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Statistical evaluation of courses (2022/2023, Both semesters)
Hussite Theological Faculty
First Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Available survey results:
Statistical evaluation of the faculty
Statistical evaluation of departments
Statistical evaluation of teachers
Statistical evaluation of courses
Interventions in Smoking Cessation - Practice in Addictology - B02977
Interventions in Smoking Cessation - Practice in Addictology - B02976
Family Therapy in Addictology - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03246
Group Therapy in Addictology - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03247
Addictology advice, Interventions - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03345
Addictology counselling, Interventions - Adiktologie - B03332
Allergology - elective subject - B02692
ALSS - Extended first aid in simulations - flexi - elective subject - B03436
An introduction to R scripting language - elective subject - B83128
Policy Analysis and Policy Making in Addictology - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03248
Gross Anatomy - Dissections of Locomotory System - Ergoterapie, Fyzioterapie - B00328
Anatomy Dissection for Dentistry - B81128
Anatomy Dissection for Dentistry - B01128
Anatomy Dissections 1 - General Medicine - B03005
Anatomy Dissections 1 - B83005
Anatomy Dissections 2 - Všeobecné lékařství - B02240
Anatomy Dissections 2 - B82240
Anatomy - General Medicine - B03004
Anatomy - Dentistry - B03030
Anatomy - Adiktologie, Nutriční terapie - kombinovaná - B03076
Anatomy - Nutriční terapeut, Adiktologie, Ergoterapie, Porodní asistence, Fyzioterapie, Všeobecné ošetřovatelství - B03062
Anatomy - B83004
Anatomy - Dentistry - B83030
Anatomy and surgery of of the musculoskeletal apparatus - elective subject - B02085
Anesthesiology and Acute Medicine - Zubní lékařství AP - B81166
Anesthesiology and Critical Care - Zubní lékařství - B01166
Anaesteziology and Emergency Medicine - Všeobecné lékařství - B00124
Anaesthesiology and Emergency Medicine - General Medicine - English parallell - B80124
Application of Biochemistry in Clinical Medicine - elective subject - B01032
Applied Developmental Psychopathology - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03255
Bachelor Thesis and Statistics 1 - Ergoterapie, Fyzioterapie - B03165
Bachelor´s preparatory seminar - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B02029
Bachelor´s Preparatory Seminar - Adiktologie - B01623
Balint groups - a reflection of their own practice on professionalism - elective subject - B03533
Basics of Evidence-Based Practice - Occupational Therapy - B03279
Bioethics - Dentistry - B03116
Bioethics - Dentistry - B83116
Bioethics 1 - General Medicine - English parallel - B81100
Bioethics 1 - Všeobecné lékařství - B01100
Bioethics 2 - General Medicine - English parallel - B80629
Bioethics 2 - General Medicine - B00629
Biophysics - B01130
Biophysics - B00229
Biophysics - B81130
Biophysics - Midwifery - B03239
Biophysics and Medical Physics - Všeobecné lékařství - B00003
Biophysics and Medical Physics - B80003
Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry 1 - B01129
Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry 1 - B81129
Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry 2 - Zubní lékařství AP - B81138
Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry 2 - B01138
Practical biochemistry of sport and nutrition - elective subject - B03538
Biochemistry of Nutrition - Child and Adult Nutrition - B03501
Biochemistry of Nutrition - Child and Adult Nutrition - B03292
Biology and Genetics - Zubní lékařství AP - B81139
Biology and Genetics - Zubní lékařství - B01139
Biology and Genetics 1 - B83009
Biology and Genetics 1 - Všeobecné lékařství - B03009
Biology and Genetics 2 - General Medicine - B03121
Biology and Genetics 2 - General Medicine - English parallel - B83121
Cell Biology - elective subject - B00832
Human Biology - B03065
Human biology - Adiktologie, Nutriční terapie - kombinovaná - B03079
Biostatistics 1, 2 - elective subject - B83534
BLSS - First aid in simulations - flexi - elective subject - B03435
Case management for Addictologists - Adiktologie - B01610
Case management for Addictologists - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B02016
Foreign Language 1,2 - Všeobecné lékařství - B02163
Foreign Language 1,2 - Dentistry - B03034
