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Microscopic Approaches and Image Analysis in Biomedicine and Microtechnologies (BIOIMAGE)
Basic information
Charles University
Microscopic Approaches and Image Analysis in Biomedicine and Microtechnologies
admission procedure in progress
Bioimage analysis workshop
Microscopic Approaches and Image Analysis in Biomedicine and Microtechnologies is a 5 days long, hands-on course that aims to teach participants how to extract valuable insights from their microscopy images and analyze and visualize them. It is designed as an interactive learning experience where participants can collaborate, discuss, and develop their BioImage analysis workflows with guidance from experts in the field with access to specially developed learning materials. Day 1 focuses on a basic understanding of microscopy, image acquisition, computer graphics theory, and bioimage analysis. Days 2 and 3 are devoted to hands-on sessions using the open-source tool ImageJ and the proprietary software Vision4D. Day 4 focuses on the reproducibility of bioimage analysis and the preparation of images for presentation and publication purposes. The final day (day 5) will be an examination in the form of a collaborative project and presentation.
By the end of the workshop, participants will have the skills necessary to effectively analyze, visualize, and interpret their bioimage data.

second week of February in st. room 311
expected next course date - will be specified in the Summer Semester AY 2024/25
The student is able to complete the course in AJ and successfully complete the online preparatory part.
At the end of the course, students will verify their acquired knowledge by independently solving selected experimental questions.
list and describe key concepts in bioimage analysis, including image acquisition, processing, analysis and ethics.
explain how to perform basic image processing operations, such as filtering and segmentation.
analyze and interpret quantitative data obtained from bioimage analysis.
design, plan and implement image analysis workflows for their own research projects.
apply various image processing and analysis techniques to different types of biological data.
use relevant software tools for image analysis
Students will be able to apply their knowledge and skills in the context of their own research projects.
identify and solve problems related to bioimage analysis, communicate findings and results effectively to both scientific and non-scientific audiences.
critically evaluate the quality and reliability of image analysis data and results.
Guarantor Phone number E-mail
Mgr. Zuzana Burdíková, Ph.D. +420 221 95 106
RNDr. Jakub Soukup, Ph.D. +42014069704509
Judith Garcia Gonzalez, M.Sc. +402608773501
Ing. Martin Schätz, Ph.D. +420721357488
11000 - Univerzita Karlova
Further detailed information
2 (2 kredity)
30 (total number of hours)
2x15 hod.
Interdisciplinární programy a kvalifikace zahrnující přírodní vědy, matematiku a statistiku (0588)
prezentace projektu
Level Knowledge Responsibility and autonomy Qualifications
Level 4 Factual and theoretical knowledge in broad contexts within a field of work or study A range of cognitive and practical skills required to generate solutions to specific problems in a field of work or study Exercise self-management within the guidelines of work or study contexts that are usually predictable, but are subject to change; supervise the routine work of others, taking some responsibility for the evaluation and improvement of work or study activities
Institutional License
approved by the Internal Evaluation Board: 11/29/2023, approval identification code: 68/23
approved by the Internal Evaluation Board: 11/29/2023, approval identification code: 68/23
Date and venue of the course
Termín kurzu bude upřesněn v LS AR 2024/25.
Viničná 7, Praha 2
Information for applicants
Lecturer Phone number E-mail
Mgr. Zuzana Burdíková, Ph.D. +420 221 95 106
1000 Kč / course
Mgr. Zuzana Burdíková, Ph.D.
420 221 951 9
Enrolment information
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