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Tomaszewského hypotéza
Thesis title in Czech: Tomaszewského hypotéza
Thesis title in English: Tomaszewski conjecture
Key words: pravděpodobnost;náhodné součty
English key words: probability;random sum
Academic year of topic announcement: 2019/2020
Thesis type: diploma thesis
Thesis language: čeština
Department: Computer Science Institute of Charles University (32-IUUK)
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Robert Šámal, Ph.D.
Let v_1, v_2, . . . , v_n be real numbers such that the sum of their squares is at most 1. Consider the 2n signed sums of the form S = ±v_1 ± v_2 ± · · · ± v_n. In 1986, B. Tomaszewski asked the following question: is it always true that at least 1/2 of these sums satisfy |S| ≤ 1?

There have been a lot of partial results on this intriguing conjecture. The student will review the literature about the problem and work on (special cases of) the conjecture.
R. K. Guy. Any answers anent these analytical enigmas?. American Mathematical Monthly, 93(4):279–281, 1986.

R. Holzman and D. J. Kleitman. On the product of sign vectors and unit vectors. Combinatorica, 12(3):303–316, 1992.

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