- Detail
The Detail of a topic contain basic informations about the selected thesis topic - see the following picture
The choice of the possible actions and the range of the displayed data depends on the role you are logged in with.
The functions corresponding to your role:
  • anonymous - displays only the topic with no action possible
  • user - displays the topic including the student's annotation with no action possible
  • student - depends on the assignment of the topic:
    • the topic is not assigned, or the assignment is not confirmed - a student can apply for the topic, the task of the thesis is displayed
    • a student has applied for the topic, but the assignment is not confirmed - the student's name is printed in gray italics. The student can cancel his/her application for the topic, the task of the thesis is displayed
    • the topic is assigned and the assignment is confirmed - a student's name is printed in blue, the confirmation of assignment is displayed and complete data of the thesis are displayed
the student is entitled to Assignment annotation.
New: the topic title is printed in the title of its page. It means that you can use the history of your web browser to come back to this topic anonymously after you log out from the SIS.