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Hebraicum: Biblical Hebrew (10673)
Basic information
Charles University
Hebraicum: Biblical Hebrew
admission procedure in progress
Hebraicum: Biblical Hebrew
A course in Biblical Hebrew, after which the student is able to read and understand the text of the Hebrew Bible on his/her own. It consists of a four-week introductory workshop and two semesters of study of Biblical Hebrew. During the course, the student becomes familiar with the grammatical and syntactical system of Biblical Hebrew and acquires the necessary vocabulary.
The introductory part of the course in the month of September concentrates in the form of a four-week workshop on the Hebrew script, the functioning of the nominal forms and the regular verb.
The second part of the course, conducted in the winter term, is devoted to irregular verbs.
The third part of the course in the summer term is devoted to syntax, the problem of tenses in Biblical Hebrew, the syntax of the imperative, infinitive, negation, question, wish, and sentence types in narrative and non-narrative types of Biblical text.
Secondary education with a high school diploma.
Ability to read and understand the text of the Hebrew Bible.
Knowledge: The student knows the grammar and syntax of Biblical Hebrew at the level of the Exercise Book of Biblical Hebrew (M. Prudký, Karolinum 2022): in any section of the Hebrew Bible, he/she can identify all forms of noun and verb forms (for nouns, their gender, number, suffixes and prepositions, if necessary; for verbs, their root, stem, type of conjugation); at the level of the verse, he/she can identify the types of sentences of which it is composed and knows the function of each type of sentence in the text. In addition, he has a sufficient vocabulary of the language (about 1200 words).
Skills: The student is able to read, understand and translate the original Hebrew Bible text independently. The student is able to analyse the cumulative Hebrew verb forms, taking them apart into elementary pieces, identifying and translating them. The student is able to analyse syntactical structure of any Biblical text. The student can work independently with dictionaries and grammars.
Competences: The student is able to independently analyze and interpret Hebrew biblical texts and thus to assess the appropriateness of ideological concepts based on the Hebrew Bible.
Guarantor Phone number E-mail
doc. Petr Sláma, Ph.D. 221988418
11000 - Univerzita Karlova
Further detailed information
150 (total number of hours)
Kurz začíná 2.9. 2024 čtyřtýdenním intenzivním kurzem a pokračuje v zimním a v letním semestru.
Literature and linguistics (0232)
Written examination
Oral examination
Supervised with ID Verification
Level Knowledge Responsibility and autonomy Qualifications
Level 4 Factual and theoretical knowledge in broad contexts within a field of work or study A range of cognitive and practical skills required to generate solutions to specific problems in a field of work or study Exercise self-management within the guidelines of work or study contexts that are usually predictable, but are subject to change; supervise the routine work of others, taking some responsibility for the evaluation and improvement of work or study activities
Institutional License
approved by the Internal Evaluation Board: 4/24/2024, approval identification code: 173/24
approved by the Internal Evaluation Board: 4/24/2024, approval identification code: 173/24
Kurz začíná 2.9. 2024 čtyřtýdenním intenzivním kurzem a pokračuje v zimním a v letním semestru.
Date and venue of the course
winter semester
ETF UK, Černá 9, 110 00 Praha 1
Information for applicants
Lecturer Phone number E-mail
doc. Petr Sláma, Ph.D. 221988418
4000 Kč / course
Mgr. Věra Fritzová
221 988 211
UK ETF, Studijní oddělení, Černá 9, 110 00 Praha 1 - Nové Město
Enrolment information
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