The module Harmonogram displays the events of the academic-year schedule in a given time-period to all groups of users. The events without a permission to be displayed will not be displayed!
- Faculty: - choose from the list - Note: if you choose University..., the events are not taken from all the faculties, but you will see only the events set by the rectorate!
- Academic year: - choose from the list - the actual academic year is marked by x
- Event type: - choose from the list
- From: - a date starting the period for listing the events
- you can use the calendar

- leaving this field blank means as far into the history as possible
- Until: - a date ending the period for listing the events
- you can use the calendar

- leaving this field blank means as far into the future as possible
- My events: - restricts the events only to those concerning the group you are logged in as (anonymous/student/user)
- Press Show to display a table of the events or a message that no event was found.
- From - start of the event
- Until - end of the event
- Title - title of the event
You can sort the table by the columns
From and
Until (use the icons

The rows of events in one month and year are merged together to be easily readable.