Cílem práce je vývoj optické lavice pro NIR měření kapalných vzorků a naměření základních charakteristik Fabry-Perotova interferometru.
[1] Jerry Workman, Lois Weyer. Practical guide to interpretive near-infrared spectroscopy
[2] Návody dodavatelů komponent
[3] Články z odborných časopisů
Preliminary scope of work in English
Food analysis plays an increasing role in food production. Non-destructive and non-invasive techniques are required for on-line analysis during food production. NIR spectroscopic technique is becoming more important. Tunable micromachined Fabry-Perot interferometer can be used to create a small compact NIR instrumentation. The development of the above mentioned component runs within an European consorcium including companies from Finland (VTT,Rikola) and Austria (Anton-Paar).