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Spatial Data Science v jazyce Python / Spatial Data Science in Python (10752)
Basic information
Charles University
Spatial Data Science v jazyce Python / Spatial Data Science in Python
admission procedure terminated
Spatial Data Science v jazyce Python / Spatial Data Science in Python
Standalone course validated by the micro-credential.

1. Introduction to Python for Data Science
2. Open Data Science, Data manipulation in Python (pandas)
3. Spatial data (geopandas)
4. Spatial relationships (libpysal)
5. Exploratory spatial data analysis (esda)
6. Point patterns (pointpats)
7. Clustering (scikit-learn)
8. Raster data (xarray)
9. Interpolation (tobler, pyinterpolate)
10. Regression (statsmodels, mgwr)
The course introduces data science and computational analysis using open source tools written in the Python programming language. The course supports students with little prior knowledge of core competencies in Spatial Data Science (SDS).
It includes:
- Advancing their statistical and numerical literacy.
- Introducing basic principles of programming and state-of-the-art computational tools for SDS.
- Presenting a comprehensive overview of the main methodologies available to the Spatial Data Scientist and their intuition on how and when they can be applied.
- Focusing on real-world applications of these techniques in a geographical and applied context.
The course revolves around data typically used in social geography, but its applicability is not limited to social geography.
In practice, you will work more with vector data than rasters (although we cover those a bit as well) and often with data capturing various aspects of human life. The spatial data science concepts, however, are universal.
Basic understanding of Python and foundational statistics (e.g.linear regression).

SIS will be used for “enrolment” and registration of students.

Level of attendance: min. 60%.
After finishing the course, students will be able to:

• Describe advanced concepts of spatial data science and use the open tools to load and analyze spatial data.
• Explain the motivation and inner logic of the main methodological approaches of open SDS.
• Critically evaluate the suitability of a specific technique, what it can offer, and how it can help answer questions of interest.
• Apply several spatial analysis techniques and explain how to interpret the results in the process of turning data into information.
• Work independently using SDS tools to extract valuable insight when faced with a new dataset.
Guarantor Phone number E-mail
Martin Fleischmann, M.Sc., Ph.D. +420774627733
Příloha 1_Formular_MCI (1) (3).pdf, U
Příloha 2_Formular_MCII (1).pdf, U
11000 - Univerzita Karlova
Further detailed information
50 (total number of hours)
30 hodin synchronní výuka + 20 samostudium + zpracování závěrečné práce (30 hours of synchronous teaching + a final assignment - a computational essay.)
Earth sciences (0532)
Practical assessment
Supervised with ID Verification
Level Knowledge Responsibility and autonomy Qualifications
Level 6 Advanced knowledge of a field of work or study, involving a critical understanding of theories and principles Advanced skills, demonstrating mastery and innovation, required to solve complex and unpredictable problems in a specialised field of work or study Manage complex technical or professional activities or projects, taking responsibility for decision-making in unpredictable work or study contexts; take responsibility for managing professional development of individuals and groups
Institutional License
approved by the Internal Evaluation Board: 5/29/2024, approval identification code: 252/24
approved by the Internal Evaluation Board: 5/29/2024, approval identification code: 252/24
Obsah mikrocertifikátu byl vytvořen ve spolupráci se zástupci firem O2 a ARCDATA PRAHA a Českého statistického úřadu.
Date and venue of the course
summer semester
pouze online (link bude zaslán všem přihlášeným/ online, the link will be sent to all registered users
Information for applicants
Lecturer Phone number E-mail
Martin Fleischmann, M.Sc., Ph.D. +420774627733
15000 Kč / course
Martin Fleischmann, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Albertov 6, 128 00 Praha 2
Enrolment information
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