D. winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 45 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B03040 Bioethics winter taught Czech no no prof. Dr. Josef Dolista, Ph.D., dr. h. c. winter s.:8/0, C [HS] 8 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B02546 Clinical pastoral care (hospital chaplaincy) summer taught Czech no no MUDr. Mgr. Marie Opatrná, Ph.D. summer s.:0/15, C [HS] 15 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B02532 Ethics and philosophy winter taught Czech no no prof. Dr. Josef Dolista, Ph.D., dr. h. c. + doc. ThDr. Václav Ventura, Th.D. winter s.:4/4, C [HS] 8 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B02404 Systemic medicine - basics of medical thinking both taught Czech no no doc. PhDr. MUDr. Jan Payne, Ph.D. 30/0, C [HS] 30 [H] 3 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B01704 Ethics and philosophy summer taught Czech no no prof. Dr. Josef Dolista, Ph.D., dr. h. c. + doc. ThDr. Václav Ventura, Th.D. summer s.:2/1, C [HT] 45 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B01667 Introduction to the Ethics summer taught Czech no no MUDr. Mgr. Martin Moravec + prof. Dr. Josef Dolista, Ph.D., dr. h. c. summer s.:30/0, C [HS] 30 [H] 3 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B01147 Medical psychology and psychotherapy winter taught Czech no no doc. RNDr. Petr Bob, Ph.D. + doc. ThDr. Václav Ventura, Th.D. winter s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT] 30 [H] 3 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B01100 Bioethics 1 winter taught Czech no no prof. Dr. Josef Dolista, Ph.D., dr. h. c. + doc. ThDr. Václav Ventura, Th.D. winter s.:0/1, C [HT] 15 [H] 1 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B00728 Religionistic Seminar 1,2 winter taught Czech no no prof. Dr. Josef Dolista, Ph.D., dr. h. c. winter s.:15/15, C [HS]
summer s.:15/15, C [HS]
60 [H] 5 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B00671 Philosophical Seminar 2 summer taught Czech no no prof. PhDr. Miloslav Bednář, CSc. summer s.:0/30, C [HS] 30 [H] 3 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B00670 Philosophical Seminar 1 winter taught Czech no no prof. PhDr. Miloslav Bednář, CSc. winter s.:0/30, C [HS] 30 [H] 3 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B00629 Bioethics 2 winter taught Czech no no prof. Dr. Josef Dolista, Ph.D., dr. h. c., doc. MUDr. MgA. Kateřina Rusinová, Ph.D. + doc. ThDr. Václav Ventura, Th.D. winter s.:0/25, MC [HS] 25 [H] 2 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B00393 Psychotherapy 2 summer taught Czech no no doc. RNDr. Petr Bob, Ph.D. summer s.:30/30, C [HS] 60 [H] 4 11-00240 11110 no no no no
detail B00085 Psychotherapy 1 winter taught Czech no no doc. RNDr. Petr Bob, Ph.D. winter s.:30/30, C [HS] 60 [H] 4 11-00240 11110 no no no no
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