Mindfulness – Practical Techniques for Everyday Well-being (MINDEN)
Basic information
Mindfulness – Practical Techniques for Everyday Well-being
Variant code (CID): 10216
admission procedure in progress
Orientation: Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Futher Education Centre [31-643]
Course for English speaking students.

In this course participants will learn the essential principles and practices of mindfulness, enabling them to cultivate a greater sense of presence, focus, and well-being in their daily lives. Through theoretical teachings, guided exercises, and reflective discussions, participants will develop a comprehensive understanding of mindfulness and gain useful tools to integrate mindfulness into their routines.

Mindfulness – Practical Techniques for Everyday Well-being
Content of the course:

• Introduction to the concept of Mindfulness and its elements
• Description to mindfulness techniques and their practice
• How to integrate mindfulness into daily life
Bez podmínek
without conditions
Zájemci mohou být z řad studentů i zaměstnanců Přírodovědecké fakulty.
Those interested can be from among doctoral students and employees of the Faculty of Science.

Schedule details
Statistics for the MEYS
Personal skills and development (0031)
Course requirements and qualification acquired
nejsou stanoveny
Certification: Osvědčení o absolvování programu
Guarantor and venue
Bc. Jolana Hlaváčková, DiS.
Futher Education Centre
Futher Education Centre
online forma, link bude zaslán všem přihlášeným
Dates and duration
summer semester, April
4 (total number of hours)
seminář trvající 3,5 hodiny
Fees and financing
0 Kč / kurz
CDV - https://forms.gle/5vhSuUwv3cdKjAom9
Bc. Jolana Hlaváčková, DiS.