Logopaedics in health service (11179)
Basic information | |||||||||
Charles University | |||||||||
Logopaedics in health service | |||||||||
admission procedure in progress | |||||||||
Blended | |||||||||
Czech | |||||||||
Logopaedics in health service | |||||||||
Characteristics of the program: Theoretical part (80 hours): First aid and provision of health care; Healthcare legislation and legal standards in healthcare; Organization of health services and health documentation; Promotion and protection of public health; Ethics and communication in healthcare; Basics of technical and pharmacological procedures in the treatment of communication and hearing disorders; Clinical SLT in an interdisciplinary healthcare team; Organization and management of the rehabilitation process in clinical SLT and phoniatry. Practical part (220 hours): professional internship at accredited workplaces of clinical SLT, phoniatrics and audiology (40 hours); practice in clinical SLT (180 hours - can be completed at an accredited or non-accredited workplace). Podmínky přijímání zájemců: Zájemce o přijetí musí doložit kopie dokumentů, dokládajících, že splňuje (či směřuje k splnění) níže uvedených požadavků pro získání odborné způsobilosti logopeda ve zdravotnictví. Program je určen pro studen |
The scope and content of the course is determined by the curriculum, based on the submitted documents, the applicant can be credited with the lessons or practice he has already completed. The accredited institution will count a maximum of fifteen percent excused absence from the total number of hours into practical and theoretical teaching hours. The course is organized as a full-time form, where the scope of theoretical and practical teaching corresponds to the length of the specified weekly working hours. Theoretical teaching takes place in the classrooms of the Phoniatrics Clinic of the General Faculty Hospital and the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Žitná 24, Prague 2. These classrooms are used for teaching students of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and are adequately equipped in terms of space and technology. Theoretical teaching always takes place on Fridays in the scope of 8 teaching hours, so that within 10 days of full-day teaching, the scope of 80 teaching hours and the scope of in |
Zájemce o přijetí musí doložit kopie dokumentů, dokládajících, že splňuje (či směřuje k splnění) níže uvedených požadavků pro získání odborné způsobilosti logopeda ve zdravotnictví. Program je určen pro studenty posledních dvou ročníků studia oboru logopedie na VŠ (i absolventy), kteří chtějí vstoupit do zdravotnictví. Dle současného znění Zákona č. 96/2004 Sb. se odborná způsobilost k výkonu povolání logopeda ve zdravotnictví získává absolvováním akreditovaného magisterského studijního oboru speciální pedagogika se státní závěrečnou zkouškou z logopedie a surdopedie navazujícího na absolvování akreditovaného bakalářského studijního oboru speciální pedagogika se státní zkouškou z logopedie a surdopedie a absolvováním akreditovaného kvalifikačního kurzu logoped ve zdravotnictví, který je prováděn vysokou školou podle zvláštního právního předpisu (§ 23 zákona). Potřebné doklady: Student navazujícího magisterského programu doloží: - Kopii dodatku diplomu, která dokládá, že složil Bc. státní závěrečnou zkoušku |
A graduate of the program gets: - Knowledge of 1st aid procedures and provision of emergency medical care. - Knowledge of the basics of current healthcare legislation and legal standards, organization of healthcare services and management of healthcare documentation. - An overview of current public health protection, ethics and communication in healthcare. This knowledge is verified by a written test with 60 questions from the above-mentioned areas of medical competence, the threshold for success is 85% of correct answers in the test set. A graduate of the program gets: • Knowledge of the etiology, symptomatology and procedures of clinical SLT for selected speech communication disorders. • These disorders include differential motor speech disorders, disorders of the individual language system, and cognitive-communication disorders. • An oral exam before an examination board assesses the degree of knowledge at the level of professional competence in the program of clinical SLT. A graduate of the accredite |
www.lf1.cuni.cz | |||||||||
Accreditation | |||||||||
Ministerstvo zdravotnictví | |||||||||
MZDR34191/2019-6/ONP, 63/23 | |||||||||
Osvědčení Ministerstva zdravotnictví ČR | |||||||||
13.9.2023 | |||||||||
13.9.2033 | |||||||||
Further detailed information | |||||||||
12 | |||||||||
300 (total number of hours) | |||||||||
80 hodin teorie a 220 hodin praxe | |||||||||
3 | |||||||||
Medical diagnostic and treatment technology (0914) | |||||||||
Oral examination | |||||||||
Supervised with ID Verification | |||||||||
1.10.2024 | |||||||||
30.9.2025 | |||||||||
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Institutional License | |||||||||
approved by the Internal Evaluation Board: 9/13/2023, approval identification code: 63/23 | |||||||||
approved by the Internal Evaluation Board: 9/13/2023, approval identification code: 63/23 | |||||||||
Date and venue of the course | |||||||||
03.10.2024 | |||||||||
30.6.2025 | |||||||||
2024/2025 | |||||||||
winter semester | |||||||||
Foniatrická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze, Žitná 24, Praha 2 | |||||||||
Information for applicants | |||||||||
20 | |||||||||
18900 Kč / course | |||||||||
17.02.2024 | |||||||||
03.03.2024 | |||||||||
Eva Nováková | |||||||||
eva.novakova@lf1.cuni.cz | |||||||||
770316499 | |||||||||
SIS | |||||||||
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17.2.2024-3.3.2024 | |||||||||
Omezený počet míst. | |||||||||
Enrolment information | |||||||||
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