Foreign Language 3,4 - Dentistry - B03124
Foreign Language 3,4 - Všeobecné lékařství - B02165
Czech in Clinical Practice I - elective subject - B82463
Czech for Foreign Students 1,2 - B03035
Czech for Foreign Students 3,4 - General Medicine, Dentistry - B00495
Czech for English Parallel 1,2 - English Parallel - General Medicine - B83013
Czech for English Parallel 5,6 - B83159
Czech for English Parallel 3, 4 - B83126
Czech for English Parallel 3, 4 - B83125
Additional foreign language1, 2 - elective subject - B01259
History of Medicine - elective subject - B01967
History of Medicine - elective subject - B81967
Dermatovenerology - Zubní lékařství AP - B81191
Dermatovenereology - Zubní lékařství - B01191
Dermatovenereology - Všeobecné lékařství - B00080
Child and adolescent psychiatry - elective subject - B02693
Pedodontics Dentistry 2 - Dentistry - B03495
Dietary databases and Information Systems - Child and Adult Nutrition - B02725
Digitalization in Dentistry - elective subject - B03016
Pathways in central nervous system - elective subject - B01248
Drugs and the Law - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03249
Drugs and art - elective subject - B02364
ECMO: extracorporeal membrane oxygenation - elective subject - B03305
Human ecology - elective subject - B00058
Economy of Nutrition - Nutriční terapie - kombinovaná - B02294
Economy of Nutrition - Nutriční terapie - prezenční - B01731
Endodontics - Zubní lékařství - B03380
Endodontics - Zubní lékařství AP - B83380
Endoscopy and Laparoscopy - elective subject - B01319
Environmental Prevention and Public Health Interventions - Adiktologie - prezenční - B03404
Vocational Assessment and Vocational Rehabilitation - Ergoterapie - B03171
Occupational Therapy Winter Fieldwork - Occupational Therapy - B03316
Occupational Therapy - Biomechanical Approaches - Ergoterapie - B03172
Ethics and philosophy - Bakalářské obory - B01704
Ethics and philosophy - všechny bakalářské obory - kombinovaná forma - B02532
Evaluation of Drug Services - Adiktologie - B03333
Evaluation of Drug Services - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03346
Pharmacology - Dentistry - B03145
Pharmacology - Zubní lékařství - AP - B83145
Pharmacology 1 - General Medicine - B03164
Pharmacology 1 - Všeobecné lékařství - AP - B83164
Pharmacology 2 - Všeobecné lékařství - B00386
Pharmacology 2 - General Medicine - English parallel - B80386
Philosophical Seminar 1 - elective subject - B00670
Physical and mechanical properties of dental materials 1 - elective subject - B01479
Physical Therapy - B03270
Physiology - Dentistry - B03113
Physiology - Dentistry - B83113
Physiology - General Medicine - English parallel - B83119
Physiology - B03119
Physiology and Pathophysiology of Nutrition - Child and Adult Nutrition - B03293
Physiology 1 - Bakalářské obory - B01433
Physiology 1 - Adiktologie, Nutriční terapie - kombinovaná - B02008
Physiology 2 - Adiktologie, Nutriční terapie - kombinovaná - B03199
Physiology 2 - Ergoterapie, Fyzioterapie, Adiktologie, Porodní asistence, Nutriční terapie - B03175
Physiology in simulations - elective subject - B03539
Physiotherapy Summer Clerkship 2 - B03277
Physiotherapy after Sport Injuries - elective subject - B03018
Genetics for forensic identification - elective subject - B02334
Genetics in Dentristry - Zubní lékařství - B01142
Genetics in Dentristry - Zubní lékařství AP - B81142
Gerontology and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics - Occupational Therapy - B03317
Gnathology - Dentistry - B83115
Gnathology - Dentistry - B03115
Gynaecology and Obstetrics - Practice before State Examination - Všeobecné lékařství - B03387
Gynaecology 1 - Midwifery - B02806
Gynaecology 2 - Midwifery - B02816
Histology and Embryology - Dentistry - B03031
Histology and General Embryology - Genreal Medicine - English Parallel - B83006
Histology and General Embryology - General Medicine - B03006
History of Drug Use - Adiktologie - B03066
History of Drug Use - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03080
Hygiene and Epidemiology - Zubní lékařství - AP - B83151
Hygiene and Epidemiology - Ergoterapie, Fyzioterapie - B02430
Hygiene and Epidemiology - Dentistry - B03151
Hygiene and Epidemiology - Adiktologie, Nutriční terapie - kombinovaná - B03200
Hygiene and Epidemiology - Adiktologie, Nutriční terapie, Porodní asistence - B03180
Hygiene and Epidemiology Practice before State Examination - Všeobecné lékařství - B02107
