InquiryInquiry(version: 718)
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  • Data jsou dostupná pouze pro Both semesters.
Suggestions to education (Both semesters)
Course: Department:
When the course guarantor is selected, comments will be displayed regarding his/her teaching performance as well as that of all the other teachers teaching the course. If a teacher who is not the course guarantor is selected, only comments related to his/her teaching will be displayed.
PhDr. Tereza Krčmářová, Ph.D. [41-KPPP], Teaching practice I [OK0615019, praxe]
Daniel Cehula, 08.02.2016, 2. Year, Učitelství pro základní školy, Master's
Profi přístup, spokojenost... Pokud bylo něco v nepořádku, byl dán prostor a čas si vše doplnit a ověřit. Skvělé.
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