Life-Long Education programsLife-Long Education programs(version: 173)
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EdTech and Learning (10128)
Basic information
Charles University
EdTech and Learning
admission procedure in progress
EdTech and Learning
The goal of this intensive microdegree program is to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and habits that will enable them to create educational projects and effectively educate in a digital or hybrid environment. Graduates will gain theoretical skills, practice suggestions and learn strategies to effectively create stimulating learning situations using ICT/IT and meet their educational goals. Learning with the help of ICT/IT has its own specificities, both on the side of the technology, the teacher and the learner. Each tool has different possibilities, opportunities and limits. Similarly, in different learning situations, the learner has certain capacities and previous experiences, which need to be taken into account when preparing the learning experience. The course offers knowledge of creating learning situations in digital applications, games, VR, as well as a legislative and strategic framework for education.
The EdTech and Education programme is a comprehensive module that introduces students to the theories of learning in digital environments, the principles of digital didactics and specific tools such as modern eLearning platforms, educational games and small-scale applications. The programme will introduce students to current opportunities and help them build competences to creatively find their own solutions. The programme will use a variety of teaching methods - it will combine direct teaching with self-study, project-based team learning and students will be able to consult their own practice-based ideas as part of mentoring.
The course consists of 10 core topics/modules: Technology in education (EdTech) - current research; Specific of digital education; Constructivist teaching and basic principles of digital media; Legislative and strategic frameworks of education: strategy 2030+; New informatics; Advanced design: specifics of educational software development; Digital didactics for disadvantaged students; People skills for digital environment; Media and information education; VR in education
Each of the modules consists of a direct teaching component, which is a combination of lecture and seminar, practical assignments and self-study of the prescribed literature and learning support in Moodle
Enrolment is conditional upon completion of secondary education with a high school diploma. No specific prerequisites or education are required. Knowledge of the Czech language and motivation letter in Czech is required. In case of more enrolled students than the capacity, the organizers will approach the evaluation on the basis of motivation letters of the applicants.
Motivation letter requirements: To apply for admission, please submit a motivation letter in Czech describing your career or studies to date, your vision of your education and its further application in practice or research. Please be very specific, especially about your EdTech training needs and career or personal motivation.

Knowledge - student can
Define various types of education in a digital environment, specifically learning through digital games, digital applications, learning management systems (LMS), and virtual reality (VR); describe their limitations and opportunities.

Skills - student can
Analyse the legislative and strategic framework for education in a digital environment in the Czech Republic.
Design effective educational situations in a digital environment and VR.
Implement online teaching using appropriate tools and techniques to engage all groups of students, including those with specific needs.
Apply fundamental principles media education.

Competencies - student can
Analyse educational opportunities in a digital environment, specifically learning through digital games, digital applications, LMS, and VR.
Propose the most suitable solution for addressing the educational needs/situation of specific students and student groups, subsequently implement them, and/or provide commentary on opportunities and limitations.
Guarantor Phone number E-mail
Mgr. Michaela Slussareff, Ph.D. 221619910
11000 - Univerzita Karlova
Further detailed information
150 (total number of hours)
Kurz má celkový rozsah 150 hodin (54 vyučovacích hodin v prezenčním a online studiu, 96 hodin další časové zátěže).
Informační a komunikační technologie (ICT) – obory jinde neuvedené (0619)
Written examination
Supervised with ID Verification
Level Knowledge Responsibility and autonomy Qualifications
Level 4 Factual and theoretical knowledge in broad contexts within a field of work or study A range of cognitive and practical skills required to generate solutions to specific problems in a field of work or study Exercise self-management within the guidelines of work or study contexts that are usually predictable, but are subject to change; supervise the routine work of others, taking some responsibility for the evaluation and improvement of work or study activities
Institutional License
approved by the Internal Evaluation Board: 3/27/2024, approval identification code: 127/24
approved by the Internal Evaluation Board: 3/27/2024, approval identification code: 127/24
Date and venue of the course
summer semester
Information for applicants
10000 Kč / course
Mgr. Michaela Slussareff, Ph.D., tel: 221619910
Enrolment information
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