Hygiene of Nutrition - Nutriční terapeut - kombinovaná - B02280
Chemistry and Biochemistry - B03104
Chemistry and Biochemistry - B03101
Food Chemistry - B03102
Surgical anatomy and operative approaches - elective subject - B02425
Propaedeutics in Surgery - Všeobecné lékařství - B00634
Propaedeutics in Surgery - B80634
Dental Surgery - Dentistry - B01182
Surgical Dentistry - Dentistry - B81182
Surgical Dentistry - SE - Dentistry - B01411
Surgery - Clinic - B01167
Surgery - Clinic and introduction to cardiovascular medicine - Všeobecné lékařství - B02105
Surgery - Clerkship before SE - Všeobecné lékařství - B01055
IFMSA Surgical suturing - flexi - elective subject - B03483
IFMSA Summer Rotation - flexi - elective subject - B03484
Immunology in Dentistry - Zubní lékařství AP - B81144
Immunology in Dentistry - Zubní lékařství - B01144
Infectious Diseases - Zubní lékařství - B01168
Infectious Diseases - Všeobecné lékařství - B00121
Healthcare Information Systems - Midwifery - B02802
Dental Informatics - Zubní lékařství - B01180
Integrated biology and pathology - elective subject - B01959
Integrated Block: Microbiology/Pathology - General Medicine - English parallel - B80054
Integrated Block: Microbiology/Pathology - Všeobecné lékařství - B00054
Intensive Czech Course - B82549
Internal Medicine - Nutriční terapie - kombinovaná - B03227
Internal Medicine - Endocrinology and metabolism - General Medicine - English parallel - B80305
Internal Medicine - Endocrinology and metabolism - Všeobecné lékařství - B00305
Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology and Hepatology - Všeobecné lékařství - B00304
Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology and Hepatology - General Medicine - English parallel - B80304
Internal Medicine - Geriatrics - Všeobecné lékařství - B00602
Internal Medicine - Geriatrics - B80602
Internal Medicine - Hematology - General Medicine - English parallel - B80307
Internal Medicine - Hematology - Všeobecné lékařství - B00307
Internal Medicine - Clinic 1 - Dentistry - B03155
Internal Medicine - Clinic 2 - Zubní lékařství - B01169
Internal Medicine - Clinic 3 - Dentistry - B03496
Internal Medicine - Nephrology - Všeobecné lékařství - B00410
Internal Medicine - Nephrology - General Medicine - English parallel - B80410
Internal Medicine - Pneumology 1 - Všeobecné lékařství AP - B83011
Internal Medicine - Pneumology 1 - General Medicine - B03011
Internal Medicine - Pneumology 2 - Všeobecné lékařství AP - B83012
Internal Medicine - Pneumology 2 - General Medicine - B03012
Internal Medicine - Rheumatology - Všeobecné lékařství - B00579
Internal Medicine - Rheumatology - General Medicine - English parallel - B80579
Internal Medicine Practice before State Examination - Všeobecné lékařství - B01056
Internal Medicine Practice before State Examination - Všeobecné lékařství AP - B81056
Propaedeutics in Internal Medicine - B00632
Propaedeutics in Internal Medicine - General Medicine - English parallel - B80632
Internal Propaedeutics - Zubní lékařství - B01157
Interpretation of ECG at rest and during exercise - elective subject - B81257
Interpretation of ECG at rest and during exercise - elective subject - B01257
Lifestyle Intervention - B03362
Chapters from the Far East Medicine - elective subject - B01907
Cardiovascular Medicine - General Medicine English Parallel - B83007
Cardiovascular Medicine - General Medicine - B03007
Cariology - Dentistry - B83117
Cariology - Dentistry - B03117
The Closing Case Interpretation - Adiktologie - prezenční - B03331
The Final Case Study - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03244
The Closing Case Interpretation - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03344
Case Study 2 - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03250
Case Reports from Cardiovascular medicine 1 - elective subject - B01664
Kinesiology and Biomechanics - Ergoterapie, Fyzioterapie - B02395
Clients in conflict with the law - Adiktologie - B03335
Clients in Conflict with the Law - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03348
Clinical Addictology - Individual Therapy in Addictology - Adiktologie - prezenční - B03405
Clinical Anatomy - elective subject - B00691
Clinical Biochemistry - General Medicine - English parallel - B80114
Clinical Biochemistry - Všeobecné lékařství - B00114
Clinical pharmacology - Adiktologie, Nutriční terapeut, Porodní asistence, Fyzioterapie - B03181
Clinical Pharmacology - Adiktologie, Nutriční terapie - kombinovaná - B03201
Clinical Pharmacology 1,2 - elective subject - B81314
Clinical Genetics - Všeobecné lékařství - B01311
Clinical Immunology - Všeobecné lékařství - B00033
Clinical Informatics - Nutriční terapie - prezenční - B02384
Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology in Addictology - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03256
Clinical orofacial anatomy - Zubní lékařství AP - B81158
Clinical orofacial anatomy - Zubní lékařství - B01158
Clinical Pastoral Care - elective subject - B02546
Clinical Pathophysiology - Child and Adult Nutrition - B03295
Clinical pathopsysiology of the internal environment – integrative approach - elective subject - B03530
Clinical topographic anatomy - Všeobecné lékařství - B01312
Clinical topographic anatomy - General Medicine - English parallel - B81312
Neurosciences - elective subject - B00828
Clinical Addictology Assessment - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03251
Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine - elective subject - B81674
Comorbidity and Complications in Addictions, Addiction Pharmacotherapy - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03347
Comorbidity and Complications in Addictions, Addiction Pharmacotherapy - Adiktologie - B03334
Complex Nutrition in Sportsmen (and Non-Sportsmen) and Sports Performance. - elective subject - B01830
Restorative Dentistry 1 - Dentistry - B03156
Restorative dentistry 2 - Dentistry - B03497
Criminology - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B02018
Massage Course for Sport and Fitness - elective subject - B00792
Quantitative research - elective subject - B03540
Treatment of addiction to alcohol and other drugs - elective subject - B02913
Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry - General Medicine - B03120
Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry - General Medicine - English parallel - B83120
Medical Chemistry, materials in Dental Medicine - B01133
Medical Parasitology - elective subject - B80055
Medical Parasitology - elective subject - B00055
Medical psychology and psychotherapy - Zubní lékařství - B01147
Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy - General Medicine - B03160
Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy - Všeobecné lékařství - AP - B83160
Medical psychology and psychotherapy - Zubní lékařství AP - B81147
Summery Training Course 1 - elective subject - B00037
Summery Training Course 1 - elective subject - B80037
Summer Training Course 2 - elective subject - B00699
Management of Addictology Services 2 - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03257
Crisis and Disaster medicine - elective subject - B01367
Lifestyle Medicine - elective subject - B03021
Health care legislation - elective subject - B01334
Introduction to Motivational Interviewing - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03210
Methods in Family-based Interventions - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B02025
Microbiology - Zubní lékařství AP - B81148
Microbiology - Zubní lékařství - B01148
Microbiology and Immunology - Nutriční terapie, Porodní asistence - B03223
Microbiology and Immunology - Nutriční terapie - kombinovaná - B03234
Microbiology 1 - General Medicine - B03122
Microbiology 1 - General Medicine - English parallel - B83122
Microbiology 2 - Všeobecné lékařství - B83163
Mictobiology 2 - General Medicine - B03163
Minimum of Practical Skills - Dentistry - B01906
Minimum of Practical Skills - Všeobecné lékařství - B01952
Minimum of Practical Procedures (log-book) - B01742
Minimum of Practical Skills in Addictology - Adiktologie prezenční i kombinovaná - B01950
Monitoring and Evaluation of Prevention Interventions and Policies - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03258
Training in Communication Skills, Nonverbal Communication - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03081
Practicing Psychotherapeutic Skills - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03245
Neurosurgery - Všeobecné lékařství - B00118
Neurosurgery - General Medicine - English parallel - B80118
Neurology - B80762
Neurology - Zubní lékařství - B01170
Neurology - B00762
Neuropsychiatric Evaluation in an Outpatient Setting - elective subject - B03023
Neurosciences - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03204
New trends in morphological research - elective subject - B00744
