Year |
Faculty |
Part |
Orientation |
Code |
Title |
Application submission deadline |
Programme status |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Biblical Sciences and ancient languages |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
7447 |
Arabština 1 [11061] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Institute of Christian Art History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6654 |
Barokní architektura 1 [11124] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Institute of Christian Art History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
11116 |
Barokní umění v Itálii 1 [11116] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6664 |
Celoevropský humanismus a barokní fenomén - jejich projekce v literatuře [11073] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Dean's Office KTF |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
10710 |
Cesta lásky v Písni písní [10710] | 22.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6613 |
Církevní a obecné dějiny raného novověku [11071] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
7454 |
Církevní dějiny světové 1 - starověk (sobota) [11204] | 21.10.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6614 |
České církevní dějiny 1 [11084] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6213 |
Četba a výklad latinských textů [11199] | 30.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Philosophy and Law |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6645 |
Dějiny antické a středověké filosofie [11092] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Philosophy and Law |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6609 |
Dějiny antické filozofie [11090] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Institute of Christian Art History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6635 |
Dějiny antického umění [11132] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
7530 |
Dějiny evropské literatury 13.-18. století 1 [11075] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Philosophy and Law |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6610 |
Dějiny novověké filozofie [11087] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Dean's Office KTF |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
9472 |
Dějiny papežství * [10677] | 22.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Philosophy and Law |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
11086 |
Dějiny politické etiky [11086] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
7521 |
Dějiny starověkého Řecka a Říma [11076] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Institute of Christian Art History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6643 |
Dějiny uměleckého řemesla 1 [11134] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Dean's Office KTF |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6228 |
Dějiny umění* [10706] | 22.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Dean's Office KTF |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
7689 |
DĚJINY UMĚNÍ - online kurz [10849] | 31.10.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6666 |
Duchovní proudy v moderní literatuře 1 [11074] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Systematic and Pastoral Theology |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6626 |
Ekleziologie [11099] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Institute of Christian Art History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6650 |
Evropská a světová muzea a galerie 1 [11120] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Institute of Christian Art History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6648 |
Evropské umělecké řemeslo 1 [11138] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Philosophy and Law |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
9879 |
Filosofická a křesťanská etika [11088] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Philosophy and Law |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
9825 |
Filosofická argumentace a rétorika [11093] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Philosophy and Law |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6612 |
Filozofická antropologie [11095] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Systematic and Pastoral Theology |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
8755 |
Fundamentální morálka [11100] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Systematic and Pastoral Theology |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
7458 |
Fundamentální teologie (sobota) [11208] | 21.10.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Systematic and Pastoral Theology |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6622 |
Fundamentální teologie 2 [11107] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Dean's Office KTF |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
8393 |
Genealogie a heraldika: vybrané pomocné vědy historické a jejich aplikace [10703] | 22.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Institute of Christian Art History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
11113 |
Gothic architecture 1 [11113] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
7531 |
Hagiografie a kult svatých 1 [11082] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Dean's Office KTF |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
10155 |
Interpretace textů z politické filosofie [10712] | 22.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Institute of Christian Art History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6651 |
The Italian Renaissance and Mannerism 1 [11130] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Dean's Office KTF |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
10715 |
Já jsem světlo světa [10715] | 10.02.2025 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Biblical Sciences and ancient languages |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6621 |
Janovské spisy 1 [11063] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Philosophy and Law |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
7439 |
Kanonické právo 2 [11094] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Biblical Sciences and ancient languages |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
1151 |
Knihy básnické a sapienciální [11070] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Institute of Christian Art History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6638 |
Křesťanská ikonografie 1 [11128] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Biblical Sciences and ancient languages |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
8687 |
Latinský jazyk 1 (morfologie) [11064] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Biblical Sciences and ancient languages |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
2482 |
Latinský jazyk 1 (morfologie) [11055] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Biblical Sciences and ancient languages |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
8688 |
Latinský jazyk 3 (syntax) [11058] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Biblical Sciences and ancient languages |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
2484 |
Latinský jazyk 3 (syntax) [11056] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Dean's Office KTF |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
7316 |
Licenciátní studia liturgiky [10708] | 15.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Dean's Office KTF |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
10709 |
Licenciátní studia liturgiky - navazující studium [10709] | 15.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6665 |
Literatura a české národní obrození [11081] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Systematic and Pastoral Theology |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
5519 |
Liturgická hudba [11101] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Systematic and Pastoral Theology |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
5517 |
Liturgika 1 [11108] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Department of Philosophy and Law |
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
6611 |
Logika a epistemologie [11085] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |