Data Steward (10034)
Basic information | |||||||||
Charles University | |||||||||
Data Steward | |||||||||
admission procedure in progress | |||||||||
Blended | |||||||||
Czech | |||||||||
Data Steward | |||||||||
The professionalisation of data management is now a priority, as both science and industry are undergoing a digital transformation in which data management, data quality and data literacy of employees are crucial for all organisations. The course focuses on the extension of competences in data management and data science in line with the proposed European competency frameworks for this area (e.g. FAIR Competence Framework for Higher Education, EDISON Data Science Framework). Participants will learn the basics of working with data, data management, i.e. storage, long-term preservation and sharing of data, including legal and ethical aspects and specifics of data management in different areas, basics of project management and research methods. | |||||||||
The course focuses on expanding competencies in data management and data science. It aims to introduce participants to the basics of working with data, data management, i.e. storage, long-term preservation and sharing of data, including legislative and ethical aspects, specifics of governance in different fields and the basics of project management and research methods. The course consists of six core topics: introduction to open science and research data management, research data management in the context of FAIR principles, research ethics and sensitive data, data processing and storage, data licensing and reusability, and data from the perspective of grant support. Each of the modules consists of a direct teaching component, which is a combination of lecture and seminar, practical assignments and self-study of prescribed readings and study materials in Moodle. The internships are aimed at familiarising with the activities of data stewards at a selected institution and solving partial tasks typical for this environment. Part A - Teaching - 30 hours of teaching + 20 hours of internship, spread over three months The course starts with a full-day seminar, the teaching continues in a fortnightly cycle of shorter meetings and concludes again with a full-day seminar. In the last month an internship is included. Part B - Other study obligations - a total of 50 hours of work on independent assignments given on certain topics, prescribed reading and preparing a final summary and reflection |
A minimum education level of secondary school with a high school diploma and knowledge of English at B2 level is assumed. | |||||||||
Knowledge - student can Describe the typical responsibilities of a data steward. List the key legislative documents related to handling personal data in the Czech Republic and the EU. Enumerate best practices for creating Data Management Plans (DMPs). Explain the concept and function of persistent identifiers. Explain whether research data is considered intellectual property. Skills - student can Justify the importance of creating data documentation and Data Management Plans (DMPs) within their field. Identify key stakeholders involved in handling research data within a chosen institution. Create a basic DMP using any available tool. Evaluate the completeness and alignment with best practices of a DMP created by another course participant. Recommend suitable storage solutions for a given dataset. Propose licensing and storage duration based on industry standards. Competencies - student can Advocate for the establishment of a data steward role within a selected institution. Analyze various types of research data and suggest management strategies. Develop a comprehensive Data Management Plan (DMP) to meet the requirements of a selected research grant, including financial considerations. |
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Accreditation | |||||||||
11000 - Univerzita Karlova | |||||||||
172/24 | |||||||||
24.4.2024 | |||||||||
24.4.2034 | |||||||||
Further detailed information | |||||||||
5 | |||||||||
125 (total number of hours) | |||||||||
Kurz má celkový rozsah 125 hodin (50 vyučovacích hodin v prezenčním studiu včetně praxe, 75 hodin další časové zátěže). | |||||||||
1 | |||||||||
Library, information and archival studies (0322) | |||||||||
Written examination | |||||||||
Supervised with ID Verification | |||||||||
24.4.2024 | |||||||||
24.4.2034 | |||||||||
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Institutional License | |||||||||
approved by the Internal Evaluation Board: 4/24/2024, approval identification code: 172/24 | |||||||||
approved by the Internal Evaluation Board: 4/24/2024, approval identification code: 172/24 | |||||||||
Tento kurz vznikl v rámci projektu Transformace VŠ na UK (reg. č. NPO_UK_MSMT-16602/2022) | |||||||||
Date and venue of the course | |||||||||
03.02.2024 | |||||||||
28.4.2024 | |||||||||
2024/2025 | |||||||||
summer semester | |||||||||
FF UK/NTK | |||||||||
Information for applicants | |||||||||
15 | |||||||||
12600 Kč / course | |||||||||
28.11.2024 | |||||||||
10.01.2025 | |||||||||
Mgr. Adéla Jarolímková, Ph.D., tel: 221619903 | ||||||||| | |||||||||
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Enrolment information | |||||||||
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