Updates in immunology - elective subject - B02917
Nuclear Medicine - Všeobecné lékařství - B00078
Nutritional Propaedeutics - Nutriční terapie - kombinovaná - B03228
Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics - Child and Adult Nutrition - B02737
Diploma Thesis defense - Adiktologie - B02236
Ophthalmology - Všeobecné lékařství - B00122
Collection of venous blood - flexi - elective subject - B03479
Collection of venous blood II - flexi - elective subject - B03571
Blood sampling technique - elective subject - B01607
Applied Medical English and Czech in a Case-Based Learning Approach - elective subject - B83025
Nursing Clerkship - General Nursing - B03443
Clerkship in Midwifery – individual 1 - Midwifery - B02811
Clerkship in Midwifery 1 - Midwifery - B02810
Professional Foreign Language - Bakalářské programy - kombinovaná forma - B03077
Professional Foreign Language - Bakalářské programy - prezenční - B03063
Ophthalmology - Zubní lékařství - B03382
Clinical Oncology - B80120
Clinical Oncology - B00120
Oncology - Zubní lékařství - B01185
Oral Histology and Embryology - elective subject - B02681
Oral Surgery Propaedeutics - Dentistry - B83118
Oral Surgery Propaedeutics - Dentistry - B03118
Oral Surgery 1 - Dentistry - B03146
Oral Surgery 1 - Zubní lékařství - AP - B83146
Oral Surgery 2 - Zubní lékařství - B01171
Oral Medicine - Dentistry - B03498
Healthcare Organisation and Social Care - Nutriční terapie - prezenční - B01734
Clerkship Otorhinolaryngology - elective subject - B01662
Orthodontics 1 - Zubní lékařství - B02885
Orthopaedics - Všeobecné lékařství - B00116
Treatment of anterior and lateral sections of dentition by stratific method 1,2 - elective subject - B01341
Oncology and Palliative Nursing - Midwifery - B03241
Patient Care - General Medicine - English parallel - B83376
Patient Care - Všeobecné lékařství - B03376
Nursing - bedside work - elective subject - B03390
Nursing for Addictologists - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03082
Patient Care in Simualtion for Practice - volitelný předmět - B03388
Otorhinolaryngology - Všeobecné lékařství - B00123
Otorhinolaryngology - Zubní lékařství - B01192
Palliative medicine 1 - elective subject - B02243
Periodontal preclinics - Dentistry - B03147
Parodontology Complex Treatment - Dentistry - B83499
Periodontology Complex Treatment - Dentistry - B03499
Patobiochemistry 1 - Inherited Metabolic Disorders - Všeobecné lékařství - B02431
Pathobiochemistry 1 - Inherited Metabolic Disorders - General Medicine - English parallel, compulsory elective - B82431
Pathobiochemistry 2 - Molecular Oncology - General Medicine - English parallel, compulsory elective - B82432
Patobiochemistry 2 - Molecular Oncology - Všeobecné lékařství - B02432
Patobiochemistry 3 - Biochemical Disorders - Všeobecné lékařství - B02433
Pathobiochemistry 3 - Biochemical Disorders - B82433
Pathophysiology in Case Reports - elective subject - B01972
Pathophysiology of Nutrition - Nutriční terapie - kombinovaná - B03229
Pathophysiology - Dentistry - B03148
Pathophysiology - General Medicine - B03161
Pathophysiology - Všeobecné lékařství - B83161
Pathology - Všeobecné lékařství - AP - B83162
Pathology - General Medicine - B03162
Pathology - Dentistry - B03149
Pathology and Pathophysiology - Ergoterapie, Fyzioterapie, Adiktologie, Porodní asistence, Nutriční terapeut - B03167
Propaedeutics in Paediatrics - General Medicine - B03386
Propaedeutics in Paediatrics - General Medicine - B83386
Pediatrics - Zubní lékařství - B01188
Paediatrics - Summer Practice - Všeobecné lékařství - English Parallel - B83304
Paediatrics and Occupational Therapy in Paediatrics - Occupational Therapy - B03318
Curriculum of Pediatrics before State Examination - General Medicine - English parallel - B81057
Paediatrics Practice before State Examination - Všeobecné lékařství - B01057
Pediatrics with a Focus on Nutrition - B03235
Understanding ECG and its importance in practice - elective subject - B01344
Propaedeutics in Obstetrics - Midwifery - B03242
Midwifery course 1 - Midwifery - B03237
Knowledge of Food Merchandise and Technology - Nutriční terapie - kombinovaná - B03232
The needs of the elderly - elective subject - B03541
Working with Clients in Conflict with the Law - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03252
Working with Co-morbidities in Addictology - Adiktologie - prezenční - B03406
