Thesis (Selection of subject)Thesis (Selection of subject)(version: 379)
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Jadrová lamina, jej funkcia v bunke a rola pri interakcii s neobalenými DNA vírusmi
Thesis title in thesis language (Slovak): Jadrová lamina, jej funkcia v bunke a rola pri interakcii s neobalenými DNA vírusmi
Thesis title in Czech: Jaderná lamina, její funkce v buňce a role při interakci s neobalenými DNA viry
Thesis title in English: Nuclear lamina, its function in the cell and its role in interaction with non-enveloped DNA viruses
Key words: jadrová lamina, rozpad jadrovej laminy, DNA vírusy, Polyomavírusy, Parvovírusy, Cirkovírusy
English key words: nuclear lamina, disassembly of nuclear lamina, DNA viruses, Polyomaviruses, Parvoviruses, Circoviruses
Academic year of topic announcement: 2019/2020
Thesis type: Bachelor's thesis
Thesis language: slovenština
Department: Department of Genetics and Microbiology (31-140)
Supervisor: Mgr. Kateřina Bruštíková, Ph.D.
Author: hidden - assigned by the advisor, čeká na schválení garantem
Date of registration: 09.10.2019
Date of assignment: 09.10.2019
Date of electronic submission:31.05.2020
Date of proceeded defence: 09.07.2020
Opponents: Mgr. Martin Kuthan, Ph.D.
Preliminary scope of work
Bakalářská práce se bude zabývat jadernou laminou, její strukrurou a funkcí a její rolí při interkaci s malými neobalenými DNA viry, a to s Cirkoviry, Parvoviry a Polyomaviry.
Preliminary scope of work in English
The bachelor thesis will deal with the nuclear lamina, its structure and function and its role in the interaction with small non-enveloped DNA viruses, namely Circoviruses, Parvoviruses and Polyomaviruses.
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