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Czech language for academic purpose (9898)
Basic information
Charles University
Czech language for academic purpose
admission procedure in progress
Czech language for academic purpose
As part of the internationalisation process and promotion of bi(multi)lingualism at the UK, the course with 135 contact lessons offers the opportunity to achieve mastery of the basics of the language with a specific focus on students. Although students do not aspire to pass a general certified examination at A1 or A2 level (CCE), they can achieve proficiency at the borderline between these two levels and have this proficiency confirmed by a micro-certificate as a possible outcome of the language course. In multilingual Europe, they will be able to demonstrate a declared basic knowledge of another language.
In the Czech language course for students of Charles University for Erasmus+ students or self-payers with no or little knowledge of Czech, you will learn the basics of the Czech language. Individual lessons will lead you to develop and then improve all your language skills, i.e. speaking and writing (productive skills) as well as listening and reading (receptive skills). We will focus on pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary work. Classes are interactive, teachers provide regular feedback and students are continually tested to monitor their progress. Socio-cultural competences are an integral part of the course and are taught both in the classroom and outside of classroom events and excursions.
The participant is a UK student in the Erasmus+ programme or a self-payer with no or minimal previous knowledge of Czech. They must not be a native speakers of Czech.
Knowledge (theoretical/factual):
They can name the basic structure of a sentence, key grammar and identify the selected phenomena, understand the simple metalanguage.

Skills (practical/functional):
They can understand descriptive texts with frequent vocabulary. They can follow clearly articulated, slowly delivered speech. They can write short, simple texts on topics related to everyday life. They can ask/answer simple questions, describe activities. They can pronounce well enough to be understood; can use basic vocabulary and structures, but still make mistakes.

They can find information, understand the topic, understand simple technical information and instructions. They can identify the topic, recognize dis/agreement, understand the general outline of speech, and catch the key information. In oral interaction and in independent speech, they can reformulate a question and use a compensatory strategy. They can describe everyday realities, express what they dis/like, ask for goods, services, information. They can express basic language functions.
Guarantor Phone number E-mail
PhDr. Barbora Štindlová, Ph.D. +420224990419
11000 - Univerzita Karlova
Further detailed information
135 (total number of hours)
Language acquisition (0231)
Oral examination
Supervised with ID Verification
Level Knowledge Responsibility and autonomy Qualifications
Level 6 Advanced knowledge of a field of work or study, involving a critical understanding of theories and principles Advanced skills, demonstrating mastery and innovation, required to solve complex and unpredictable problems in a specialised field of work or study Manage complex technical or professional activities or projects, taking responsibility for decision-making in unpredictable work or study contexts; take responsibility for managing professional development of individuals and groups
Institutional License
approved by the Internal Evaluation Board: 9/13/2023, approval identification code: 67/23
approved by the Internal Evaluation Board: 9/13/2023, approval identification code: 67/23
Date and venue of the course
winter semester
Information for applicants
2000 Kč / course
Bc. Weixi Jiang
Enrolment information
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