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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderThesis title sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderYear of announcement sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderYear of defence Thesis type Thesis discipline sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSupervisor sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderAuthor sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderAnnounced Assigned Department Faculty
detail Genomics and cell biology of oxymonads 2013/2014 2019/2020 dissertation 4XPARP doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 02.12.2013 03.12.2013 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Anaerobic mitochondrion-like organelles of Excavata 2008/2009 2008/2009 Bachelor's thesis BMOBIBO doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 27.11.2008 29.04.2009 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Diversity of prasinophyte algae related to the euglenid plastid 2014/2015 2015/2016 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 30.10.2014 10.11.2014 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Membrane proteome of euglenid plastid 2012/2013 2013/2014 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 18.11.2012 18.11.2012 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Mechanism of the pellicle movement in Euglena gracilis 2022/2023 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D.   11.10.2022 Ne Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Protein import into the plastid of Euglena gracilis 2022/2023 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D.   11.10.2022 Ne Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Quantitative Analysis of Gene Ancestry in Euglenoidea 2013/2014 2022/2023 dissertation D-PARA doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 03.12.2013 03.12.2013 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Mitochondria of oxymonads and Trimastix 2008/2009 dissertation XPARP doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 01.10.2008 04.03.2010 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Iron-Sulfur cluster assembly in Monocercomonoides exilis 2011/2012 2020/2021 dissertation 4XPARP doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 02.11.2011 02.11.2011 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Analyses of Monocercomonoides genome sizes, ploidies and karyotypes 2016/2017 2018/2019 diploma thesis NPROT doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. RNDr. Martina Kornalíková 03.11.2016 03.11.2016 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Diversity of the genus Monocercomonoides 2012/2013 2013/2014 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 18.11.2012 18.11.2012 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail FISH method and its use in protistology 2014/2015 2014/2015 Bachelor's thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 27.11.2014 28.11.2014 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Characterization of Euglena gracilis and their role in metaboly movement 2020/2021 2022/2023 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 05.11.2020 05.11.2020 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Analysis of gene regulatory regions in the genome of oxymonad Monocercomonoides 2014/2015 2015/2016 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 30.10.2014 10.11.2014 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Metabarcoding of human intestinal protists 2022/2023 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D.   11.10.2022 Ne Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Mitochondrion of Trimastix pyriformis 2011/2012 2012/2013 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 23.11.2011 23.11.2011 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Characterisation of cell compartments in Paratrimastix pyriformis and Monocercomonoides exilis using LOPIT proteomics 2018/2019 dissertation D-PARA doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 03.10.2018 08.10.2018 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail The complicated evolution of methionine adenosyltransferase in euglenids and eukaryotes in general 2008/2009 2014/2015 dissertation XPARP doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 01.10.2008 04.03.2010 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Metabarcoding of intestinal protists 2022/2023 dissertation D-PARA doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 11.10.2022 11.10.2022 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Evolution of nuclear and plastid genomes in euglenids 2011/2012 2020/2021 dissertation 4XPARP doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 02.11.2011 02.11.2011 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Protein composition of the cytoskeleton of protists 2019/2020 2019/2020 Bachelor's thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 30.10.2019 30.10.2019 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail The use of environmental sequencing in the studies on eukaryotic diversity 2013/2014 2013/2014 Bachelor's thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 05.11.2013 18.01.2014 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Genomics of Preaxostyla flagellates 2013/2014 2019/2020 dissertation 4XPARP doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 02.12.2013 03.12.2013 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Losses of mitochondria and plastids in the evolution of eukaryotes 2016/2017 2016/2017 Bachelor's thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 03.11.2016 03.11.2016 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Intermediate filament proteins of Preaxostyla flagellates 2020/2021 2022/2023 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 29.10.2020 02.11.2020 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Investigation of the genome sizes, karyotype and ploidy within the genus Monocercomonoides 2022/2023 2022/2023 rigorosum thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 11.05.2023 11.05.2023 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Iron-sulphur cluster synthesis in anaerobic protists 2017/2018 2017/2018 Bachelor's thesis BBI doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 25.10.2017 25.10.2017 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Functional study of the SUF pathway in the cell of Monocercomonoides exilis and Paratrimastix pyriformis 2018/2019 2019/2020 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 16.11.2018 20.11.2018 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Prokaryotic symbionts of protists living in the intestine of wood eating cockroaches and termites 2016/2017 2016/2017 Bachelor's thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. Mgr. Aneta Kubánková 03.11.2016 03.11.2016 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Evolution of soil protist communities after fire in Bohemian Switzerland 2023/2024 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D.   08.11.2023 Ne Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Metabarcoding and environmental sequencing projects 2020/2021 2022/2023 Bachelor's thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 08.09.2020 10.01.2023 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Overshadowed by photosynthesis: Aspects of plastid biology in Euglenida 2021/2022 dissertation D-PARA doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 01.10.2021 06.10.2021 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Metabarcoding of intestinal protists in rodents 2022/2023 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D.   11.10.2022 Ne Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Protein composition of the cytoskeleton of the last common eukaryotic ancestor 2022/2023 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D.   11.10.2022 Ne Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail How did the import of proteins into the mitochondria originate? 2023/2024 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D.   08.05.2024 Ne Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Lateral gene transfer and its utilisation for the phylogeny of eukaryotes 2010/2011 2010/2011 Bachelor's thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 22.11.2010 30.11.2010 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Mitochondrion of oxymonads 2009/2010 2010/2011 diploma thesis NPARA doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 09.11.2009 09.11.2009 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Diversity of amitochondriate protists and their close relatives 2020/2021 dissertation doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D.   08.09.2020 Ne Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Transfer of genetic information between parasite and its host 2010/2011 2010/2011 Bachelor's thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 29.11.2010 30.11.2010 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Characterization of cytosolic hydrogenases of amitochondriates and relative groups 2022/2023 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D.   11.10.2022 Ne Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Metabarcoding of gut protists of European beaver 2023/2024 diploma thesis N-PARA doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 01.12.2023 01.12.2023 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Search for the remnant of plastid in the cell of Rhabdomonas sp. 2011/2012 2012/2013 diploma thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 23.11.2011 23.11.2011 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Transport of proteins into secondary plastids 2011/2012 2011/2012 Bachelor's thesis doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 23.11.2011 23.11.2011 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Evolution of euglenid plastid proteome 2014/2015 2019/2020 dissertation 4XPARP doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 23.09.2014 02.10.2014 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Methods for calculating the statistical support of tree topology 2017/2018 Bachelor's thesis BBINF doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. Lucie Kolářová 02.11.2017 02.11.2017 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Evolution of the genetic code and classification of oxymonads 2008/2009 2011/2012 diploma thesis NPARA doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 27.11.2008 09.11.2009 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Biodiversity of endosymbionts of Reticulitermes termites with a special focus on oxymonads 2016/2017 dissertation doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 19.10.2016 19.10.2016 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
detail Phylogenetic Position of Genus Polymastix and Its Prokaryotic Symbionts 2017/2018 2019/2020 diploma thesis NPROT doc. Mgr. Vladimír Hampl, Ph.D. hidden 25.10.2017 25.10.2017 Katedra parazitologie (31-161) PřF
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