Classification > Pharmacy >
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterHours per week, examinationDepartmentFacultyVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail GV047 Immunopharmacology winter winter s.:2/2, Ex [HT] 16-16150 11160 no no
detail GV046 Immunopharmacology winter winter s.:2/2, C [HT] 16-16150 11160 no no
detail GV044 Xenobiochemistry summer summer s.:2/2, Ex [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GV043 Xenobiochemistry summer summer s.:2/2, C [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GV036 Clinical Biochemistry winter winter s.:2/2, Ex [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GV035 Clinical Biochemistry winter winter s.:2/2, C [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GV018 Immunopharmacology summer summer s.:2/2, Ex [HT] 16-16150 11160 no no
detail GV017 Immunopharmacology summer summer s.:2/2, C [HT] 16-16150 11160 no no
detail GV016 Pathologigal - Medicinal Preparation summer summer s.:2/2, Ex [HT] 16-16150 11160 no no
detail GV015 Pathologigal - Medicinal Preparation summer summer s.:2/2, C [HT] 16-16150 11160 no no
detail GV014 Pathological Biochemistry winter winter s.:3/1, Ex [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GV013 Pathological Biochemistry winter winter s.:3/1, C [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GF144 Molecular Biology winter winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GF141 General Biochemistry winter winter s.:56/42, C+Ex [HS] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GF126 Pharmaceutical Botany winter winter s.:28/14, C [HS]
summer s.:42/28, C+Ex [HS]
16-16130 11160 no no
detail GF120 Molecular Biology winter winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GF045 Molecular Biology winter winter s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GF044 Molecular Biology winter winter s.:1/1, C [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GF034 General Biochemistry summer summer s.:4/4, Ex [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GF033 General Biochemistry summer summer s.:4/4, C [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GF017 Pharmaceutical Botany summer summer s.:3/3, Ex [HT] 16-16130 11160 no no
detail GF016 Pharmaceutical Botany summer summer s.:3/3, C [HT] 16-16130 11160 no no
detail GF007 Introduction to Cell Biology and Genetics winter winter s.:3/1, C+Ex [HT] 16-16150 11160 no no
detail GB341 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology winter winter s.:16/6, C+Ex [HS] 16-16150 11160 no no
detail GB119 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology winter winter s.:16/8, C+Ex [HS] 16-16150 11160 no no
detail GB112 Biology winter winter s.:9/9, C+Ex [HT] 16-16150 11160 no no
detail GB096 General Biochemistry summer summer s.:3/4, Ex [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GB095 General Biochemistry summer summer s.:3/4, C [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GB085 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology winter winter s.:56/28, C+Ex [HS] 16-16150 11160 no no
detail GB032 Pathologigal - Medicinal Preparation summer summer s.:2/2, Ex [HT] 16-16150 11160 no no
detail GB031 Pathologigal - Medicinal Preparation summer summer s.:2/2, C [HT] 16-16150 11160 no no
detail GB022 Pathological Biochemistry winter winter s.:3/1, C [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GB007 Biology winter winter s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] 16-16150 11160 no no
detail GAF144 Molecular Biology winter winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GAF141 General Biochemistry winter winter s.:56/42, C+Ex [HS] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GAF126 Pharmaceutical Botany winter winter s.:28/14, C [HS]
summer s.:42/28, C+Ex [HS]
16-16130 11160 no no
detail GAF120 Molecular Biology winter winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GAF045 Molecular Biology winter winter s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GAF044 Molecular Biology winter winter s.:1/1, C [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GAF034 General Biochemistry summer summer s.:4/4, Ex [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GAF033 General Biochemistry summer summer s.:4/4, C [HT] 16-16160 11160 no no
detail GAF017 Pharmaceutical Botany summer summer s.:3/3, Ex [HT] 16-16130 11160 no no
detail GAF016 Pharmaceutical Botany summer summer s.:3/3, C [HT] 16-16130 11160 no no
detail GAF007 Introduction to Cell Biology and Genetics winter winter s.:3/1, C+Ex [HT] 16-16150 11160 no no