Synthesis of antifungal azoles and their prodrugs
Thesis title in Czech: | Příprava antifungálních azolů a jejich proléčiv |
Thesis title in English: | Synthesis of antifungal azoles and their prodrugs |
Key words: | antifungální, azoly, proléčiva |
English key words: | antifungal, azoles, prodrugs |
Academic year of topic announcement: | 2024/2025 |
Thesis type: | dissertation |
Thesis language: | angličtina |
Department: | Department of Organic Chemistry (31-270) |
Supervisor: | Ing. Ondřej Baszczyňski, Ph.D. |
Author: | hidden - assigned and confirmed by the Study Dept. |
Date of registration: | 08.10.2024 |
Date of assignment: | 08.10.2024 |
Confirmed by Study dept. on: | 11.10.2024 |
Guidelines |
1st year - winter semester: Organic Synthesis I and Scientific Writing; 1st year - summer semester: Organic Chemistry of Biological Processes 2nd year - winter semester: Organic synthesis 3 other subject will be recommended according to the situation |
References |
organic and medicinal chemistry oriented books, top journals e.g. Nature, Science, J. Med. Chem |
Preliminary scope of work |
Cílem navrhovaného výzkumu je syntéza látek s potenciální antifungální aktivitou. Jedním z cílů disertačního projektu bude příprava modifikovaných azolů (např. obsahujících fluorescenční skupiny) za účelem monitoringu distribuce azolů v buňce, a případného snížení jejich nežádoucích efektů např. toxicity. Dalším projektem bude cílené doručení antifungálních látek do patogenních hub. |
Preliminary scope of work in English |
Aim of this doctoral thesis will be the synthesis of compounds with potential antifungal activity. Fist, partial aim will be synthesis of modified (e.g. fluorescent) azoles to monitor their distribution in the cells, and consequently to reduce their off-target effect and toxicity. Second, partial will aim on targeted delivery of azoles into fungal pathogens. |