Working with Pathological Gamblers - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B02031
Occupational Medicine and Toxicology - Všeobecné lékařství - B00113
Practical use of yoga in physiotherapy - elective subject - B01345
Practical Basics of Surgical Skills - elective subject - B03138
Practical course of anatomy of locomotor system - elective subject - B01200
Practical course of anatomy for Dentistry - elective subject - B01945
Practical course of DNA diagnostic - elective subject - B01680
Practical Course of DNA diagnostics - elective subject - B81680
Practical Course of Histology and Embryology - elective subject - B01346
Practical Course of Topographical Anatomy 1 - elective subject - B01198
Practical Course of Topographical Anatomy 1 - elective subject - B81198
Practical course of topographical anatomy 2 - elective subject - B01197
Internship Dietetics at Spa - Nutriční terapeut kombinovaná - B02293
Practice in Dietary Cooking - B03099
Clinical Experience in a Selected Facility 1 - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03091
Clinical Experience in a Selected Facility 2 - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03262
Clinical Experience in a Selected Facility 3 - Adiktologie - B03343
Clinical Experience in a Selected Facility 3 - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03356
Summer Clerkship - Dental Hygiene - Zubní lékařství - AP - B83157
Summer Clerkship - Dental Hygiene - Dentistry - B03157
Summer clerkship - Patient Care - Zubní lékařství - B01151
Summer Clerkship - Patient Care - Všeobecné lékařství - B00036
Preclinical Dentistry - Zubní lékařství - AP - B83032
Preclinical Dentistry - Dentistry - B03032
Preclinical Dentistry - Dentistry Propaedeutics - B03114
Preclinical Dentistry - Propaedeutics DM - B83114
Preparative skills in Preclinical Dental Medicine 1 - elective subject - B02866
Workplace Prevention - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03353
Family-based Prevention - Adiktologie - B03336
Family-based Prevention - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03349
School-based Prevention - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03207
Community-based Prevention and Implementation Systems - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03259
Preventive Dentistry - Zubní lékařství - AP - B83150
Preventive Dentistry - Dentistry - B03150
Preventive Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Dentistry - B03033
Primary and Community Care - Midwifery - B03243
Primary and Community Care - General Nursing - B03442
Primary Care 1 - Všeobecné lékařství - B00791
Primary Care 2 - General Medicine - English parallel - B80402
Primary Care 2 - Všeobecné lékařství - B00402
Propaedeutics in Infectious Diseases - elective subject - B01673
Propedeutic imaging methods - Dentistry - B03152
Propedeutic imaging methods - Zubní lékařství - AP - B83152
Prosthetic Dentistry 1 - Zubní lékařství - AP - B83153
Prosthetic Dentistry 1 - Dentistry - B03153
Prosthetic Dentistry 3 - Dentistry - B03500
First Aid - Child and Adult Nutrition - B02765
First Aid - B02884
First Aid - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03144
First Aid and Patient Care - Ergoterapie, Adiktologie, Fyzioterapie - B03095
First Aid and Patient Care - Zubní lékařství - B01137
First Aid and Patient Care - B81137
First Aid in practice - elective subject - B03543
First Aid, Meeting with the Clinicians - B83010
First Aid, Meeting with the Clinicians - General Medicine - B03010
Evening lectures by Fellowship of Czech Physicians in Prague - elective subject - B02095
Case Work in Low-threshold Services and Harm-Reduction Methods - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03350
Case Work in Low-threshold Services and Harm-Reduction Methods - Adiktologie - B03337
Case Work in Therapeutic Communities - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03354
Psychiatry - B00760
Psychiatry - B80760
Psychiatry - B03276
Psychiatry - Zubní lékařství - B02403
Psychiatry for Addictologists - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03078
Psychology and Communication - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03084
Psychology and Communication - Adiktologie - B03289
Psychology and Communication - Ergoterapie, Fyzioterapie, Porodní asistence, Všeobecné ošetřovatelství - B03069
Psychology of Nutritional Counseling - B02383
Psychotherapy 2 - elective subject - B00393
Publishing Addiction Science - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03253
Rational Drug Policy - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03351
Rational Drug Policy - Adiktologie - B03338
Radiology - General Medicine - English parallel - B80098
Radiology - Všeobecné lékařství - B00098
Radiodiagnostics and Nuclear Medicine - Zubní lékařství - B03384
Wikilectures - elective subject - B01969
Rehabilitation in Clinical Subjects - B03272
Rehabilitation Medicine 1 - Všeobecné lékařství - B00128
Religionistic Seminar 1,2 - elective subject - B00728
Religion studies - elective subject - B01998
Sarcoidosis - elective subject - B03531
Bachelor Thesis Seminar, Consultation and Practice - Nutriční terapie - prezenční - B03359
Sexuology I. - elective subject - B01395
Training in psycho-social interventions and counselling - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B02034
Training in Psycho-social Interventions and Counselling - Adiktologie - B01628
Social deviations - elective subject - B02601
Social Work and Social Policy 1 - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03087
Social Work and Social Policy 2 - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03208
Sociology - Midwifery - B01760
Forensic Medicine - Všeobecné lékařství - B00126
Forensic Medicine - Zubní lékařství - B01189
Continuous Individual Clerkship 1 - B03444
Special Concepts and Methods in Physiotherapy 1 - B03273
Special Approaches in Physiotherapy 1 - Fyzioterapie - B01658
Special Mikrobiology and Imunology for the Nutritionist, Food allergies - Child and Adult Nutrition - B03297
Specific Target Groups in Addictology - Adiktologie - B01620
Specific Target Groups in Addictolgy - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B02026
Sports Nutrition - Nutriční terapie - prezenční - B02382
Statistics for Addictologists - Advanced - Adiktologie - prezenční - B03408
Final state exam - Adiktologie - B02237
Traineeship in Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition - Nutriční terapie - kombinovaná - B03365
Clerkship in Nutritional Propedeutics - Nutriční terapie - kombinovaná - B03230
Stomatology - Všeobecné lékařství - B00082
Supervision for Addictologists - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03260
Physical Education - Bakalářské obory - B01498
Physical Education 1 - B80366
Physical Education 1 - Všeobecné lékařství - B00366
Physical Education 1,2 - B01418
Physical Education 1,2 - B81418
Physical Education 2 - General Medicine - English parallel - B80494
Physical Education 2 - Všeobecné lékařství - B00494
Physical Education 5,6 - elective subject - B00507
Physical Education 7, 8 - elective subject - B01238
Physical Education 9,10 - elective subject - B02109
Sports medicine - Child and Adult Nutrition - B03298
Sports Medicine and Functional Diagnostics - elective subject - B80079
Sports Medicine and Functional Diagnostics - elective subject - B00079
Toxic Substances and their impact on health - Child and Adult Nutrition - B03299
Toxicology - Nutriční terapeut - kombinovaná - B02281
Traditional therapeutic systems of Asia - elective subject - B01070
Tropical Diseases 1,2 - elective subject - B00134
Emergency medicine in simulations - lecture techniques - elective subject - B02547
Emergency medicine in simulations - on the street (BLS) - elective subject - B01965
Urology - General Medicine - English parallel - B80613
Urology - Všeobecné lékařství - B00613
Introduction to the Ethics - elective subject - B01667
Introduction to Prevention of Risk Behaviors - Adiktologie kombinovaná - B03088
Introduction to Prevention of Risk Behaviors - Adictology - B03072
Introduction to Adictology Studies, History and Conception of the Field - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03085
Introduction to Public Health - B02193
Introduction to Medical Informatics - elective subject - B82123
Introduction to Medical Informatics - elective subject - B02123
Master’s Thesis Leading - Adiktologie prezenční a kombinovaná - B02426
Master’s thesis leading - Adiktologie prezenční a kombinovaná - B02219
Private Practice Management - Dentistry - B01190
Public Administration and Management of Organizations - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B01936
Public Health Services and Medical Law - Dentistry - B03154
Public Health Services - Child and Adult Nutrition - B03503
Public Health Services and Medical Law - Clerkship before SE - General Medicine - English parallel - B81052
Public Health Services and Medical Law - Clercship before State Exam - Všeobecné lékařství - B01052
Public Health Services and Medical Law - General Medicine - English parallel - B80763
Public Health, Management and Legislation - Occupational Therapy - B03280
Weekend Course of Reconstructive and Experimental Microsurgery - elective subject - B03142
Selected surgical precedures. - elective subject - B01686
Selected Chapters from Human Embryology - elective subject - B00736
Selected Chapters from Human Embryology - elective subject - B82407
Selected chapters from cardiovascular surgery - elective subject - B81256
Selected practical skills across disciplines - elective subject - B02942
Health Training - Midwifery - B03240
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches in Physiotherapy 1 - B03264
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches in Physiotherapy 2 - B03274
Developmental Psychology - B03438
Developmental Psychopathology - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03254
Practical Research - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03352
Research Practice 2 - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03261
Nutrition and Diets - Midwifery - B01801
Child Nutrition I. - Child and Adult Nutrition - B03504
Nutrition in Osteology - Child and Adult Nutrition - B02774
Basic techniques of topographic dissection - elective subject - B03532
Basic anaesthesiology - elective subject - B01362
Basic anaesthesiology - elective subject - B01261
Basic ECG - elective subject - B00748
Basic ECG - elective subject - B80748
Basic surgery - elective subject - B01365
Basic Immunology - Zubní lékařství - B01153
Basic Immunology - General Medicine - English parallel - B83123
Basic Immunology - Zubní lékařství AP - B81153
Basic Immunology - General Medicine - B03123
Basic Clinical Medicine - Nutriční terapie, Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03106
Intruduction to Clinical Medicine - Bakalářské obory - B03098
Basics of Communication and Palliative Medicine - B83399
Basics of Communication and Palliative Medicine - B03399
Basic medical chemistry - elective subject - B01368
Basic medical chemistry - elective subject - B01940
Basic Medical Terminology - Adiktologie - B01426
Basic Medical Terminology - Zubní lékařství - B01132
Basics Medical Terminology - Ergoterapie, Fyzioterapie, Porodní asistence, Všeobecné ošetřovatelství - B03092
Basic Medical Terminology - Adiktologie - kombinovaná, nutriční terapeut - kombinovaná - B03086
Basic Medical Terminology - Všeobecné lékařství - B00363
Basic Medical Terminology - General Medicine, English parallel - B80363
Basics medical thinking - elective subject - B02404
Introduction to Management of Addictology Services - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03355
Basic Neurology - Ergoterapie, Fyzioterapie - B03170
Basic Neurology 1 - Fyzioterapie - B01027
Neuroscience Fundamentals - elective subject - B00709
First aid - elective subject - B01348
First Aid - elective subject - B01260
Basic Paleopathology - elective subject - B00758
Basic Mangement of Professional Information - Bakalářské obory - B02120
Basic Principles of Professional Information - Bc. obory kombinované - B02533
Basic Management of Professional Information - Nutriční terapie - kombinovaná - B03236
Introduction to Academic Writing - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B03090
Basics of Management - Nutriční terapie - prezenční - B01737
Introduction to Statistics - Child and Adult Nutrition - B02732
Introduction to Statistics - Child and Adult Nutrition - B02772
Fundamentals of the Theory of Midwifery - Midwifery - B03238
Fundamentals of Toxicology - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B02203
Fundamentals of Toxicology - Adiktologie - B02201
Introduction to Developmental Psychology - Adiktologie - kombinovaná - B02535
Basics of Medical Informatics - B02124
Medical Informatics - B80364
Medical Informatics - Všeobecné lékařství - B00364
Medical Law and Professional Legislation - General Nursing - B03439
Winter Training Course I. - elective subject - B00069
Winter Traning Course II. - elective subject - B00753
Exam in internal medicine - Všeobecné lékařství - B01399
Exam in internal medicine - Všeobecné lékařství AP - B81399
New Imaging methods in clinical practice - elective subject - B01072
Statistical evaluation of courses
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