Year | Faculty | Part | Orientation | Code | Title | Application submission deadline | Programme status | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Arts | Department of Psychology | Lifelong learning programme - Profession-oriented | 10644 | Psychologist in health care [10644] | 30.11.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Arts | Department of Psychology | Lifelong learning programme - Profession-oriented | 10643 | Psychologist in health care [10643] | 31.07.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Arts | Department of Psychology | Lifelong learning programme - Profession-oriented | 11194 | Study of pedagogy for 2nd grade primary school teachers and secondary school teachers [11194] | 15.10.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Arts | Department of Psychology | Lifelong learning programme - Profession-oriented | 10646 | Study of educational consultant - Accreditation by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports [10646] | 30.04.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | International Office | Internationally Recognised Course | 10935 | Daňové právo [10935] | 16.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | International Office | Internationally Recognised Course | 3238 | International Human Rights Law and Protection of Environment [10933] | 16.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | International Office | Internationally Recognised Course | 3237 | Law in Business from the European Perspective [10930] | 16.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | International Office | Internationally Recognised Course | 9941 | Právní ochrana dat [10929] | 15.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | International Office | Internationally Recognised Course | 4240 | Sports Law [10931] | 16.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | International Office | Internationally Recognised Course | 11023 | Veřejné zakázky [11023] | 15.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | International Office | Internationally Recognised Course | 4241 | Medical Law [10932] | 16.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Institute of Lifelong Education - JURIDIKUM | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 11029 | Compliance – Teorie a Praxe [11029] | 17.10.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Institute of Lifelong Education - JURIDIKUM | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 11033 | Daňové novinky – aktuální judikatura a legislativní změny pro rok 2025 [11033] | 29.11.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Institute of Lifelong Education - JURIDIKUM | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 8795 | Didaktika práva I (Streer Law) - kurz pro učitele [11145] | 05.11.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Institute of Lifelong Education - JURIDIKUM | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 11028 | Language of Contracts - GENERAL PART [11028] | 09.10.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Study and Students' Affairs Department | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 4166 | Program celoživotního vzdělávání (§ 60 zákona č. 111/1998 Sb., o vysokých školách, ve znění pozdějších předpisů) [10744] | 23.08.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Institute of Lifelong Education - JURIDIKUM | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 9417 | Překladatelský seminář doplňkového studia pro překladatele právních textů - anglický jazyk / Modul I – soukromé právo [10754] | 31.10.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Institute of Lifelong Education - JURIDIKUM | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 9419 | Překladatelský seminář doplňkového studia pro překladatele právních textů - francouzský jazyk / Modul I – soukromé právo [10756] | 30.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Institute of Lifelong Education - JURIDIKUM | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 9418 | Překladatelský seminář doplňkového studia pro překladatele právních textů - německý jazyk / Modul I – soukromé právo [10755] | 31.10.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Institute of Lifelong Education - JURIDIKUM | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 9420 | Překladatelský seminář doplňkového studia pro překladatele právních textů - ruský jazyk / Modul I – soukromé právo [10757] | 31.10.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Study and Students' Affairs Department | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3762 | Studium jednotlivých předmětů [10721] | 22.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Institute of Lifelong Education - JURIDIKUM | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 9416 | Úvod do českého práva - právnické minimum / Modul I – soukromé právo [10748] | 30.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Institute of Lifelong Education - JURIDIKUM | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 10902 | ZÁKAZ DISKRIMINACE A ROVNÉ ZACHÁZENÍ SE ZAMĚŘENÍM NA LGBT+ osoby [10902] | 09.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Institute of Lifelong Education - JURIDIKUM | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 8853 | Základy práva pro středoškoláky (Street Law Uni) - základy trestního práva - zimní semestr [11260] | 30.11.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Institute of Lifelong Education - JURIDIKUM | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 11261 | Základy práva pro středoškoláky (Street Law Uni) - základy práva - zimní semestr [11261] | 30.11.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Institute of Lifelong Education - JURIDIKUM | Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age | 11193 | Právní praxe - soudní jednání [11193] | 16.10.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | Institute of Lifelong Education - JURIDIKUM | Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age | 8329 | Právo [10702] | 30.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Institute of International Studies | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 6465 | Balkánská, eurasijská a středoevropská studia - Balkánská a středoevropská studia (Nmgr. dist.) [10616] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Institute of International Studies | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 6466 | Balkánská, eurasijská a středoevropská studia - Ruská a eurasijská studia (Nmgr. dist.) [10617] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Department of Security Studies | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 2134 | Bezpečnostní studia NMgr. prez. [10620] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Institute of International Studies | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 5609 | Česko-německá studia/ Deutsch-tschechische Studien Bc. prez. [10603] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Institute of Economic Studies | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 2094 | Ekonomie a finance Bc. prez. [10610] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Institute of Economic Studies | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 797 | Ekonomie a finance NMgr. prez. [10621] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | neurčeno | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 9295 | Freemover [9907] | 30.09.2025 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 5610 | Komunikační studia - Marketingová komunikace a PR Bc. prez. [10606] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Department of Media Studies | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 5611 | Komunikační studia - Mediální studia Bc. prez. [10605] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 5612 | Komunikační studia - Žurnalistika Bc. prez. [10604] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Department of Media Studies | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 5621 | Mediální studia NMgr. dist. [10612] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Department of Media Studies | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 763 | Mediální studia NMgr. prez. [10611] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Institute of International Studies | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 5622 | Německá a středoevropská studia NMgr. prez [10615] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | neurčeno | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 9688 | Odborné předměty pro veřejnost [10728] | 20.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Department of Political Science | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 5615 | Politologie a mezinárodní vztahy Bc. prez. [10607] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | neurčeno | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 5616 | Politologie a veřejná politika Bc. prez. [10608] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Department of Political Science | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 5623 | Politologie NMgr. prez. [10618] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | neurčeno | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 5788 | [11024] | 14.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Institute of International Studies | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3373 | Přípravný kurz Institutu mezinárodních studií 2024/2025 – Česko-německá studia [11267] | 30.01.2025 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Institute of International Studies | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3374 | Přípravný kurz Institutu mezinárodních studií 2024/2025 – Teritoriální studia [11268] | 30.01.2025 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Institute of International Studies | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 4097 | Seznamovací kurz pro programy Teritoriální studia a Česko německá studia [10775] | 23.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Department of Sociology | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 5619 | Sociologie a sociální politika Bc. prez. [10609] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | Department of Sociology | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 2513 | Sociologie NMgr. prez. [10622] | 15.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated |