InquiryInquiry(version: 718)
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Statistical evaluation of the faculty (2022/2023, Both semesters)
id Question average mark 1 - Absolutly agree 2 - Rather agree 3 - Rather disagree 4 - Absolutly disagree Number of answers
506 Evaluation of the teacher (1 - best, - worst) 1,43 73.22% 15.23% 6.54% 5.01% 7951
610 Evaluation of the theoretical instruction of the subject (1 - best, 4 - worst) 1,65 55.64% 28.16% 11.37% 4.82% 4581
611 Evaluation of the practical instruction of the subject (1 - best, 4 - worst) 1,65 58.23% 24.59% 10.89% 6.28% 4489
  • Number of answers = sum of answers to the question for all evaluated courses
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